Eat your heart out adversary.WorldisQuiet5256 wrote: ↑12 Nov 2020 21:38Oh yeah, I had another drawing I finish recently. But it was too big for my scanner.
Rolling Hills.

Eat your heart out adversary.WorldisQuiet5256 wrote: ↑12 Nov 2020 21:38Oh yeah, I had another drawing I finish recently. But it was too big for my scanner.
Yes it is.
Kinda, its more like: Here son, do you want any of my unfinished high quality artwork?
Yep. Right between the cracks of a geo-shatter deposit of silver.
Another hint: Answer is related to the use of the word 'silver'Sublevel 110 wrote: ↑10 Dec 2020 09:51I dunno, maybe railroad is remaining of railroading that happened in internet stories in past two decades?..
Bingo! Of to the left of the page is a silver mine depot, the broken sign points to it. In the past the tracks were constructive for cargo trains to transport the raw silver ore to a processing plant.