I plan to take a break from putting theories out there, but I am not done with my run. I am currently working on a 5th theory, but no word about it will be posted here until the beginning of November. Thank you to those of you who helped shaped my first 4 theories and I wish to see you all back here in November.
Edits will be made on the wiki.
For now, I am going into phase 2: working out the kinks. For the rest of this month, I will be adding some finishing touches to all of my theories. Maybe even some more evidence to others.
Phase 3A will consist of a theory per month. That way I can focus more on "How can I efficiently answer this specific question?" rather than "How many questions can I answer?"
Apart from that, thank you.
Last edited by Sundex on 15 Oct 2017 14:03, edited 1 time in total.
I thought that the phrase "Nobody could predict that the enlightenment would cause such destruction" refers to the Collapse. Mur learned how to use karma and caused a lot of destruction. Murtaugh leaving the exploration teams can hardly be called "enlightenment", imo.
And there's another note (sub9 secret) that specifically mentions the subject. It says "After the second enlightenment Murtaugh dedicated his life to restoring the chaos." I guess it means the moment when he arrived at the knot and saw the extent of the damage he had caused.
I'm glad that you brought up the supercomputer. But, at the moment, we know too little about how it happened and what happened next.
At this point, I have the notes that I got from analysis of all basements (Phase 1). Furthermore, I am getting to halfway through creating the rough draft (Phase 2) of the theory, and now is the best time to start looking for peer reviewers (Phase 3) before "primary finalization" (Phase 4).
I already have 1 person that will peer review and I need 2 more. If you want to peer review, DM me under the subject "Peer Review 6". Requests will be taken on a first-come-first-serve basis, and only DMs on Pastel Forums will be accepted.
You will be notified when Phase 3 begins, in which you will start reviewing. That way, phase 4 can go underway by November 1st, in which all feedback will be taken into consideration, and a better theory will be created.
Until the final draft is completed, this theory should be classified as "reserved." Expect this theory to come out of reserved status and into unvoted status by November 30th or 31st. Thank you for taking time to read this notice.
Last edited by Sundex on 27 Oct 2017 11:23, edited 2 times in total.
It became that way for me when I wanted a process that kept me working. Plus, putting my theory through these "so-called phases" will make them seem more formal... I think?
Either way, apart from comparing it to politics (XD), do you like the process?
To be honest, not really. It seems really restricting.
I mean, whatever helps you stay on task (especially since you seem to be taking this really, really seriously) is fine I guess, but the whole "phases" thing to me seems a bit...flowery? I don't know the correct word. Kinda makes the importance of what you're doing sound inflated a bit, at least to me.
Also, you're constantly putting me on a pedestal which I don't really like, and I believe I've said this before. Yeah, I understand I'm a relatively important member to this community, but just because I've been the most vocal lately about my opinions on new theories and explaining how theory crafting works doesn't mean I'm "above" anyone else and therefore should have special treatment. You talk to Ant, Vortex, etc., these people have been around for longer than I have and know even more history about theory crafting. They're just not as vocal. So I don't want you structuring your schedule with me as some sort of monolithic godfigure as part of it.
I don't see what's so undesirable about just writing a good draft, opening it up to everyone for criticism, and letting it be included as unvoted as soon as you're done. You can constantly revise it right up until theory voting. And that will make your schedule less dependent on others' input, specifically mine. I don't want to feel boxed in by another person's schedule.
I could go into more specifics but hopefully you see the point.
I do. I just noticed that if I put just a rough draft in for theory voting, it looks too hastily written. Maybe adding a couple of "steps" before inputting another theory will make it look a lot more formal. Maybe I shouldn't have added the last 3 portions, and I will probably disregard them as a whole, but the 1st peer review should probably stay. That way I at least have some feedback to improve this theory, and any theory I make from here on.
Apocrypha wrote:So what, does this mean you'll not consider any feedback I might want to give for a peer review?
Whoops. Forgot to edit other portions to compensate for the lack of a final draft peer review. Sorry. Right on it.
And yes, your feedback would be considered for the rough draft.
yeah....I am breaking the 4th wall by talking to anyone that reads this...that means you. Yeah YOU. Turn the page to see what I mean
Last edited by Sundex on 27 Oct 2017 18:40, edited 1 time in total.