The Kakama wrote:What on earth are you talking about?
Black Mesa.
game in Steam
Half Life remake.
The very best!
I actually had to compile a WINE on my Mac so I could play that damn thing xD it was fracking great! Too bad I had to get rid of that WINE because the latest Steam updates made it very unstable.
The possibility of being on Mac platform since the game is now running on 2013 engine is extremely enticing...
That's why I said this game deserves billion dollars.
That's art! And VEEEEERY long job. (how many years they developed it?)
One thing I dislike: They removed original Vortigaunt voices
*my strange taste*
I don't think they're allowed to pull actual voice files from Half Life series, which is why all of dialogues in Black Mesa are redone with different voice actors. Even so, the dialogues are awesome. My favorite is the very-meta-conversation between scientists in Anomalous Materials chapter.
But I believe they're free to use various sound effects from Half Life 2 and its Episodes.