Forum's Website Development & Bugs & Problems Reporting

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Re: Bugs & Problems Reporting

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

admin wrote: Anyone got more screenshots of Mateusz's previous forum? I would like to see what works and what didn't back then so I could possibly incorporate them here..
Found a real old one.
From the Pastel Forum I first Joined.
I'm sorry the background color not in the shot, but the format and everything are from the First Pastel Forum I joined back when Covert Front 4 came out.

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Re: Bugs & Problems Reporting


So much nostalgia...
ENIHCAMBUS: State of the Art Scanning!
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Re: Bugs & Problems Reporting

Post by admin »


Trying to flush the background and body of this forum underneath the scrollbar so that the whole forum would stop shifting weirdly...


And I almost had it, too. I tried splicing the codes I found into my CSS file:

Code: Select all

html {
font-size: 100%;
overflow-y: auto;
background-color: transparent;

body {
color: #000;
font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 10px;
background: url(images/bg_body.gif) no-repeat center center;
background-size: cover;
background-attachment: fixed;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
right: 10px;
overflow-y: scroll;
overflow-x: hidden;

div#wrap {
padding: 0;
margin: auto;
width: 1025px;
but for the life of me and I still don't know why... I was unable to force the scrollbar to change its background to transparent via ::webkit code in the CSS file. Why is that the problem? Because when the forum loses its scrollbar when the height became shorter than the whole window, there is annoying vertical white space left over on the right side where the scrollbar used to be! The ::webkit code works in every other case, yet it doesn't even works with my spliced codes.


And don't tell me to use Javascrip or jQuery or HTML codes because I will have to dig through the whole mess of HTML and PHP files just to make it works, which I refuse to. I am more comfortable doing CSS for this forum and since that failed... I don't know what to do.
OnyxIonVortex wrote:I just thought it would be cool if we could change our displayed usernames, like in the bbpress forum. But I don't know if it's difficult to implement that feature here.
Well, you can change the username or at least used to. Mateusz disabled that ability for everyone a while ago because he didn't like people changing usernames all the time. I share his stance on this. If you want to change your username, drop me a PM. I won't do it all the time, just to let you know. Once you change the name, you might be stuck with it for a while.
ENIHCAMBUS wrote:"Go To Page" Option still doesn't works.
I also request you to add polls. :P
Yeah, I know it is still annoying. I am still not sure how it works exactly. As for the poll... I have a similar stance toward it as I do toward username. But I think time has come for the users to make some polls to their. If I find users abusing and/or spamming the polls, I will take that privileges away.
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:
admin wrote: Anyone got more screenshots of Mateusz's previous forum? I would like to see what works and what didn't back then so I could possibly incorporate them here..
Found a real old one.
From the Pastel Forum I first Joined.
I'm sorry the background color not in the shot, but the format and everything are from the First Pastel Forum I joined back when Covert Front 4 came out.

Awesome! I remember that :3

Although, I don't think I will be using anything from that... except maybe that PASTEL FORUM >> UPLOAD AVATAR thingy... it is all capitalized... I liked it. Perhaps I could make it all capitalized.
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Re: Bugs & Problems Reporting

Post by Jatsko »

Maybe for the Message Alert screen it would be better to just add a scrollbar. To make the page long enough that a scrollbar could be used, but no one would really scroll down that much if all they're reading is "Your message was posted successfully" or whatever it says. That way you would have a normal scrollbar on both pages (admittedly this is kinda cheating though). Hope that made sense. I don't know much about webpage coding and css and whatever :lol:
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Re: Bugs & Problems Reporting

Post by admin »

Error_3113 wrote:Maybe for the Message Alert screen it would be better to just add a scrollbar. To make the page long enough that a scrollbar could be used, but no one would really scroll down that much if all they're reading is "Your message was posted successfully" or whatever it says. That way you would have a normal scrollbar on both pages (admittedly this is kinda cheating though). Hope that made sense. I don't know much about webpage coding and css and whatever :lol:
That would be a good guess, but that would leave some odd white spaces on the right side. I wouldn't want to do that.

But I may have reach a solution.

Since I was unable to make the scrollbar transparent over the background with colored trackbar visible over it... I was able to remove the scrollbar completely. However, this would means that you won't be able to scroll by mouse-clicks anymore. You will still be able to scroll via wheel or touchpad or keyboard.

I want to ask... is this acceptable to you guys and gals? If some of you hated it, I will reverted back to normal scrollbar so that everyone will be able to use it.

I may found a perfect solution for everybody :D

I have done it. Thanks to CSS-Tricks site, I finally found what I was looking for.

Now presenting on Pastel Land Forum are the transparent scrollbar and codings that forced everything to be fixed in the exact same spot, scrollbar or not! I also added some transparent border around the whole body so that the content are cut off at top and bottom. I might get rid of that because it looks funny, even if it stylishly fitting with the whole theme.

Enjoy 8-)
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Re: Bugs & Problems Reporting

Post by Jatsko »

*test message*

It didn't apply for me. I still have the regular scroll bar. :(

Edit: wait...
Last edited by Jatsko on 29 Apr 2015 00:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bugs & Problems Reporting

Post by Vortex »

remember, Ctrl+F5 :P
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Re: Bugs & Problems Reporting

Post by Jatsko »

Yup, got it :D

(who knew a simple refresh could do so much.)

Well actually I thought I saw it for a bit and then it reverted back, so I refreshed it again to make sure mine eyes nought deceive me :lol:
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Re: Bugs & Problems Reporting

Post by Sublevel 114 »

I can't scroll left-right

I can't see the whole page now
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Re: Bugs & Problems Reporting

Post by admin »

Sublevel 102 wrote:weird
I can't scroll left-right

I can't see the whole page now
Uh oh... it is appears that you have a lower resolution than this whole forum or at least the whole readable content. Plus, I have disabled the overflow-x functionality, which controls the horizontal scroll bar.

EDIT: I has fixed and added the horizontal scrollbar for everyone who have smaller screen resolution than the forum's body and content.

May I ask, what's your computer's screen resolution?
{Admin account of AK, former forum host. --Ancient Crystal}