Error_3113 wrote:Wait, what does the absence of food and water prove? I'm thinking a little slow today.
That if The Player were stuck "for decades" within the Edge's mainframe, he/she would die
"...But I shall forgive you. There are some things in life that cannot be achieved." ~Wise man NOT CHANGING THIS SIG UNTIL SUBMACHINE: THE FARMCOMES OUT, which is never :/
I just realized that the first number in each 3 digit combo must, if we treat the Subnet as a cube of 999 locations, the first number must determine the relative "height" of each location.
we should make a list of all the "unknowns" we think could be expanded/used as puzzles in SubVerse so we can extrapolate ideas and bounce them off each other.
076 - cracked tile
hpl - bowl and stand with symbols
various cipher plates in locations
258/399/601 - sewing machine vids
extra weight stone
missing ladder in wiq
Have you noticed that the sticking out arm of the circular monitor for the sewing machine videos is different?
I haven't checked but is this the angle the video has been taken from the machine?
Through every problem, raw persistence will prevail.