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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by Sublevel 114 »

thanks. :)

What mystery does Vortex hide from young generation of guardians?

Chapter 2: Ladder of Destiny

coming soon!

as well as continuation of Lost Chronicle and invasion of BERBS
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by Sublevel 114 »

also, Enihcambus, I forgot to say GREAT THANK YOU for a, b, and c stories. :D
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by Jatsko »

Lol I'm in this story XD (and apparently, I am wearing a hat)

I can only wear a hat as long as I'm under 1000 posts, fyi...

I want to hear more!!
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

ENIHCAMBUS wrote: *TheVoid contacts L&E team*
World is Quiet: Hello, in what we can help you?
TheVoid: The team known as the Subs was imprisoned by Raxas, we request your help to save them!
World is Quiet: Agreed!
*World is Quiet cuts*
World is Quiet: Listen gentlemen, we have a daty for today...
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes


Guardians Of The Submarine, Chapter 4: The Rescue

Layer 2

Benogidni: So whats up Bender, what are we going to do now?
Bender: Jump to a random Layer?
Benogidni: Okay...
*Bender and Benogidni jump to Layer 6, ending just in front where the imprisoned Subs are*
Bender: WTF!
Subprogram 32: Hey Bender is that you? Can you help getting us?
Bender: Maybe...
Subbot Smasher: We will give you a blender!
Bender: Nope, is Mateusz the only one that can give me a blender.
Subprupp: What about a toilet enterely made with poopions?
Bender: Why not an entire bathroom made of poopions?
SubKone: ...
Sublevel: ...
Subprogram 32: Okay...
*Bender proceds saving the subs*


*The L&E team arrives at the Wayward Prison*

WorldisQuiet: Abacus, coordinate a good strategy plan for getting to the cells where the Subs are, Kakama, take out the soldiers, Borys, summon a wave of flies to confuse the guards.
*The L&E proced to invade the Wayward Prison*
WorldisQuiet: To the rescue!

A guard communicates Raxas about the invation

Guard: Raxas! The L&E is striking the prison, they plan to make a breach!
Raxas: This can't be posible, I'm coming!

The L&E arrives at the cells, noticing that Bender was saving them instead

WorldisQuiet: What the?
Abacus: *Crashes*
Bender: What are you doing here dude?
WorldisQuiet: I came to save the Subs.
Bender: But thats why I am here, you want to steal my plans, YOU THIEF!
Borys: Stop calling him like that!
Bender: You stole my story and now you want to stole my bathroom!
Kakama: What?
WorldisQuiet: I don't mind
Benogidni: Hey Bender! *Benogidni shows Bender the submarine*
Bender: Oh yeah baby!
*Bender and Benogidni take the submarine and escape to another layer, suddenly Raxas arrives and notices they have taken the submarine*
Subprogram 32: And now what, they have taken the submarine!
WorldisQuiet: That doesn't matters much now, I eard NaviOfficer has secret blueprints for a new submarine.
SubKone: What, so he left us like this only to end creating a new submarine?
Sublevel: He Murtaughted us!
SubHunter: What are we going to do now?
Abacus: Get the hell out of here!
Raxas: Not so fast!
Subprogram 32: Our powers combined are to tough for you to defeat us!
Raxas: You think! *Raxas shows up a nuke*
Subbot Smasher: Hey Raxas look there, is Pyrogirl!
Raxas: WHAT!
*Every flees to the nearest emergency exit*
Kakama: I love emergency exits, they're to Handy!
Subbot #100: Affirmative!

NaviOfficer's naval base Layer 4

*NaviOfficer is taughting his engineers and mechanics to finish his new submarine*
NaviOfficer: Its almost there, you're getting it right!
Subprogram 32: Officer!
NaviOfficer: Oh, you, I thougth you where all...
Submachine AL: You betrayed us!
Subprogram 32: We not have approval for these actions, as mercenaries, we have no other to proced with...
NaviOfficer: I can build for you a submarine if you like, and maybe duoble, not, triple the monetary reward!
Subprogram 32: Well, as mercenaries we have approval for this since it benefits us.
SubHunter: Your ass is saved for now!
Subbot Smasher: Be careful next time you're going to betray someone!
NaviOfficer: Okay!


And at the end, everyone except Raxas and Boingo gets their submarine.
But wait a minute, did Bender get his new bathroom made of poopions?
Lets see in the next chapter of this shocking story...

Nah... Lets see it now

*Bender enters at the Subs' hideout*
Subprogram 32: What do you think are you doing here?
Bender: I want my bathroom made with poopions!
Subprogram 32: Oh that! the truth is that...
Subbot #100: Don't worry guys, I was working secretely in that, here it is!

10 days later

*A large screen in a secret location shows Bender using the poopion bathroom*
Brownnoob: Listen Noobs! We have a new mission! We have to get that bathroom! It must be ours!


ENIHCAMBUS: State of the Art Scanning!
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

ENIHCAMBUS wrote: Meanwhile

*The L&E team arrives at the Wayward Prison*

WorldisQuiet: Abacus, coordinate a good strategy plan for getting to the cells where the Subs are, Kakama, take out the soldiers, Borys, summon a wave of flies to confuse the guards.
*The L&E proced to invade the Wayward Prison*
WorldisQuiet: To the rescue!
DaDadadadadadadaadadada -DADAD DAAAA
Last edited by WorldisQuiet5256 on 14 Jan 2015 03:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes


Good adition!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
ENIHCAMBUS: State of the Art Scanning!
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by Sublevel 114 »

nice ending. :)
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by Sublevel 114 »

http://www.pastelland.com/forum/viewtop ... =30#p28773

damn, Eric, you ninjad me with your Rocket Ladder story! :(
it is VERY important object for mine...
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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Post by Vortex »

you can make the second part or something.
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