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Re: off topic

Post by Vortex »

so you're curious and you don't mind? XD

anyways, it was this ... 15&p=45159
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Re: off topic

Post by Sublevel 114 »

I'm curious, but I don't mind if I don't find it out.
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Re: off topic

Post by Vortex »


emm... in other news, tomorrow is my birthday! :)
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Re: off topic

Post by The Kakama »

You mean today. ;)
Is this my final form?
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Re: off topic

Post by Vortex »

well, yes XD
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Re: off topic

Post by bender »

Mateusz do this!

Its frustrating!!

It could lower the ladder to the roof!

(I couldn't add image on Submachines topic)
cc cc.png
cc cc.png (64.75 KiB) Viewed 968 times
Bender sucks
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Re: off topic

Post by Sublevel 114 »

Better to see our reflection in mirror at 000...

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Re: off topic

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

Thinking about washing your face with cold water, you enter the Bathroom you look into the Mirror to final see yourself. The refection you see starts to smile when you are not. Then your reflection and the room it in the Mirror then reshapes itself in nothing but Blackness. When seeing this you are neither scared or worried by what you see, in fact you don't feel any kind of emotion. After staring at the Mirror for seem like forever, words start to appear like they are being type on a typewriter.

It read " As you probably know by now that you are Dreaming. I take you want to wake up now." Then the words vanish and then suddenly the Bathroom start to shake. Then without your noticing you start to get pulled into the Mirror.

When you open your Eyes they hurt like you haven't used them in eons. You then see clearly that you are in some kind of bed with a Green Dome in covering the top. Then you hear a werring sound and the glass lift itself open. When you get out you see that you are in a room full of other Green Pods. But at closer inspection you find that everyone inside are dead. There are two distinctive Pods standing in front of the endless rows of Pods. Then your look at the Labels of the Pods showing the names of the people inside. The Label on one of the said "Murtaugh " and the other "Elizabeth". As you turn around back at the endless Pods you notice that the endless rows of pods seem to split down the middle between Mur and Liz Pod. Then you see that your Pod stands right in the middle of those two section of Pods. Reading the Label on your Pod your find it to be scratch over, making it unreadable. Then lights start to turn on and you see at the end of the rows of Pods it a huge Computer. to the left of that Huge Computer is an open Door. The size of the Door is huge, it looks like something like a Bank Vault Door. You walk up to it to Main Consul to find the Label on top of the Main Screen. It reads "Sub.............Machine". There is Dust covering the middle part of the Label. When you wipe it off it reads " Sub-Conscious Collective Machine".

Realizing that the SubNet and all its realm is nothing more than a Machine Storing the Sub-Conscious of everyone in the Pods; your start to have trouble breathing. Looking for some Fresh Air you run towards the open Vault Door. When you reach outside you find out that Earth has been reduce to nothing but Deserts as far as the eye could see. Then, taking another breath you find that the Air in this never ending Desert is Poisonous. Realizing your about to die you then take one last look at the Sun. As you do, it seem you start to fall into its Light until it completely surrounding you. Your body then falls to the ground. The Desert winds continue to blow.

The Main Screen on the Sub-Conscious Collective Machine starts to run another program. It said:


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Re: off topic

Post by Sublevel 114 »

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Re: off topic

Post by Sublevel 114 »

The time... what the hell with you again?..


Seriously, 50 minutes ago I was stuck in some kind of time trap...
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