I very much want that Ener had time to slip a BLAST DOOR and has immediately bitten Loeb, but, unfortunately, I am guessing than it will end... This:
That's SO Chapter 1

Ener's much smarter than that now!
Command: Ener: Make a quick run for the closing door, jump in, and incapacitate Loeb.
Command: Everyone else: follow Ener.
Command: Make sure you tackle him on his scraggly side
Team Alpha: Incase the doors close before you can attack, get kal-ey to stick the door to the lower part of the wall with silk.
What the hell are you waiting for Ceiling Ener, go ahead and watch him mas-
I mean, attack him.
*is whispering like a sage with wielding staff*
Yo, I see Crazy Head Loeb.
Formulation of the plan, then?
We bite his ass.
Whoa, that was close.
Good thing that right after you chaps restored the COOLANT SYSTEM, I've been preparing myself for this sort of encounter. Oh wait, there are two other teams on their way here, how ridiculous. Ah well, my fellow TURRETS would take care of them well soon enough.
You better open this BLAST DOOR or else, I'll shred you into meaty pieces...
As if I want to face your rediscovered OOLITHIAN RAGE, ya poor poor sap.