Explore pipe.
COMMAND: Ener: Keep crawling into the Vent.
Ener: Chew on Blue Ball.
You know, it been quite a while since we went our separate ways. Especially when you left me to die.
I can sense that you're still somewhat clueless about the whole thing.
Same can be said for you.
SHUT UP!!! I been busy working for the Engineer.
That's one of the questions want to ask. Who is that?
I have no idea. He contacted me via radio system I used a while back. He or she or it wanted me to get the ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS back on line here. So I did and now I am taking a rest before heading to the upper floors for another assignment from the Engineer.
Did the Engineer tell you anything about the Situation here?
I was hoping that the Engineer would, but nope. Left me in the dark.
Ok, I guess the Engineer isn't the one to talk with... you tried the Manager?
Yes, I did! That stupid slug wanted me to do something for him far deep inside the SECTION B! No way I am going there! Although he did mentioned that it would helps us all...
So why didn't you?
The Engineer have more direct approach. It tasking few of people the Engineer came in contact with to some works restoring powers back to some areas and clear any of dangers. We are helping possibly hundreds of people that are awaken and trapped in their areas.
That sounds good, although in exchange for nothing except survival... I don't think I want to take that approach. I am sure Ener would rather do something that at least have a guarantee of learning about the Situation. So where's the Manager?
The Manager is up in the floor above us. Let see... anything else, Clueless?
Hold on...
We are not alone...
Command: Maddox: Greet the eyeball on the screen.
COMMAND: Mad: Examine the picture that popped up on the (TV) screen on your right.
Suddenly turn around to look at the tv screen.
Examine whatever you see.
Kelen, you see that?
I sure did.
Know who's that?
Now you can call me Clueless...