- COMMAND: ENER: Do it one last time.
A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
COMMAND: ENER: NOTE that your NEW FRIENDS have yet to come out.
<MADDOX>COMMAND: ENER: Do it one last time.
Hey, Ener. Just stop already. We could have missed some potential allies walking past by us because of your ridiculous time shenanigans. We may have looks like a couple of frozen weirdos sitting on the couch. Also, doesn't it seems strange that your animal friends haven't come out despite the NUMBER CALLING? Maybe we missed them with your time thingy, too. Do you think that maybe you should...

Aren't you even listening?!?!
Ooooooooohhhh... I don't feels so good...
That because you controlled over something vaguely abstract! What you think would going to happen when you do that?!
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
- COMMAND: ENER: Eat a leaf.
COMMAND: ENER, MADDOX: Go through the door.
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
- COMMAND: ENER: Eat a leaf.
COMMAND: ENER, MADDOX: Go through the door.
And they marched inward to hopefully meet with Doctor Dodd in person...

... possible tissue reaction to application of Method 56, an observation commons in multiple occasions. Proceeding to suture aeration tissues within the pectoral endoskeleton, passage to cardiac muscles looking good. May make LOGS about this new developments after compiling and comparing data. Now attempting to…
Uh oh.
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
- COMMAND: MADDOX: Find a light switch.
ENER: Hold your crowbar ready.
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
- COMMAND: MADDOX: Find a light switch.
ENER: Hold your crowbar ready.
And Ener is deeply absorbed in this development to think about anything as they continue to listen...

Stat declining, patient in anesthetic shock.
Quall, stay with me! Listen to my words if you can! Stay with…
Don't you die on me! Not until I find… ah damn it all…

I tired of this....
Development report. Method 57 failed as possible main cause of this poor being's unfortunate death despite my best effort to keep Quall stabilized...
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
WHAAAAAAAAAAT THAAAAAAAAAA HEEEEEEEEEECK?!Method 57 failed as possible main cause of this poor being's unfortunate death despite my best effort to keep Quall stabilized...
You mean Quall just died?
Ener: Jump up on the table and try to resucitate Quall.
Maddox: Ask Doctor Dodd what happened. If he doesn't seem to care, punch and/or slap him.
- COMMAND: Maddox: immobilize DOCTOR DODD and ask him what te hfuck is he doing!
COMMAND: Ener: Try to search for ELOUF.
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
- COMMAND: Maddox: immobilize DOCTOR DODD and ask him what te hfuck is he doing!
Ener: Jump up on the table and try to resucitate Quall.COMMAND: Ener: Try to search for ELOUF.

Until Maddox held him back.
Ener, let not be rash. We still don't know what he's actually doing...
Oh? Oh, hello. You must be Number 19?
We are.
I didn't realize that my time limit was up on Elouf and Quall. I haven't even started with Elouf...

- Maddox: Ask Doctor Dodd what happened. If he doesn't seem to care, punch and/or slap him.
Before I start asking you questions... are you Doctor Dodd?
Yes, I am Doctor Dodd. I am open to any and all questions you may have. Both of you looks familiar… did the Manager sent you to check on my progress?
No, we came on our own wills. May I ask what the helluva is going on here?
Now now, please don't be alarmed. Yes it looks gruesome, but they willingly volunteered to submit themselves to my research. And as you can see, I tried to keep this poor Quall alive. Ah, he didn't deserve to go out without knowing the full extent of this Situation… I tried to find the answers in him before he passed away, but NO. As if everyone that volunteered to me had died before I could find the answer.
How frustrating...
So are you here to ask questions, volunteer for the procedure, or something else you required of me?
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
COMMAND: MADDOX: Ask DOCTOR DODD what the "full extent of this situation" would be
COMMAND: ENER: Demmand to know where ELOUF is
- COMMAND: Maddox: Ask the doctor to switch on the lights because he can't see well on teh dark.
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2
- COMMAND: MADDOX: ANWSER.COMMAND: MADDOX: Ask DOCTOR DODD what the "full extent of this situation" would be

All we want is to ask you questions. Nothing more.
Then ask away.
Obviously you have been "researching" on the Situation. You know what this full extent of Situation might be?
If you're looking for a very specific answer, I am afraid I don't have one for you.
Not even you?! Well that's just great... who are we suppose to ask then?
I don't know.
Is that why you're looking... into Quall? To learn more?
Excellent deduction, Maddox. Quall and Elouf are important in that aspect. That the reason why they submitted themselves to me so I could fully examine their bodies. I have to find the answers and make reports to the Manager before we all die.
Die? What answers are you looking for?
To why we were awaken to find ourselves in this state, wandering around in a place we do not know and remember of, and us being affected on the inside that is slowly consuming us, by something we cannot see.
Changing us.
I do not know if we originate and reside here within the Light Void, but I do know that something had and are happening to us and I intend to know what that is.

- COMMAND: ENER: Demmand to know where ELOUF is
Ener? what are you...
I can't smell him!
Where's Elouf?!
Don't worry about him, he's resting by the corner in the back. I had him sleeping and all prepared for the next examination, but that can be put on hold since you have more pressing matters to discuss with me.
Grawr? *sniffs* wait a...

- COMMAND: Maddox: Ask the doctor to switch on the lights because he can't see well on teh dark.
Grawr, Maddox...
Doctor Dodd? Can you please turn on the light?
Afraid of the dark?
SHUT UP!!! I just cannot see very well in the dark. Especially this solid blackness...
Well... Since I am no longer doing any examination, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have few extra lights on for you.
I smell... bloods...
Aaww jeez, for the... Ener, that's coming from Quall.
Please calm down. I apologize for uncomfortable atmosphere. Let me get the lights...