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RuloCore's theories

Posted: 05 Jan 2019 06:27
by Jatsko
TV Murtaugh Theory
Theory history: Submitted 2010-06-22, Humorous 2011-04-02
You (the player) are a participant of a reality show. This reality show takes place in the Subnet, and the goal is escape the Submachine. If you are the first of escaping the Submachine, you will obtain a reward.

Murtaugh is a fictional character created by the guionists of the reality show. Mur helps you to pass the tests of each Submachine. Liz also is a participant, but she was a bit lost and probably was eliminated.

The notes left in the Edge by other participants of the reality show, show that there is no escape of the Submachine, or the reward for the winner not exists (in the last case, the notes left in the Edge would be from participants of other editions of the realities who realized that the reality is a lie). One example would be the note that says: "Don't believe in his lies", that means: there is no escape, Murtaugh is a liar. The notes also show that you are not the most advanced participant, and there are more before you.

Also, at the end of Submachine 6, Murtaugh says that your adventure ends here. Remember: this is a reality show, and there are people watching it, and the people can decide if a player continues or leaves the Submachine. Perhaps people don't want that you win.
Heptapolar Crunch Theory
Theory history: Submitted 2012-11-02, Still alive 2013-01-27, Likely 2016-01-15
Flash location: RCR
The subnet has 7 layers. Basically, the layer system works as a set of 7 alternate and parallel universes. Alternate because the reality of every layer is different: what is a tree on one layer can be a wall on another. And parallel because if you travel from one layer to another, you are actually on the same place: you don't shift your position. The geotags are the same.

Let's suppose our goal is to destroy the subnet, and let's suppose that we want to do it by a literal and direct way: throwing a bomb and destroying every location in the subnet. That's a bit useless, due to the fact there could be hundreds or millions of locations on the subnet, but for my theory it will serve.

Even if we threw an atomic bomb over all the locations of the subnet, there are six more layers on the plan and, as they are different realities than the first layer, they wouldn't suffer the bomb's devastation and they'd remain intact. So, it's again useless to demolish mechanically the subnet, because you would be only destroying a single layer. But there's an easier (relatively, you'll know why) way to shatter the architechtural scheme of the whole subnet: by the fusion of the seven layers of reality.

Everyone knows that two particles of matter can't occupy the same space, unless they fuse together, a thing that is too difficult to achieve, still more with seven particles. In this manner, if we managed to "fuse" the seven layers, it would be easier to destroy them together. It would be like this: when we were merging the seven layers at the same time, all the matter in each layer would be colliding between itself, and as it couldn't occupy the same space, all the matter in all the layers would become unstable. Then, if two human beings were inside that process but located in different layers, some times one person would cross the other as if he was a ghost, but some other times could even touch him, because all the matter is in an "eighth" layer (a container of all the seven layers). Finally, if, doing the accurate chemical and physical reactions, all the layers managed to merge into one, the amount of matter fused in the same space could cause two different things: 1) the mutation of the subnet into another macrosubnet, or 2) the disappearing of all the matter, therefore of the whole subnet.

This isn't actually easy, as I said before, and it's probably more science-fiction than possible facts, but remember that everything is possible on the submachine world.
Sectors Theory
Theory history: Submitted 2012-11-01, Still alive 2013-01-27, Doubtful 2016-01-15
There are seven layers in Subnet. We can travel through one to another using a navigator. But you can't access a different layer anywhere you want. There are specific places that only from them, you can make an interlayer travel. These places are called sectors.

There are several sectors in subnet, at least nine. Sectors are a group of locations that are in the same place but distributed in different layers. In his travel, the player arrives at the sector 9 and he explores seven different locations in seven different layers (or he only explores a single location that looks different in each layer, because he stays at the same place), but it's not known if there has to be necessarily a location in every layer or even if sectors can have more than one location in every layer (although it's almost sure there's a location in every layer, if not in some layers we would fall to the dark void).

To make more understandable how sectors work, I will explain it as an analogy of a subway:

Imagine every layer is a subway line, and each location of the whole subnet is a subway station. Locations that are not in sectors are normal stations, and locations that are in sectors (like sector 9 ones) are interchange stations. Then, when we take a green portal to an interchange station, we can go to all the seven subway lines walking through the station's corridors, that would be the navigator.</span>Then, if we want to continue our travel in a single layer, we'll have to go the corresponing layer location inside the sector before taking a green portal again and get out of the sector. Probably, green portals are only useful for accessing to these sectors, and getting out of them, but not for travelling between single locations.

And how do we know if we are in a sector or not? It's easy. To travel through layers, the navigator needs the room to have a beamer, because the navigator needs that the beamer sends a green beam to open the next layer. Then, every location inside a sector has to have a beamer in each layer of the location, to work correctly. As we have seen, not all the locations visited by the player have beamers (for example, the Ship hasn't got a beamer), therefore not all the locations are in sectors.

RuloCore theory image 1
Sectors's behavior

Until the moment, we know two sectors. The first one it's the sector 9, where the player goes, and the other one could be "S1". The player has visited this sector once: at the Corridor, when he took the mover to the Edge. However, there's no evidence of any beamer in the Corridor, so this leads to think that this location shouldn't belong to a sector. Anyways, if the Corridor was really inside a sector, it's not known which are the other locations included in that sector, neither if the player has visited any more of them.

In conclusion: sectors are areas where an interlayer travel is possible, and there are several ones inside the subnet. Also, green portals only work if at least one of the locations (the one where we want to go or the one where we are) is included in a sector.