DVanisAWESOME's theories

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DVanisAWESOME's theories

Post by Jatsko »

Saviour Theory
Theory history: Submitted 2009-01-20, Still alive 2009-03-15, Doubtful 2009-05-11, Debunked 2011-01-30
It starts off on an alternate earth.

In the year 1950, the world was ravaged by a nuclear holocaust. It was the cold war. The whole earth was affected, leaving only years left for the human race. The only place un-affected by the nuclear attacks was a lighthouse in the former-superpower of Kent. (U.S.A.) It was miraculously the only building left standing, in the only safe and radio-active free zone left on the planet. Fearing the readily-approaching doom of mankind, the handful of survivors, made mostly up of ordinary people, who had all taken shelter in the lighthouse's basement during the raids, decided to do something to prevent the doom. But the only plan they could come up with was to prevent it from ever happening. Time machines and artificial life were new inventions of the time, but to the people, it was the only solution to their problem. So they created a huge machine in the folds of subspace, using the lighthouse as a door to their secret savior, the submachine. The machine was created as an intelligent life form, capable of creating and absorbing doorways into the normal world, using forgotten or unknown man-made structures. It was also capable of creating its own chambers using materials absorbed with the doorways. The machine would then replace the former-doorway with a natural monument, so that no one would ever come across a pocket of emptiness. The main power source for the machine was the wisdom gems, crystals that were capable of powering any machine that big and energy-demanding. They were also new inventions of the time, which were capable of recharging their power from light absorbed by the submachine. The wisdom gems were also used as memory (thus wisdom) for the machine. The whole purpose of this machine was to create doorways whenever there was a chance of doom, so that the citizens of earth could take shelter in it. To test the machine, they covered up the ruins under the lighthouse, to see if it would be absorbed as with all doorways. Their backup door was in a cave close by, the only other safe haven left on earth. The people then spread themselves out in several places, to observe the reaction. Mur, one of the leaders in this project, was stationed at the waterfalls of Kent, which flowed over the cave entrance. It was one of the few remaining wonders of the world. Mur himself was positioned right over the submachine door, to see if he heard or felt anything. The submachine, however, still had its flaws. First of all, being in subspace, its properties of physics and chemistry were all screwed up. Since the properties were different in both realities, the machine couldn't accurately absorb anything. Instead of absorbing the lighthouse ruins, like it was supposed to, it absorbed Mur's arm. Everyone was shocked. The machine had failed. No one understood why, and several quit. But a few people, knowing this would be their last chance, started to check out the problem. Meanwhile, Mur realized that his arm had gotten replaced by something way better than any arm; it got replaced by a wisdom gem containing key communications systems in the machine. The gem, which quickly was absorbed by his brain, allowed him to communicate with the machine. Mur, although unaware at the time, had the key to success in his brain! The gem gave him other abilities, such as telekinesis (tapping into the altered physics of the subnet world and moving an object in his world with them,) and teleportation (in and out of the machine, as well as to almost every location in the machine. Mur didn't realize he had all these abilities immediately, it took him a week to realize he had telekinesis, which he called his karma arm, and longer for the other abilities. Mur dedicated all his time to the machine, moving into the lighthouse and spending almost 24/7 trying to find the problem. And as time went on, he realized the key was in his brain. However, the doomsday clock was ticking downward. The few remaining workers agreed that the machine would never work, and that humankind would end. They thought what Mur was doing was useless, so they sealed the submachine doors, covered up the ruins, and buried the lighthouse. Mur, on the other hand, wasn't giving up. Although he was warned, he stayed in the lighthouse even after it was buried, exploring the ability of his power. He remained with his pet cat, Einstein, who had somehow gotten into the lighthouse before the burial. He soon realized he could teleport, and although he could only go short distances, he was able to get into and re-opened the basement. Things were really slow, and Mur soon gave up. But then, Einstein disappeared! Mur, knowing that nothing could escape the buried lighthouse, searched high and low. But the cat was nowhere to be found. Tired, and ready to give up, he started thinking of what could have happened. Could Einstein also have teleportation? (At this time, Mur’s range was still limited…) So, extremely curious if Einstein had sensed a new beginning on earth, after the destruction of the nukes, he built a portal in the top of the lighthouse. However, as soon as he flipped the switch, he found himself in the loop! At first, he couldn’t believe it! He was still in the machine! It was then that he realized that the lighthouse HAD been absorbed by the machine! It was also about this time when Mur realized his communication power with the machine. Using this, he was able to find out what was wrong with the machine, and fix it. The machine grew fond of Mur, as if Mur was his father. Mur continued developing his teleportation to the point where he could go to ANY PART of the relatively small submachine with just a thought. Mur knew there was only one thing left to do: time travel. Going to the core of the machine, he quickly activated the built-in time machine, sending both him and the machine back in time.

However, the time machine backfired on him, and while it sent the submachine back, it sent him forward.

The submachine went back to about 3000 B.C, where it started its sole goal in life: to create doorways to the earth during times of potential disasters. It continued, all alone, until about 1975, when Mur re-appeared. He originally reappeared in submachine FLF: which was when the machine accidentally absorbed a padded (and fortunately empty) room from an insane asylum a few years earlier. Mur, without memories, went about escaping and exploring the whereabouts of the padded room, which was mostly machine-created structures, while trying to regain his memories. Mur, shocked once he recovered his memories, quickly surveyed the machine. He quickly put together the current date, as well as what happened. He explored all he could of the now-vast machine, discovering every new section he could, as well as its story: The ancient section was the earliest ever doorway. It opened up early on in an ancient temple in Egypt. The basement was absorbed recently, during the great depression. The owner of the house didn’t even notice it until the machine completely absorbed his basement. The loop had grown to infinite rooms, ever expanding. The root: the first evidence of scientific exploration in the submachine. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the machine opened a doorway into a rusted, old room, a prototype of an experiment to make an A-bomb proof shelter. The scientists were astounded but curious when they found the machine. Using a primitive set of transporters, which they built using designs and technology acquired from the machine, they were able to visit a limited area of the subnet, starting the first era of subnet exploration. After exploring all they could, they came up with a plan to help with their original research: in case the nukes got launched in Cuba, the target victims could take shelter in the machine. It was a great idea, however, the crisis ended and the nukes from Cuba were removed. Not ONE SINGLE nuke was launched, so the scientists abandoned the project, and the root was absorbed. The corridor: A corridor leading to a primitive device, designed by the scientists, using the wisdom gems, which would take them to the root. The rocks in the corridor are blocking the door, which leads to another section of the root. The ship: A machine-made structure, capable of moving back and forth in the machine. The tomb: The second earliest doorway, also in ancient Egypt. This one was a tomb under a pyramid. The edge: Although referred to as the edge, it’s actually the center if the whole entire submachine. It lines the edge of separate subnets, each part of the submachine. Each subnet is different and unique in its own way. The core: the brain of the whole submachine. The location is unknown to even Mur, but he thinks it’s in the Edge. There were other sections of the machine, as well as new, branching rooms that grew off of the original sections, such as the lighthouse dugouts outside of the lighthouse, which clearly weren’t originally part of the structure. Mur explored the whole machine, regaining as many memories as he could (although he had enough to figure out what was going on.) Mur was curious at the new, larger machine, and although it was supposed to be dismantled after the end of the cold war, Mur decided to try something different. Using his knowledge of the machine, he was able to create a stable, permanent doorway into the brand new world: the lab. He then went about the duty of hiring groups of scientists world-wide to explore the machine with him, thus starting the second era of subnet exploration. Now, after working without Mur for all that time, the machine had become estranged to Mur, as it blamed him for leaving it alone all that time. Its tensions with Mur just increased with the presence of teams, and the machine was getting worried what Mur really was trying to do. So it cut all communication with him, and built a series of defense systems to keep Mur from expanding his range into other subnets. As time grew on, the machine started seeing large groups of people as threats, and started trapping them in parts such as the loop and the tomb trap. Mur started worrying, and immediately started negotiating with the machine, saying that if it let the groups go, he would never allow groups to explore the machine. A deal was struck, and tensions eased, although the machine was still afraid that Mur would try to take control. At this time, however, it was so sophisticated, that no matter what Mur tried, the machine just wouldn’t shut down. So Mur started looking for single explorers. Now, these people needed to be smart, quick-thinking, and great problem solvers, but to make sure he had the right people, he sent them through a test: the submachine games 1-4. If a person solved all the problems, passing the test, they’d be hired (with or without their consent) to go around exploring, completing missions for Mur so that he could stop the machine if it got too much out of hand. This issued the third era of submachine exploration: the modern era where you come in. Now, when Mur first found you, he knew that you would be of great potential for the job. He realized he could send you on the most dangerous missions and know that you’d return, alive. Thus issues into the current storyline, where Mur is sending you to the Edge, to explore it, as well as the core, and to get past the defense systems into the other parts of the subnet. Although most of the subnets could not be explored in the games, there’s always SEP, if this is what Mur has in mind for you :D
Reality Theory
Theory history: Submitted 2009-01-20, Still alive 2009-03-15, Doubtful 2009-12-12, Still alive 2010-01-30, Doubtful 2010-02-15, Debunked 2012-11-18
The submachine is real. In real life. It was an experiment from a long time ago, most likely during the cold war, to build a safe house for all humanity. It would be a “storage for humanity”, in subspace, where no nukes could ever reach it. It was worked on by several scientists in Area 51, and was completed in the 1960s. After the Cuban missile crisis, the scientists relaxed, and instead of building more, they changed projects. However, in the mid-1980s, they quickly reunited when someone working in area 51 noticed that the submachine was still growing without their construction. They quickly started exploring and studying the machine, and it wasn’t long before they found out that it was alive. Not only that, but being in subspace, they could easily alter the properties of space and time with their portals… That’s when the scientists came up with a plan to give the U.S. (or themselves) complete world domination, using the Machine. Mur, one of the scientists, was part of the plan, but he was against it totally. He knew that he alone didn’t have the power to stop this plan, and alerting anyone would just alert the scientists. So he created a game: submachine. He hacked through into a polish computer, and posted it, leaving all traces leading to Poland. He later turned the game into a series, basing the whole thing (even the loop) on the REAL machine. All the time, he creates, posts, and does everything (even play games and chat) from the Polish computer. The whole purpose of the games is to warn us of the submachine.
Submachine as Perpetual Maze Theory
Theory history: Submitted 2014-12-02, Debunked 2016-01-13
Flash location: 555
The submachine is an impossibility; a maze in which no one can escape. It is, in fact, a perpetual loop. the loop itself is the actual internal structure of the machine, however for the most part it is programmed to reflect a completely different surrounding, a Submachine. The whole collections of 'Submachine Layers' within the loop is known as the Subnet. Anyone who enters the submachine known as 'The Loop' hasn't entered a new submachine; they have managed to crack into the 'real' appearance of the subnet; a perpetual loop. There IS no way to beat the submachine; anyone who enters ends up dead. Like me if you read this note. So now, can anyone help me escape? I am so lost!
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