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One Universe (Sub/DMT/Morphs/Rewol) Discussion

Posted: 04 Apr 2016 12:55
by Jatsko
So, with the livestream of 3 April 2016, Mat did indeed drop a bomb on us viewers at the very end of the stream.

And he wasn't giving away all the answers, as usual, but he did state some very interesting things (of which I really should have saved the transcripts of the conversation, dammit. Maybe next stream they will be preloaded...)

Anyway, here's the news:

Submachine, Daymare Town, Daymare Morphs, and Rewolucje are pretty much confirmed to exist in the same universe.

What's more, Submachine and Daymare Town seem only to be separated by time.

Now, a lot of the conversation started, I think, when Mat brought up his super-game that will release next year that will pull from many of his game series.

Actually, no, it started when one user asked about the famous DMT Sun symbol and why it kept appearing in places beyond DMT. Mat responded with something to the effects of "it's mysterious, but maybe we'll know its true purpose someday and why it keeps cropping up in the games."

Then he went on to explain that the different series are physically connected in time and space. I'll be posting pictures of the conversation if I can access it.

Then I started speculating, because people were talking about Daymare Town, and I thought of the sun symbol found in the tunnels in Sub6, and then proceeded to make a theory that the cliff-dweller/jumper in Sub6 was using the sun room as some sort of "dream conduit" where he sleeps and dreams of "daymares", since he is so used to the utter blackness and wide range of colors that makes up Submachine.

We all know how difficult it canbe for the Sub player to distinguish between dreams and reality...

Mat told me to "run with that theory" and find a way to include Morphs and Revolutions...

...then he left and the chat was prolonged with many users commenting about how DMT and the Sub series actually have a lot in common, and also a lot of direct contrasts. (Which can be explained in full detail in a different post).

In order for this statement to really have effect I have to find the conversation, but either way...

...this could be big.

Re: One Universe

Posted: 04 Apr 2016 14:27
by Sublevel 114
Submachine, Daymare Town, Daymare Morphs, and Rewolucje are pretty much confirmed to exist in the same universe.

What's more, Submachine and Daymare Town seem only to be separated by time.



I knew it all was part of big Mateuszverse

all these star symbols in different games, 442's cube in Rewolucje, and other stuff what identifies the same mastermind behind all this: its author

but what the hell
Daymare and Submachine are in the same universe???


and what about Covert Front?

Re: One Universe

Posted: 04 Apr 2016 17:15
by Vortex
I'm interested in the explanations he gave, tell us if you remember something else :)

Re: One Universe

Posted: 04 Apr 2016 17:23
by Sublevel 114
wow, am I only who is shocked

Re: One Universe

Posted: 04 Apr 2016 18:28
by Vortex
Mateusz has said it already, that's why I'm not surprised :P But he never went in such detail as now.

Re: One Universe

Posted: 04 Apr 2016 20:10
See guys, the phenomenon knows as the PastelVerse exists.
Sublevel 105 wrote:and what about Covert Front?
There's Star Symbol in Covert Front, remember? It indeed is.

Maybe Karl Von Toten was really involved in the Submachine and the Fourth Dynasty.
Maybe the events of Covert Front take just in a different Layer (I do believe its the 6th)
Maybe Eien is a location in Layer 8.
Maybe the tribes of Layer 7 were was is now the people in Rewolucje, who started to study the Submachine and later reverse-engineered its technology to reach their industralization.
Maybe even the gnomes are realted too, becuase they are also in DMT as well, what if they are responsible of the placing of usefull ítems around the games?
Maybe Blaki was indeed trapped once in Submachine.

Re: One Universe

Posted: 04 Apr 2016 20:15
by Sublevel 114
wasn't that symbol in... Squirrel Family?

Re: One Universe

Posted: 04 Apr 2016 20:20
by - ak -

But about Covert Front... The series may be a big part of Mateusz's appeal as game designer and developer, but it is not his story. It may have some elements of his other famous series, but the story is all Karol's.

Unless Mateusz confirms it, Covert Front should not be considered as one of major parts of his Dimension of the Mind stories.

Yes, that's what I am calling it now :D

Re: One Universe

Posted: 04 Apr 2016 20:38
@Sublevel: It was everywhere, like the number 32.

@AK: Mateusz left much to especulation, specially with the discussion about the Star Symbol, and presumely from the number 32, so its presumed that anything takes place in the same Universe, but the plot devices of Mateusz Dimension of the Mind, tend to be related more to each other than, lets say, the Missions to Solar System, Covert Front, Squirrel Family, Fog Fall, PCG, BEAST, etc. After all, Mateusz stated that everything is conected to Space-Time, so other plots, from different authors and that such as Karol, can be presumed to be in the same Universe even if the Space-Time conection between the plot devices is pretty low at all.

Who knows, maybe "Mission to Earth" could reveal or not something revelant to this new info.

Re: One Universe

Posted: 04 Apr 2016 21:35
by - ak -
ENIHCAMBUS wrote:@Sublevel: It was everywhere, like the number 32.

@AK: Mateusz left much to especulation, specially with the discussion about the Star Symbol, and presumely from the number 32, so its presumed that anything takes place in the same Universe, but the plot devices of Mateusz Dimension of the Mind, tend to be related more to each other than, lets say, the Missions to Solar System, Covert Front, Squirrel Family, Fog Fall, PCG, BEAST, etc. After all, Mateusz stated that everything is conected to Space-Time, so other plots, from different authors and that such as Karol, can be presumed to be in the same Universe even if the Space-Time conection between the plot devices is pretty low at all.

Who knows, maybe "Mission to Earth" could reveal or not something revelant to this new info.
Good point, I approved such thinkings.