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Kakama's theories
Posted: 24 Nov 2015 12:41
by The Kakama
I might write some things here from time to time, but don't expect super mindblows.
Locked portals hypothesis:
All 1000 rooms exist in the subnet (corresponding to coordinates) but most of them are unaccessible to the player, but they can be "unlocked" by unknown causes.
Re: Kakama's theories
Posted: 03 Jan 2016 15:41
by The Kakama
Dying subnet theory.
So he're an explanation for why the subnet looks the way it does. Judging from the state of the rooms from 1- 10, a lot of the locations look more and more derelict as the series progresses. So originally the subnet was small and resin free. Then Murtaugh entered the subnet somehow and did his karma thing, which weakened the structure of the subnet, persumably by sapping energy away from SHIVA. The subnet tried to overcome this by using resin as a kind of glue (or maybe to block Murtaugh or others from reaching key areas in the subnet?) but that didn't go so well. Then the subnet tried expanding to distract or confuse humans to preserve itself. Murtaugh sent exploration teams, thinking he can escape by entering the Core, but they got lost.
Then the Player comes along and Murtaugh decides to use the Player to disable the DS, thinking the Player would eventually get lost in the greater subnet. SHIVA is already very weakened by Murtaugh's actions, and decided not to stop the Player as it needed to conserve energy, and loses control of the resin, letting it flood a lot of the rooms. With the Core exposed to Murtaugh, it begins to fall apart due to Murtaugh's actions. Some people had had enough of Murtaugh and tried to kill him, as they fear that if the subnet dies, then they're be trapped in a void forever. The Player arrives at the Core too late and uses the big green karma portal after this.
Liz intervenes, and Murtaugh realises his wongdoing. He tries to fix his damage, but it he can only go far. Around this point he decides to evacuate, and SHIVA shows Murtaugh the exit. He gathers the survivors of the exploration teams and leaves. But he learns that he is still needed in the subnet, so he decides to return in another 32 years. The subnet begins to recover. The Player exits the green karma portal and Submachine 8 and 9 take place.
One of the survivors of the exploration teams creates a cult, believing that people can find enlightenment through exploring the subnet. The Player is recruited and as a final test, enters the subnet and travels back in time.
Submachine 10 takes place. Murtaugh returns to the Lighthouse and finds the Player.