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Submachine Notes Project

Posted: 16 Nov 2020 22:01
by Augustus
On the 15th of November, Matt asked us if we could write the Submachine notes in our handwriting as a project and maybe get featured in the actual legacy build of Submachine. I think it should be an option like with the cursor, so if I remember I will add it to the list. This post will contain a list with ''claims'' I will try to update. As in: One person wanting to write certain notes. I think we should wait a couple of weeks for people to see the post in the Matt discord and this one, so we can get maximum participation. It's important to remember some of the notes are done with typewriters, engravements and computers, so I have marked those as well. So; the list:

Submachine 1:
Typewriter: Diary page - Murtaugh
Submachine 2:
Computer: Intro - Player
Computer: Help - Narrator
Typewriter: Lighthouse pamphlet - Guide
Typewriter: Cat Note - Murtaugh
Typewriter: Letter to Liz - Murtaugh
Typewriter: Note to myself - Murtaugh
Typewriter: Dairy 2 - Murtaugh
Typewriter: Portal note - Murtaugh
Computer: Ending - Player

Submachine 3:
Computer: Intro - Narrator
Unclaimed: Read Me! - Murtaugh
Computer: Good Ending - Narrator
Computer: Bad Ending - Narrator

Submachine 4:
Computer: Intro - Player
Computer: Conversation with Mur - Mur and Player (Somewhat)
Computer: Coordinates of known locations - Murtaugh

Unclaimed: Just one submachine - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: Mission started - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: Empty coil - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: Murtaugh came by - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: Human presence - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: Crew expendable - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: Stuck - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: I've been here before - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: No clues - Unknown Explorer

Claimed By Kaly: Need Water - Unknown Explorer.
Unclaimed: If you looked hard enough - Unknown Explorer
Computer: Ending - Murtaugh
Unclaimed: Own Note - Player (We need a handwritten font for this)
Unclaimed: Choice - Murtaugh

Submachine 5:
Computer: First assignment (@ laboratory) - Murtaugh
Computer: Mail from Murtaugh - Murtaugh

Submachine 6:
Claimed by Ko9: Pointless - Unknown Explorer
Claimed by Ko9: Protocols - Unknown Explorer
Claimed by Ko9: News flash - Unknown Explorer
Claimed by Ko9: Lies - Unknown Explorer

Computer: Incoming message / blocked - Shiva?
Computer: Incoming message / unblocked - Murtaugh
Computer: The machine's final words - Shiva?
Computer: Final message - Murtaugh

Submachine 7:
Unclaimed: Entry points - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: Welcome - Elizabeth
Unclaimed: Garden Plans - Elizabeth
Unclaimed: Pamphlet - Guide
Unclaimed: Collapse - Elizabeth
Unclaimed: Sociopath - Unknown Explorer

Claimed by Reed: Karma portals - Elizabeth
Unclaimed: We The King: South Garden - The King?
Unclaimed: We The King: Winter Palace - The King?

Claimed by Reed: Here I Am - Elizabeth
Unclaimed: Black Holes - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: The Fourth Dynasty - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: The plan is lost - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: Collapse death toll - Elizabeth
Unclaimed: Letter from M - Murtaugh
Unclaimed: Letter from Liz - Elizabeth
Unclaimed: That man left us as well - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: Garden plans 2 - Elizabeth

Claimed by Reed: High time for me to leave - Elizabeth
Submachine 8:
Computer: Transcript - Elizabeth and Murtaugh
Unclaimed: Murtaugh's return - Unknown Explorer
Claimed By Reed: The answer - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: Vanishing act - 2 Unknown Explorers
Unclaimed: The plan - 2 Unknown Explorers
Unclaimed: Toys and knots - 2 Unknown Explorers
Unclaimed: Light beam - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: Perfection - 2 Unknown Explorers
Unclaimed: The goddess - Unknown Explorer

Computer: Transcript 18/38 - Elizabeth and Murtaugh
Submachine 9:
Computer: Intro - Narrator or Unknown Explorer
Engraved: Mur and the light - Unknown Explorer
Engraved: Elizabeth and the light - Unknown Explorer
Engraved: Tomb of Murtaugh - Unknown Explorer
Engraved: Tomb of Elizabeth - Unknown Explorer
Engraved: Miracle - Unknown Explorer
Engraved: Of Mur and Einstein - Unknown Explorer
Engraved: Layers and focus - Unknown Explorer
Engraved: Like drawings on paper - 2 Unknown Explorers
Engraved: Like drawings on paper - 2 Unknown Explorers
Engraved: Mur's Powers - 2 Unknown Explorers

Submachine 10:
Unclaimed: Northern Garden docks - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: Caution - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: S.H.I.V.A. - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: Escaping - 2 Unknown Explorers
Unclaimed: Infinite number - 2 Unknown Explorers
Unclaimed: Five dimensions - 2 Unknown Explorers
Unclaimed: Vertical loop - 2 Unknown Explorers
Unclaimed: Every 32 years - 2 Unknown Explorers
Unclaimed: Life's goal - 2 Unknown Explorers or Elizabeth and Murtaugh
Unclaimed: Twin Tombs - 2 Unknown Explorers or Elizabeth and Murtaugh
Unclaimed: Usher and disciple - 2 Unknown Explorers
Unclaimed: The Lighthouse's lamp - 2 Unknown Explorers
Unclaimed: Letter to Elizabeth - Murtaugh
Unclaimed: Letter to Murtaugh - Elizabeth
Unclaimed: Lumière - 2 Unknown Explorers
Unclaimed: Brain and body - 2 Unknown Explorers
Unclaimed: Light crown - 2 Unknown Explorers

Submachine 0 - AA:
Computer: Ending- Narrator
Submachine FLF:
Computer: Intro - Narrator
Typewriter: Leaflet - Narrator
Computer: Picture - Narrator
Computer: Ending - Narrator

Submachine Universe (Not needed for the project):
Computer: Subbot sketches - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: David Stark's "Irenaeus on 666 and 616'' - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: Lone traveller - Unknown Explorer

Computer: Mover - Unknown Explorer
Computer: Entry points - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: He Fell... - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: Unknown Layer - Unknown Explorer

Computer: Energy pipe - Unknown Computer
Unclaimed: He sees you - Unknown Explorer
Computer: Crossing Class KPS - Unknown Computer
Unclaimed: Excerpts from H. P. Lovecraft's "The Shadow out of Time" - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: Suicide note - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: On Karmic Infusion - Unknown Explorer

Submachine 3 Secrets:
Unclaimed: Cycles - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: Marks on the Paper - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: Lost companion - Unknown Explorer
Unclaimed: I've been here before - Unknown Explorer

Submachine 4 Secrets:
Computer: View From My Window - Mateusz Skutnik
Computer: Work Place - Mateusz Skutnik
Computer: Einstein - Mateusz Skutnik
Computer: Shipyard - Mateusz Skutnik
Computer: Typewriter - Mateusz Skutnik

Submachine 5 Secrets:
Unclaimed: Introduction - Mateusz Skutnik
Unclaimed: The Computer - Mateusz Skutnik
Unclaimed: How many combinations?... - Mateusz Skutnik
Unclaimed: 3D puzzle in 2D environment - Mateusz Skutnik
Unclaimed: Sweet memories... - Mateusz Skutnik
Unclaimed: Submachine 6?... - Mateusz Skutnik

Submachine 6 Secrets:
Claimed by Ko9: Purpose - Unknown Explorer
Claimed by Ko9: Murtaughs Game - Unknown Explorer

Engraved: Thoth - Unknown Explorer
Computer: Broken portal message - Unknown Explorer

Submachine 7 Secrets:
Engraved: Greeting message - Unknown Explorer
Engraved: Drawings - Mateusz Skutnik
Engraved: Tributes - Mateusz Skutnik
Engraved: Fluorescent life - Mateusz Skutnik
Engraved: Garden at Versailles - Mateusz Skutnik
Engraved: Great things ahead - Mateusz Skutnik

Submachine 8 Secrets:
Engraved: Regrets - Elizabeth and Murtaugh
Engraved: Loops and knots - 2 Unknown Explorers
Engraved: Not sociopath - 2 Unknown Explorers
Engraved: Impossible - 2 Unknown Explorers
Engraved: Dimensions - 2 Unknown Explorers

Submachine 9 Secrets:
Engraved: Layers - 2 Unknown Explorers
Engraved: History - 2 Unknown Explorers
Engraved: Where All Intertwined - Unknown Explorer
Engraved: Fate of the third - Unknown Explorer
Engraved: The explorer and the healer - Unknown Explorer

Submachine 10 Secrets:
Computer: Not Alone - Mateusz Skutnik
Computer: sunshine_bunnygirl_17 - Mateusz Skutnik
Computer: Sub-layer infinity - Mateusz Skutnik
Computer: It's all real - Mateusz Skutnik
Computer: Thank you - Mateusz Skutnik

PS: Please, I must have made some mistakes in this list, please, please tell me.
PPS: Skutnik himself has ''claimed'' all the drawn images in later games, so no need for them to be on ''the list''.

Re: Submachine Notes Project

Posted: 16 Nov 2020 22:22
by Sublevel 114

*runs to Discord to find Mateusz's post*

sad he doesn't ask such requests here anymore. D:

Well, I think English-speakers will write perfect handwriting notes. :D

Re: Submachine Notes Project

Posted: 16 Nov 2020 23:45
by Kaly_Ths

I claim SBG_17 and alternatively "Need Water".

Re: Submachine Notes Project

Posted: 16 Nov 2020 23:55
by Augustus
Noted, and I have claimed what I think are all the notes by the ''Jumper'' like a propper doomer.

I think at the end of each month we should submit notes, and then decide if they are good enough or not. I am more than happy to organize such a thing, and if anyone else wants to do this as well then that is fine.

Re: Submachine Notes Project

Posted: 17 Nov 2020 07:18
by reed
I'd like to try "karma portals", "here I am", "high time for me to leave", "the answer"
also, I see no problem with several people trying one note, just to see which version is more appropriate for a particular character or location

Re: Submachine Notes Project

Posted: 17 Nov 2020 16:16
by Augustus
Alrighty, added.
Okay, sure I guess. No problem.
Matt himself has been editin' demos from out handwriting. These two art taken from my demos and notes by Kaly.

Re: Submachine Notes Project

Posted: 17 Nov 2020 23:04
by Kaly_Ths
My draft seems like it needs some editing from my part as well.. The ink should be darker.