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Gil2455546's theories

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 01:40
by gil2455526
Title: The "Layer influenced behavior" theory

More complete version of the original:

Data points:

-There is only one Mur and one Liz for all layers.
-There is an answer for each layer if Mur caught Liz.
-In Sub8, Mur and Liz are chatting, as if they were just expecting the events. If they were on a chase, why they would stop and chat? and why that happens after a layer change?


If there is only one Mur and one Liz, why the result of their chase would be different in each layer?
One way is if the layers can influence their behavior. Ex:

Did Mur caught Liz?
Layer 1) He forgave her. (Merciful behavior)
Layer 2) He never chased her. (Acceptance behavior)
Layer 3) He got to her, and killed her. (Killer behavior)
Layer 4) He got to her, but just banished her to somewhere. (Cruel behavior)
Layer 5) Never reached her (Weak behavior)
Layer 6) Got killed by a trap. (Killer Liz behavior)
Layer 7) Got stuck somewhere. (Not so smart behavior)

Re: The "Layer influenced behavior" theory

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 03:59
by WorldisQuiet5256
True, people are influences base on the type of Environments they are in. like how a Serial Killer origins might come from a bad childhood from abusive parents. Or how a Harvard Student is influences by their Good Environment by their kind and supportive Parents.

Re: The "Layer influenced behavior" theory

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 04:19
by dVanDaHorns
Alright, first off, I am not too sure if Mateusz would have thought of this, but I really like this theory, and I find it highly probable.

However, I doubt those behaviours would have been associated with those particular layers. (For example, forgiven her seems more like something you would find in layer 5, while kill her seems more like a layer 6 behaviour. Mind ya, Liz killing him would also fit into layer 6's atmosphere.)

So yeah, I think the which-layer-is-what needs a bit more organizing.

Also, I forget which layer the first 7 subs took place in...(I wanna say 3? But I don't remember, so don't quote me on that). Anyhow, whatever layer that was, that seems to be one of Mur's more aggressive behaviour.

And thirdly, wasn't he seeking revenge on those who buried him in the lighthouse, rather than on Liz, who was his only friend?

Re: The "Layer influenced behavior" theory

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 04:51
by Rooster5man
So you brought this back, Gil :P
Also, I forget which layer the first 7 subs took place in
Layer 1, as far as the Wiki says.
Anyhow, whatever layer that was, that seems to be one of Mur's more aggressive behaviour.

And thirdly, wasn't he seeking revenge on those who buried him in the lighthouse, rather than on Liz, who was his only friend?
And this is where it bites the dust - How can the Layers influence Mur and Liz's actions, when Liz went from Layer 1 to Layer 5 with Mur to complete the same objective she had in Layer 1 (being to warn Layer 5)? If Liz was set on still warning Layer 5, even though every Layer changes the ending outcome, wouldn't that end the story right there?

Granted, we aren't sure whether or not Liz changed her mind while going to Layer 5 because we caught her note in Layer 1, but why did we bother going to Layer 5 and to The Temple if Mur's "changed his mind" by entering a new Layer?

It could be said Mur's actions remain constant because he can be in all Layers at once, as shown by this:
But that's impossible! He can't be in different dimensions at the same time!

- Impossible? What does that even mean?...
And being Liz doesn't have that power (assuming it comes with having a Karma Arm, which we're also assuming Liz doesn't have), Mur's actions remain constant while your Theory can be correct in that it affects everyone without a Karma Arm - Karma Arms may be able to manipulate the Layer's "power" (as your Theory states) of changing the outcome.

I think the "seven answers" are simply being each Layer is a Dimension, so there are seven different outcomes to the "fight" between Mur and Liz on each Layer, not necessarily being the will of the Layers over the people - It's like the idea of Reincarnation, as is present in the Series, but this idea of Reincarnation picks up where you left off and gives you another chance (i.e. Cats having nine lives.)

I think I've made my point.

Re: The "Layer influenced behavior" theory

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 05:32
by dVanDaHorns
Which brings up another question: can multiple copies of a person exist in a dimension if the person moves from one dimension to another? Or does the other version end up getting moved to the first copy's dimension? Or could they meet up?

Re: The "Layer influenced behavior" theory

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 06:12
by Rooster5man
Which brings up another question: can multiple copies of a person exist in a dimension if the person moves from one dimension to another? Or does the other version end up getting moved to the first copy's dimension? Or could they meet up?
I don't think that's the case here. I believe someone confirmed Mateusz saying in the old thread there's one Liz and one Mur, so wouldn't there only be one of each person?

I think of it this way: The SubNet and the Layers were previously un-inhabited, so there are no copies of people in different Dimensions entering the SubNet, meaning each Layer/Dimension has its own set of people, not a Liz-2, etc.

Edit: Actually, the SubNet was inhabited, Liz confirmed that in Sub7, so I take that back. But I'm referring to how the SubNet wasn't inhabited by Mur, Liz, etc., so they wouldn't have 6 other copies in the other Layers. We can assume people living in the SubNet is unique, and possibly, when the Layers were created, as Ant said in another thread, it went un-noticed by the humans, so the Layers were created, but not other versions of the people living in the original SubNet.

That being said goes the reverse way: There's no copies of the people in Layer 7 in Layer 1. Each person is unique to the Layers as a whole.

(about a half an hour later) ...And I didn't post this yet?! XD I think I got my point across again O_o Maybe I missed something, but you'll ask.

Re: The "Layer influenced behavior" theory

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 06:24
by dVanDaHorns
Rooster5man wrote:
Which brings up another question: can multiple copies of a person exist in a dimension if the person moves from one dimension to another? Or does the other version end up getting moved to the first copy's dimension? Or could they meet up?
I don't think that's the case here. I believe someone confirmed Mateusz saying in the old thread there's one Liz and one Mur, so wouldn't there only be one of each person?

I think of it this way: The SubNet and the Layers were previously un-inhabited, so there are no copies of people in different Dimensions entering the SubNet, meaning each Layer/Dimension has its own set of people, not a Liz-2, etc.

Edit: Actually, the SubNet was inhabited, Liz confirmed that in Sub7, so I take that back. But I'm referring to how the SubNet wasn't inhabited by Mur, Liz, etc., so they wouldn't have 6 other copies in the other Layers. We can assume people living in the SubNet is unique, and possibly, when the Layers were created, as Ant said in another thread, it went un-noticed by the humans, so the Layers were created, but not other versions of the people living in the original SubNet.

That being said goes the reverse way: There's no copies of the people in Layer 7 in Layer 1. Each person is unique to the Layers as a whole.

(about a half an hour later) ...And I didn't post this yet?! XD I think I got my point across again O_o Maybe I missed something, but you'll ask.
This just goes to show how much I've been out of the Submachine Theorizing loops...O.o

Re: The "Layer influenced behavior" theory

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 07:02
by Rooster5man
This just goes to show how much I've been out of the Submachine Theorizing loops...O.o
LOL, well, it has been a while (in terms of our Theorizing quickness) since Sub8 came out, so, yes, you may want to read up on some things :P

Nonetheless, it's all Theory, so you can ignore most of it just as well :P

Re: The "Layer influenced behavior" theory

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 07:05
by dVanDaHorns
Rooster5man wrote:
This just goes to show how much I've been out of the Submachine Theorizing loops...O.o
LOL, well, it has been a while (in terms of our Theorizing quickness) since Sub8 came out, so, yes, you may want to read up on some things :P

Nonetheless, it's all Theory, so you can ignore most of it just as well :P
Actually, I stopped paying attention to theories about 6 months before I first left the old forums. So slightly after Sub6 came out was the last time I was fully in the loop...

Re: The "Layer influenced behavior" theory

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 07:08
by Rooster5man
Actually, I stopped paying attention to theories about 6 months before I first left the old forums. So slightly after Sub6 came out was the last time I was fully in the loop...
Well, I guess that's not such a bad thing since some/most of those Theories are probably Debunked by now. Which reminds me...*goes to vote on Theories*