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Anteroinen's Theories

Posted: 14 Dec 2012 14:01
by Anteroinen
Just copying the old theories here for further reference.

Submachine may - like the universe itself maybe - suffer the "Big Crash" the opposite of Big Bang due to its constant expanding and therefore increasing mass. This is the end of Submachine in my theorisations.

In this crashed down machine, maybe still one or two room big, new 'life' will be born and that 'life' shall be a sequal to the Submachine Series. I personally like to call this new creation The New Machine.

Submachine is sort of a perfectionist. Submachine wants everything to stay as it was one second ago. Murtaugh and other people cause anomalies in that and Submachine "hates" humans for doing so.

And submachine is a egoist and wants to make the whole universe an unchanging structure... Unless it needs to change the areas for its own purposes.

The Core is another computer system like the DS. This system however is blue. In those walls in the elevator/mover we saw the symbol of the core in its systems. We will have the joy of acessing the systems with another connection pod (or the same).

Look there are four gates to the Core.

Murtaugh most likely looks the Core for personal reason as well as being forced.

Core hasn't got any defenses of it's own. The "Twin Computers" Core and the DS lived in symbiosis. That happens no more. Subnet is in crisis.

First one must explain the term “bell system”. Bell system is constructed from four bells that are put together to create a puzzle for one to solve. A single bell is a set of a bell, cube and the cubestand. It is still unknown to us if the bell systems can have more or less bell in them.

While there are bell systems in the most of the Subnet they are most likely just the tip of the iceberg. These bell systems are just mere cells of the Defense System that has huge amount of bell system guarding each other. There are only two possibilities. That either the Defense System is ring of bell systems which is impossible to break in which solving the last system in the ring would lock down the first one you opened or it is possible to crack open this shell from inside by solving numerous bell systems and finally opening a panel which reveals the valve of button which shuts down the defense system.

Defense System gets all it’s energy from one source and one source only, which is the Core. While Defense System takes its energy from the Core it protects the Core so the relation between the two is symbiotic. From what does the Defense System protect the Core from is currently unknown but we are working on it just now.
Submachine - Function for Idiots

I - The Core

Unknown. Mentioned to be in a big part.

II - Defense System

The Defense System detects human infestation and portals used by humans. Murtaguh is seen as the greatest anomaly, as he is the one who first breached the Submachines existance by using his Karma Arm.

Those who are part of the infestation are trapped, and they were recognized with the human recognition pattern. The main objective for the Defense System seems to have been to keep humans out of the Core via Core Shields.

III - Areas

Submachine has two specificated type of areas;

III.I - The Submachine-generated

These areas are areas made by the Submachine itself. For example the Loop, the Edge and the Basement are all Submachine-generated locations.

III.II - The Adopted

There are locations that the Submachine turned into part of itself. These locations include The Temple and the Lighthouse and many others.
The creation

Submachine was created in Kent by an unknown Creative Genius that got orders from someone most likely higher than him, or even higher than the Root. Not much is know about the Creation, but it is know that it happened in 1900-1906 in Kent. The earliest Submachines were 'brick walled' and had about twenty rooms in them. It was an engineering miracle at the time.

He named it Submachine (Submerged Machine) because;

a) He had seen that it is an underground location, or;

b) Underground (Subterranean, Submerged) machine is what he wanted to make.

The Submachine then got out of control and started to expend to no limit. It is lead to believe that someone, or the scientist triggered the uncontrolled expansion. If this was an accident or vandalism is unknown.
My only actual lasting theories v1 and v2;
Games with words - theory

By: Anteroinen, 21.12.2010

This theory covers the following subject; The Plan. Do I hear you saying; “There is nothing you can say about it?”

It may indeed be so.

But let me get to my point, rather than arguing matters of trivial nature. What is a plan? The word plan can refer to multiple things, and of course the most common meaning comes into your mind at first. A plan indeed does mean a set of intended actions, through which one expects to achieve a goal. However, this is not the only meaning of the word plan.

A plan can also refer to the blue print of an area. In fact this meaning of the word plan has been seen inside the Subnet. In the super secret section of Submachine 7: The Core, there is a full view of the Plan of Versailles Garden and in the bottom left corner the text uses the word plan.

But this might be just a coincidence, you say. Well, I can’t deny that, I admit. But let me get to another pieces of evidence.

If you indeed have played Submachine 7: The Core you must already have encountered this note;

Once the great scheme of things
was clearly visible through the
layers of the seven main

Right now, due to corrosion,
collapse and spontaneous
growth of the outer rim the plan
is almost unrecognizable.

We humans deserted the outer
rim, and the outer rim responded
by deserting us.

Nothing but decay ensues.

The plan is lost.

Isn’t this a peculiar piece of text? The plan is unrecognizable? Surely this is an adjective referring to outlook rather than things that are immaterial. The corrosion, collapse and the growth of the Subnet have ruined the plan, so that you can’t recognize it. Now, if you take in the secondary meaning of building plans, you get a whole new kind of sentence, that actually makes sense.

The plan of subnet, or even more likely, just the Core was ruined by humans. Humans made the outer rim grow uncontrollably, resulting those parts of the subnet to not to grow according to the made plan. Finally, ‘the collapse’, which Murtaugh caused, destroyed the Core’s structure. This means that ‘the plan’ was destroyed in there too.
The plan indeed is lost, and as Submachine is evolving and absorbing locations it becomes even more dubious. It decays.

As a final defense to this theory I will state this; Mateusz Skutnik studied to become an architect. The likelyhood he would know the meaning of the word plan is quite a big one.

To give you the theory in a nutshell without any of these pieces of evidence;

• The Plan refers to the blueprint of the Subnet
• Somebody is playing with words

Here I finish, and to thy entrust.
GAMES WITH WORDS THEORY, Post-Sub8 revision. (Likely)

Hypothesis: In the context of the Submachine series by the Polish game designer Mateusz Skutnik, the word plan, especially when used with the definite article “the”, refers to a “detailed drawing of a machine, building, etc. that shows its size, shape and measurements”, instead of other viable meaning of the word plan.

The objective is to show that only the aforementioned definition is the correct one and to prove that other definitions of the word are not applicable to the concept introduced in Submachine 7: The Core. If this is true, it is required that the word “plan”, especially in conjunction with the definite article, doesn’t agree with any of the other definitions of the word plan. The definitions of the word plan used in this article are from the eighth edition of Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.

If the word plan were to be used in a context were clearly is any of its other definitions, it would have to be demonstrated that that particular instance of the word plan refers to a different concept than the plan mentioned in several note in Submachine 7: The Core and Submachine 8: The Plan.

If possible, the other properties of the Plan should be examined and listed.

Description of the usage of the word in the Submachine series

In the Submachine series the word plan is used a grand total of seven times. Once in Submachine 3: The Loop and Submachine 4: The Lab, four times in Submachine 7: The Core and twice in Submachine 8: The Plan, the title excluded.

The first time the word plan was used was in Submachine 3: The Loop. This instance was in the note left behind by Murtaugh, the game’s deuteroganist. The note shall be referred to as the Read me –note in the future. The note discusses the structure and nature of the Loop location. The relevant passage is as follows:

That doesn't look like a good escape plan.

The fact the word is used in conjunction with the word “escape” makes it clear that in this case the word refers to the set of actions the player has to do in order to escape the Loop. An “escape plan” is a common term for a plan that is for the specific goal of escaping or getting out of somewhere and fits the context well. However, the term is never again used as a whole and no other passages suggest that an escape plan is the titular Plan of the eighth game. The lack of definite article also supports this assertion.

In the fourth game the scientists of the Lab have written a note, which discusses a *masterplan (more correctly master plan), which specifically is “a detailed plan that will make a complicated project successful”. This instance thus has a different meaning of the desired meaning by default. The important parts are as follows:

Murtaugh said once that there is no 'greatest puzzle', no masterplan, no one is controlling this thing. But we think otherwise. There must be a purpose for all of things. We just have to find it. I thought this was all possible, but since Murtaugh deserted us, I'm not so sure anymore. But we found our purpose, we see it clearly. Do you?...

Murtaugh’s assertion that there is no master plan is absolutely correct, as the humans had lost all control over the Outer Rim in the early twentieth century. The Outer Rim certainly is a complicated project, but it isn’t controlled and it has no plan. It has been described as mutating and corroding by Mateusz Skutnik and in-game characters. Again a different description from the meaning I have been searching for, even if the definite article is note present.

Other notes from Submachine 7: The Core by Elizabeth, Murtaugh’s past friend, speak of “garden plans”, which mimic the structure of the Subnet, due to the gardens location in the Subnet while it was built. This is to be referred to as the Garden –note. While garden plans certainly fit the definition, I have little doubt that this is refers to simple garden plans and not the titular plan. The plans of Versailles gardens are also visible in the Super Secret Bonus Section, which boldly include the word plan.

Much more interesting is the depressed rant of a resident of the Core, which will be referred to as the Decay –note.

“Once the great scheme of things was clearly visible through the layers of seven main dimensions.

Right now due to corossion, collapse and spontaneous growth of the outer rim the plan is almost unrecognizable.

We humans deserted the outer rim, and the outer rim responded with deserting us.

Nothing but decay ensues.

The plan is lost.

It describes the plan as lost and unrecognizable. While a written or drawn plan could certainly be lost, it wouldn’t render in unrecognizable, indeed it would make seeing it possible. Corrosion, collapse and the growth of the Outer Rim are, however, not reason to make a concept such as a plan – a set of things to do in order to achieve something – would not be made “unrecognizable” but failed and another plan would need to be made. For this reason I argue that the word plan here is used for a blueprint like, architectural plan. Please notice the presence of the definite article.

This is supported the vague notes in Submachine 8: The Plan. Where two persons discuss a particular area that has been built so that you can move from layer to layer and the chambers match. When the peculiar shape of the area is questioned the following answer is given:

- The idea is to give you a glimpse of the plan. Just a glimpse. Seeing it all it's glory would blow your mind.

The definite article is again present, giving reason to believe that this is a particular plan, as the plan doesn’t not appear in their discussion prior to that moment. The context leaves no room for the set of actions definition. No set of actions has a particular shape and usually the term “part of the plan” is used in favour of the term “glimpse of the plan” if one wants to imply a subset of the intended set of actions.

The last instance of the word plan is on a computer screen that says “the plan_sector 9”, when all seven layer slides are inserted. My previous argument stands here as well; sets of actions are never divided into sectors, blueprints on the other hand are.

Curiously, the author himself has yet to say anything on the matter.

The implications of the usage of the word Plan and their validity

Having discussed the different instances of the word in the series, I feel I can now go on and make several inferences from the data. In a way, the theory starts here.

Firstly the Plan is most definitely an architectural blueprint, not a set of intended actions, and the instances where the word plan has been used differently refer to mundane distinct and separate concepts, easy to dismiss as aberrations. It has been described as being lost and unrecognizable after the collapse that occurred in the Core. As the plan was architectural, we should see remains of it or all of its glory during Submachine 8: The Plan. We must as such ask ourselves: What did we see?

We saw that there were completely different areas in each layer, each with its own unique ambiance and architecture; however, they had the same basic shape. This was discussed in several notes, such as the one that credits the interlocking to architects. Although it is most likely an exaggeration that seeing the plan in all of its glory would “blow your mind”, it seems that the plan was divided into sectors from this note and the computer screen.

This seems to have all been the work of humans, as architects are attributed with this feat. The Winter Palace pamphlet in Submachine 7: The Core states:

This palace and surrounding gardens are prime examples of antistructural architecture freed from boundaries of material durability.

As already discussed, Elizabeth says this is type of architecture mimics the structure of the Subnet. The garden was built and designed by sir Henry O’Toole, who is a great architect of the nineteenth century. It is not hard to extrapolate that the architectural possibilities of the era were vast and with time architects would’ve been able to connect locations even between different dimensions. The existence of “geotags” that were observed to be the same even when the two persons were on different layers also support this, and also shows that it would’ve been possible in theory.

To summarize; the plan refers to the architectural marvel of the nineteenth century that is matching locations on different layers of reality and creating rooms on those coordinates on each layer to enable transportation between the layers.

However, the plan was lost with “corrosion, collapse and uncontrolled growth of the outer rim”. Now these things all have one thing in common: they destroy or create, in other words, they modify. The plan is lost because new bits, not accounted for by the plan appear as with the creation of the Outer Rim appear, and because some pieces previously accounted for by the Plan have disappeared, like with the collapse.


8th Edition of Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary
Notes from the Submachine series
More thing I said in the past:
I understood most everything you were saying up until this:
I hope so, I tried to write as well as I could.
You can't "lose" an 'Architectural Blueprint,' it can only be revised, as with the case of the expansion of the Outer Rim. You can, however, lose the plan - the action - of what you were intending to do.
I fear I have been unclear. Naturally what was lost was not the blueprint and schematic it self, instead to fully realised structure was rendered unrecognizable and as such lost. This is what I tried to convey with:
Corrosion, collapse and the growth of the Outer Rim are, however, not reason to make a concept such as a plan – a set of things to do in order to achieve something – would not be made “unrecognizable” but failed and another plan would need to be made.
If you had to guess, why was the Plan made? Or this Theory does not discuss the "why?"
As this is more of an analysis than an actual theory, no, the theory dares not say much. If I had to guess; however, I would have to say that there are two possibilities:

1) The Plan was created as a final result of a consecutive line of new scientific and architectural innovations, which reached their peak in the early twentieth century, with the creation of man-made submachines. These would've been used to further build and shape the Plan, although we now know they failed.

2) The Plan was created after the discovery of the layers for the specific reason of finding a way to easily and - much more importantly - safely, between layers.
Well, there. :lol: Comments on my earlier silliness, or my current ramblings?

Re: Anteroinen's Theories

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 08:07
by Rooster5man
Should I feel somewhat glad that you chose my comments specifically? :P Even though, in retrospect, they may be a sort of FAQ to anyone willing to discuss the point, as I had...

Re: Anteroinen's Theories

Posted: 02 Feb 2013 01:41
by Anteroinen
What you're about to read is an old text I wrote in 2011, but never published as it felt it was soon to be invalidated by Submachine 7, as it was, certainly. Now that I looked at it again after all this time I can see it was better than I thought, although no literary masterpiece.

The story is unfinished - sorry - maybe one day I'll continue it. Oh, and the title is what was the working title, I chose to retain things with all my typoes and other mistakes. It seemed like the appropriate thing to do. I added a few lines to the end to makes the story wrap up at least in some way, but many strings are left untied. Anyways, for your pleasure, in your leisure:
The one who intends to live forever…

DISCLAIMER: The Submachine series is copyrighted to Mateusz Skutnik. This novel is purely fictious and does not associate with the aforementioned author of Submachine. I do not own Submachine.

A woman named Elizabeth drove her bike to the yard of the lighthouse. His friend, Murtaugh had written to her. She hadn’t heard much of him since last summer. That guy... asking her to take care of his cat like this. And that talk about dimensional pathways… what was that about? Had he created teleportation? Elizabeth was curious to say the least, but it also worried her. Was his friend going insane?

She walked through the yard and knocked the door. It had one of those old-fashioned knockers that she wasn’t awfully fond of. For one it always took eons before someone heard the sound of the knocker and besides they looked creepy. Not this one though. Why has nobody else thought of making a butterfly knocker? Elizabeth glanced over her shoulder to the open sea. She had really like this place as a child. When she and Mur had been just kids they had discovered most of the hiding places of the lighthouse. The old lighthouse keeper, Bert Redburn, had had a hard time chasing after them. Maybe it was just natural that Murtaugh took his post now, after that summer. And the trip.

Then the door opened. Without a squeak, may I add, Murtaugh really had done his job well. Her friend was at the door, holding a black cat she knew to be called Einstein. Ever since that summer, ever since that trip, ever since that accident, had Murtaugh had only his right arm. He had brown wild hair and glasses that might someday create a mad scientist impression.

“Hi Liz!” the man with one arm greeted her, “Come in, please.”, she had not to be tempted, for it was cold outside.

“Murtaugh! It is so nice to see you again. How have you been?”

“Well, this place isn’t exactly a tourist attraction, but somebody passes by now and then. Steady income though. Old man O’Toole is out of his mind with the payment. I suspect he is a little cuckoo.”, Murtaugh said and smiled, “Oh, and I’ve also got Einstein ready for you. Keep an eye on him; I suspect that he might try to disappear.”

“Why?”, Elizabeth asked while hanging her jacket to the coat rack. She glared at the small living kitchen while Murtaugh told her how Einstein had appeared out of nowhere one day. The kitchen was almost exactly the same as she remembered it. The walls had perhaps had a new layer of paint, but no new additions had been made. Not ones the naked eye could see anyways.

Murtaugh had prepared tea which they drank and remember their past, and also the new theories about the space-time he had. They both had always been interested in that sort of thing, but Mur was the one to do the experiments. Elizabeth saw that he was hiding something; by a word, did he not mention his new machine that could break the barrier of space. She decided to cut to the chase.

“So, would you bother showing this new “dimensional pathway” of yours to me?” she said “You know I am dying to see what you have made up this time. I can’t believe one of your contraptions actually worked this time around!”

Mur laughed, “Contraptions you say? Well, I guess you’re right. My earlier works, should one exaggerate them as such, have been contraptions, but now, after my trip, I have succeeded. But… well… it isn’t machine in a sense. Actually, it is not a machine in any sense. The thing that broke my arm, that log, it left a mark on me. A mark you can’t see. That anybody can’t see.”
“What do you mean?”

“Liz… I did not really lose an arm. I gained a new one. Admittedly I lost one, so what is the difference in the end?”, he said and stared blankly into the distance. “I can feel it.”

“That is just ghost p-“, she said but was silenced. Murtaugh’s sleeve, his empty left sleeve, rose up and waved at her.

“Midnight. Ghosts.” said Murtaugh and winked at her.


Murtaugh had left. He had pushed his left arm – his “Karma Arm” – against the red brick wall (he had shown her the old ruins) and it just… melt away under his palm. While formed into a dark space and he looked at her and said;

“Bye. I’ll be back in thirty two days. If not, get out of here. Don’t let it get you. Please.”, and then he was gone.

Elizabeth looked at the black cat in her lap. It purred quietly. She petted its head, and climbed out of the damp cellar. Then she climbed out of the bathroom and went to prepare something to eat before going to sleep.


It had been ten days since Mur had disappeared into the darkness. Elizabeth took a book from the shelf and turned on the lamp. It was an Agatha Christie, A Pocket Full of Rye. She had read it before, but it wasn’t like Mur had the Royal Library in his attic so she just had to gobble it up. The book was good in itself, but what she found between the pages was far more surprising and was to give her a lot more excitement than a dusty old book.

There was a hairclip inside that book. It was made from some sort of semi-transparent, grey jewel. It had some random runes scribbled on it. It wasn’t a very fine piece of jewelry, but it certainly was unique among the other jewelry in this small town. With the clip, Elizabeth found a piece of paper torn out of a notebook. She moved her eyes to the text and read;

“I did it! Finally I managed to find the tools to mold the Gems so that they don’t break. The trial and error paid off, although I am now a tad poorer, 32 grand to be exact. To craft objects from wisdom gems, you need reinforced wood tools. The released karma will annihilate everything else. It seems that the gems structure transforms the destructive karma energy and turns it into an attractive opposite force. If we lived in a universe with this energy only, our universe wouldn’t eventually fall into a state of Chaos, but instead turn into a structure of complete Order. The karma that got stuck into the space of my arm… It is a strong destructive force. If I don’t do something it will destroy me. In future I will use wisdom objects to keep myself intact. I tested this clip and it does work, I can create stable portals with it, even more so than with just the power of karma. I will create something else for future use though… Perhaps a new pair of glasses? “

Elizabeth looked at the clip on her hand. This clip had the power to ‘create portals’? Hah! She thought and stared at the piece of jewelry. The machinery anywhere can’t break space-time and this crappy hairclip can?! This is blasphemy, if not something worse.

Then Elizabeth’s mental turmoil got interrupted by a loud demanding meow. It came from the kitchen. That cat could drive a lunatic crazy, she thought and ran downstairs and put the clip into her hair. Einstein was everywhere. In cupboards, on top of shelves, in the sewers… She had got lost for two days while looking for Einstein in those damn sewers.

This time around she found the damn cat inside the kitchen cupboard. Not only that but he was in the flour box. How does he do it?


Liz opened her eyes and stood up in her bed. She found Einstein sleeping as a fuzzy ball in her feet. The ball snored quietly. Looking out of the window, she could see that it was snowing. In fact, it was more of an avalanche than anything else. The village, the sea, everything was obscured by the white blur. Elizabeth sighed; this means more housework.

After washing her teeth and eating breakfast (eggs and a piece of cauliflower) Liz took out the snow pusher and started cleaning the front of the lighthouse. George O’Toole may be a fool with the payment, but he sure is strict about the condition of the lighthouse. The snow began to drift quite quickly, as she shoveled and shoveled. And it was still snowing. Nothing is more depressing than shoveling snow, while it is snowing.

At least she could ponder about yesterday. While searching more of the bookcase, she had found other notes. Some were so technical that she couldn’t get much out of them. On the other hand some were clearly written to Murtaugh himself and didn’t explain anything accurately at all. Elizabeth had already gathered that Murtaugh was going off exploring regularly, but he had worried about Einstein too much to leave the lighthouse for extended periods of time. Now he had got the chance… Elizabeth felt a slight wave of envy.

Elizabeth certainly couldn’t understand much of the note about the energies Murtaugh kept referring to. Karma, Wisdom… these are concepts of religion not science. And further more… what the Hell is Submachine?


Einstein the cat looked out of the window as the madwoman went back and forth with the pusher. What an imbecile, he thought, no cat in their right senses would go out there without eight ultimatums. It was so much nicer to sit on the window sill and let the heater warm you throughout.

Taking a last final glance out of the window, Einstein stood up and loosened up his muscles. A walk to the cup proved itself futile; the madwoman had forgotten to feed him yet again. How infuriating, how totally unacceptable, how… hold that thought.

A black cat ran up the lighthouse stairs and caught an unfortunate fly on the top stair. Then the cat turned around and the stairway was left totally empty.


“I give up ”, she exclaimed and threw the pusher to the snowbanks. The drifts of snow were now almost a meter high, after she had worked on them for an hour. She was cold, hungry and frustrated. There was no point going on with this before it stopped snowing so she turned to go inside, but she was stopped by a sound of some calling out for her.

It was the town’s mailman, Mr. McDane. Mr. McDane was an old, crooked man, who knew everything about everyone. He was always in a bad mood, even if it was sunshine. Now he had all the reason to be grumpy however, it wasn’t a pleasure to work in these conditions. Elizabeth sure as hell knew that.

“Good evening, Keeper”, said the man behind his fuzzy white eyebrows. As he recognized Elizabeth, the right piece of jungle rose up slightly. “Well, what do we have here… Miss Waver, what brings you here?”

“Mur is away for a couple of days, so I am taking care of his duties while he is gone. Why do you ask, oh honorable geezer”, she with a slightly insolent smiled on her face. She had teased often teased McDane with Mur when they were both young.

The short man grunted and said,” The Keeper has got mail. It isn’t from this village; there are quite a num-ber of stamps on it. Now, Miss Waver, would why that be? Has the Keeper gotten himself into some sort of,” he said and made an intentional, dramatic pause,”trouble?”
“Not that I am aware, no”, Elizabeth said with a voice that she entrusted with all the coldness she had in her. But did that work? No, not with Bert “Job” McDane, he held his attacking position firmly. “Then what do you suggest?”

“Are you implying something McDane?”

“No, not at all. It is just that your friend has been acting a little odd these couple of months. Some people enter the lighthouse only to disappear for days until appearing in random locations across the country. The Keeper on the other hand… stationary. He has been living like a hermit for some months now. You should be careful. I’ve heard even the cat has gone weird in here.”

“Are you saying that Mur is behind these disappearances?”

“No, I just simply-“

“Were poking your big nose onto other people’s business! Now, shoo. Shoo! Be gone!”, Liz said and shook her fist.

The postman looked at her, infuriated, but turned away regardless. “Fine, it is your life thrown away any-ways.” he said before vanishing to the blizzard and leaving Elizabeth standing in the snowstorm.


A couple of days later, after some more exhausting snowpushing, Elizabeth grabbed yet another one of his friend’s notes and started reading. This one would… well… you’ll see. It had many drawings on it, most looked like attempts to create optical illusions. The text made even less sense;

“You know the pattern of colors you see when you close your eyes? All those different formations and shapes inside your head. They are pretty much the same ones for everyone. Or not. I’m not certain. One in particular, the one with grey background and green, red and yellow dots is fascinating. The karma can break through it. I can travel anywhere if I rip through it. Scientists never realized that they have most likely all seen the fabric of reality in their sleep. Yet they spend millions of dollars just to find it. What a waste.”

At this point Liz would have had to turn the page, but the notes had been lying all over the place so she couldn’t do it very easily. She found a page about the same subject which read;

“First comes the tunnel, then you see the black and yellow swirls. Then it gets randomized. The figures can include just flashes of light or like this time blue spots on red surface. The subject is truly fascinating. Usually I can only rip space when spots appear, but today I could peel of the yellow swirls too! USE THE HAIR CLIP!”

While this sounded like muttering of a lunatic, this wasn’t the case. If you close your eyes, the light that still gets through will make you see some patterns. If you press your eyes you might see some other formations too. Yet connecting it with fabric of space is farfetched. Elizabeth thought about the last phrase. Use the hairclip?

It couldn’t hurt to try. Liz closed her eyes. She saw the red tunnel Mur mentioned, but nothing happened. She was just about to open her eyes as she saw something. A bright blue light glided down her field of vision, and disappeared. It wasn’t the only one though.

At least twenty different lights moved back and forth forming a delicate jigsaw puzzle. She could move the pieces… one by one… The pathway opened.

She could see it.

She was through.

And the snow just kept coming.


Re: Anteroinen's Theories

Posted: 02 Feb 2013 02:22
by Rooster5man
I'm not trying to be a critic, just letting you know:

1) You refer to Liz as "him" in the beginning

2) "The old lighthouse keeper, Bert Redburn" - Where'd that name come from? :P

3) A log broke his arm, interesting idea.

4) Are you referring to the "universe with this energy" as what could potentially be the SubNet?

5) "George O’Toole" - a descendant?

Elizabeth certainly couldn’t understand much of the note about the energies Murtaugh kept referring to. Karma, Wisdom… these are concepts of religion not science
Interesting you added that in, reminds me of my recent Theory, albeit you created this long before :P

7) About Liz forgetting to feed him: He can feed himself with his powers :P But good intro to the time/space dynamic.

the right piece of jungle
Hmm? Interesting McDane's name is Bert as well, lol.

9) Very interesting ending! Sounds like a reference to The Basement.

Overall, I very much enjoy this story!

Re: Anteroinen's Theories

Posted: 02 Feb 2013 11:17
by Vortex
I enjoyed reading this :D it's an awesome story!

Re: Anteroinen's Theories

Posted: 02 Feb 2013 13:42
by Anteroinen
1) You refer to Liz as "him" in the beginning
Yeah, I noticed. Decided to leave it that way anyway. It would've felt like cheating to correct my mistakes for some reason.
2) "The old lighthouse keeper, Bert Redburn" - Where'd that name come from? :P
From my head, like most of the other names. I gave Elizabeth a last name as well: Waver.
3) A log broke his arm, interesting idea.
I don't know why, but that's what I've always thought.
4) Are you referring to the "universe with this energy" as what could potentially be the SubNet?
Actually, it was more like a hypothetical universe where entropy would be reversed. It was a long time ago.
5) "George O’Toole" - a descendant?
I don't quite remember, but I fashioned a history in my mind where O'Toole family was one of the most influential ones in the society there. I think George was Henry's child or something. Oh, and Elizabeth was supposed to be a distant relative of theirs.
Elizabeth certainly couldn’t understand much of the note about the energies Murtaugh kept referring to. Karma, Wisdom… these are concepts of religion not science
Interesting you added that in, reminds me of my recent Theory, albeit you created this long before :P
Mystery! Did either of you remember the "Midnight. Ghosts." -reference, by the way? It was once a thing in the forum, wasn't it?
7) About Liz forgetting to feed him: He can feed himself with his powers :P But good intro to the time/space dynamic.
Yeah, that's totally why he kept going missing. :D
the right piece of jungle
Hmm? Interesting McDane's name is Bert as well, lol.
The other's short for Herbert. :lol: Oh, and that was his bushy eyebrow.
9) Very interesting ending! Sounds like a reference to The Basement.

It actually wasn't going to be the Basement. I don't think I'll ever continue, really, so I think I can tell you what it was going to be. The Gym, with one of those hideous tapes that go "beep, boop, beep, boop, beep, boop, beep, boop..." as an ambient.
Overall, I very much enjoy this story!
I enjoyed reading this :D it's an awesome story!
Thank you! I remember it was funny to write. 8-)

Re: Anteroinen's Theories

Posted: 03 Feb 2013 22:33
by Rooster5man
Yeah, I noticed. Decided to leave it that way anyway. It would've felt like cheating to correct my mistakes for some reason.
Oh, I see :P
I don't know why, but that's what I've always thought.
Could be. After one of my Theories where Sub-Portal 32 said there might be some mutation in the water or something, I thought his arm broke off from getting underneath the pressure of the falls.
Actually, it was more like a hypothetical universe where entropy would be reversed. It was a long time ago.
No, that's alright, no problem. Very cool.
I don't quite remember, but I fashioned a history in my mind where O'Toole family was one of the most influential ones in the society there. I think George was Henry's child or something. Oh, and Elizabeth was supposed to be a distant relative of theirs.
Oh, interesting!
Mystery! Did either of you remember the "Midnight. Ghosts." -reference, by the way? It was once a thing in the forum, wasn't it?
Seeing as how I visited the Forum just as Sub7 began (September of 2010, as far as I remember), I don't quite remember that :/
Oh, and that was his bushy eyebrow.
Ah, thank you!
It actually wasn't going to be the Basement. I don't think I'll ever continue, really, so I think I can tell you what it was going to be. The Gym, with one of those hideous tapes that go "beep, boop, beep, boop, beep, boop, beep, boop..." as an ambient
Haha, interesting! I don't mind if you don't decide to finish this, it was a very good story nonetheless :D

And you're welcome :D

Re: Anteroinen's Theories

Posted: 17 Feb 2013 00:39
by Anteroinen
So my theory was confirmed:
Mateusz Skutnik wrote:damn, accidentaly voted down on your comment. :/

no, the plan is not a place. It's a concept of intertwining layers. (comment section, duh.)

Re: Anteroinen's Theories

Posted: 17 Feb 2013 01:26
by Rooster5man
Yeah, I saw that, I just hope Mateusz isn't misleading us :P But that should've been confirmed on second thought: Remember the drawing from Sub8 on Layer 6, I believe? (it was in that video)

Re: Anteroinen's Theories

Posted: 17 Feb 2013 01:34
by Anteroinen
Rooster5man wrote:Yeah, I saw that, I just hope Mateusz isn't misleading us :P But that should've been confirmed on second thought: Remember the drawing from Sub8 on Layer 6, I believe? (it was in that video)
Yeah it was, although it wasn't explicitly stated. I'm totally perplexed of the meaning of that drawing though. It is one of the few things in Sub8 that made no sense what-so-ever.