Also framerate is not a valid excuse for unentertainment: Books, Comic Books, Visual Novels.
Of course it's a valid excuse for not being entertained. In the same way that you wouldn't be entertained if you were being kicked in the balls every time you watched Anime.
My beef with it isn't that it's not entertaining though. I said it didn't make it animation. You can still be entertained by it, just like a 3 year old can be entertained by watching a worm squirm, but animation and entertainment are not the same thing.
When I watch Anime (which I can't) I get absolutely no immersion because it feels like the same experience as someone physically holding up each frame to my face.
I don't get that with books or comic books because I read it at a speed I find immersive, and not at a set slow speed chosen by the author. Animation and written works are two completely different forms of entertainment, one of them doesn't even involve frames. Saying framerate is irrelevant to animation because it's irrelevant to books is like saying the quality of the apples in an apple pie are irrelevant because they're irrelevant to cakes. Apples certainly are irrelevant to cakes but they're not irrelevant to apple pies.
Framerate is an ingredient of animation, but not of written works.
I'd say that his idea there is incredibly specified. Looking way too deep into what is figuratively a puddle because he wants any answer to satisfy his question.
But if he is right and that is the psychology behind liking the show, that answer still doesn't apply to everyone who watches and likes it. And I don't find mild nostalgia and melancholy a valid enough reason to like or obsess over it.
The simple animation and "darts at a wall of post-it notes" style plotline generation they have is a huge turn off for me. There's a difference between creativity and throwing shit at a wall. *coughPollakcough*
Widen audience.
Widening their audience is not a valid excuse for translating a comic Manga to animation. Do note the difference between
translate and
adapt though.
If they had
adapted Mangas to animation they would have used the animation to portray things they couldn't have with just the Mangas. But they haven't, as I said I have not seen one Anime where it isn't a direct port from the Manga, defeating the point of making it an animation.
Sorry, Alamos. I'm not angry with you, and I don't mean to offend you.
I'm just angry with the whole subject.