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Re: Pastel Quiz!

Posted: 11 May 2014 17:13
by Vortex

Re: Pastel Quiz!

Posted: 11 May 2014 17:22
by bender
OnyxIonVortex wrote:8)Mateusz?
Yep :D

That was the first thing I wrote when I joined

Re: Pastel Quiz!

Posted: 11 May 2014 20:02
by bender
do you want the answers?

Re: Pastel Quiz!

Posted: 11 May 2014 20:14
by Vortex
yeah, some questions are too open to guess the answer anyways.

Re: Pastel Quiz!

Posted: 11 May 2014 20:56
by ThunderDasher
6) Because Vortex isn't?

Re: Pastel Quiz!

Posted: 11 May 2014 22:25
bender wrote:Bender's Quiz!!

1)Who has the 2nd worst grammar on this forum?
2)What's Sublevel's weapon of choice?
3)Who is Submerged?
4)Who is Rusty the Ruster?
5)Who's blood is toxic when its vaporised?
6)Who accidentally destroyed mars?
7)Why xetroV is so gay?
8)Who is keeping someone in his basement?
9)Why isn't there a 10th question?
11)What SNEE needs most?
1) If Rednoob is 1st, then redneB is the 2nd.
2) Giant scissor.
3) Either Submerged Machine or Pruppmerged.
4) Roosterman. CockleDoodleDoo!
5) Either Alien or Vurn.
6) Gil and his LAZOR.
7) Because he makes Fapepalm.
8) Mateusz "Awesome" Skutnik.
9) Because you're a noob.
10) A real noob
11) at least 9 new rooms to make 100 in total.

Re: Pastel Quiz!

Posted: 12 May 2014 15:25
by bender
bender wrote:Bender's Quiz!!

1)Who has the 2nd worst grammar on this forum?
2)What's Sublevel's weapon of choice?
3)Who is Submerged?
4)Who is Rusty the Ruster?
5)Who's blood is toxic when its vaporised?
6)Who accidentally destroyed mars?
7)Why xetroV is so gay?
8)Who is keeping someone in his basement?
9)Why isn't there a 10th question?
11)What SNEE needs most?

1)ENIHCAMBUS (1st being redneB)
5)Submeged level
6)Mc Gilbert
7)He has a gay star on his chest
8)Mateusz "Aragorn" Skutnik
9)Any insult is ok here

Re: Pastel Quiz!

Posted: 08 Jul 2014 23:25
What's Anteroinen's most famous quote?

B) "Medicine: club. Apply starkly to head"
C) "How dare, you didn't capitalized my name, this means WAR!!!"
D) All of the above ^^
E) Other...

Re: Pastel Quiz!

Posted: 08 Jul 2014 23:28
by Sublevel 114
ENIHCAMBUS wrote:What's Anteroinen's most famous quote?

B) "Medicine: club. Apply starkly to head"
C) "How dare, you didn't capitalized my name, this means WAR!!!"
D) All of the above ^^
E) Other...
I remember A and C...

Re: Pastel Quiz!

Posted: 06 Oct 2014 17:04
Member Quiz!

1) Member whose username you should always capitalize for your own good
2) Member that owns a weapon store
3) Member whose username in Skype Pastel group is Animod
4) Member who stopped the Cthulhu pastel war
5) Member that knows english, spanish and chinese, being capable of understanding 1/3 of the world
6) Member whose avatar is an aproximation of his face
7) Member who started the PPPFP
8) Member who broke his car alternator, and we made a farewell to it
9) Last "elder" to get his room in Subnet
10) Technocrat members (at least 7)
11) Gayiest member in our community
12) Member that in GOTS is leader of the TopBall clan
13) Members whose content are spread in 2 different locations of the Subnet
14) Member known for posting pictures of herself in order to post her reactions
15) Meanest member ever
16) Youngest member to have a location in Subnet
17) Member known for using 3D graphics
18) Member known with many names as joke becuase his username is hard to write
19) Member that has a small world under his face
20) Oldest member after Mateusz, in regard of ages in life