Who Is?
WIQ plays a video in The Memories and everyone watches:
A dude appears in the video.
Bender: Sublevel is that you?
Sublevel: NO! -_-
ENIHCAMBUS: I think is Gem
Gemini: OH! You found your own ending
ENIHCAMBUS: OK, maybe was Gil
Gil: Nuff Said
Bender: What about Boingo? He boings a lot
Boingo: No, it can't be me, I found me niche at teather
Abacus: Like?
Boingo: To be, or not 2B, thats the pencil
Vortex: XD
WIQ: Please, the movie is playing!
Bender: The thief wants us quiet
Boingo: Stop Bendy, please!
Bender: OK
Another dude appears in the video...
Bender: Sublevel is that you?
Behind The Frontier
Sublevel: Where is him?
Diamonds: Who?
Sublevel: Marbles!
Diamonds: Marbles?
Sublevel: Yes, Marbles
Diamonds: I don't know
Sublevel: Please, tell me something or I will explode in your face!
Diamonds: I don't have any face
Sublevel: ¬¬
Vortex: Sublevel!
Sublevel: What?!
Vortex: I have to say to you that the last time I seen Marbles, he was in the other side of the frontier in the Layer 6 when Mateusz closed the gate. He and the other 4 are now lost outside the Subnet.
Sublevel: I must save them!
Vortex: Alone?
Sublevel: No, I will have help of the "Lighthouse Einsteins Team"
Vortex: But one of them escaped from the Subnet long time ago, didn't you remember?
Sublevel: You mean :B? I know, but with Abacus, WIQ and Kakama it will be enough.
At the Lighthouse
Sublevel: I request your help to rescue Marbles and the others!
WIQ: Marbles? You know they are outside the Subnet right now?
Sublevel: I know, if you saved the Subnet once from Mur, I guess you can help me!
WIQ: OK, Kakamacus!
Kakamacus: At your orders.
Sublevel: WTF! o_0
WIQ: Yeah, we discovered divice, that...
...You know
Sublevel: :p
At the gate of the Layer 6
Sublevel: Now what?
WIQ: The gate is obviously closed.
Kakamacus: *Crashes*
Sublevel: Kakamacus crashes?
WIQ: With Abacus' bugs and Kakama's thinking speed, this new amalgam can't do anything but crashing.
Sublevel: *Facepalm*
Kakamacus: *Crashes*
Sublevel: *Megafacepalm*
Kakamacus: *Overcrashes*
???: *Fapepalm*
Sublevel: Whats that? Fapepalm?
???: *FAP* *FAP* *FAP*
Kakamacus: *Crashes*
Sublevel makes explosive jump and reachs the other side of the gate
Sublevel: Wow, I reached the other side guys...
???: *FAP* *FAP* *FAP*
WIQ: Finally!
Kakamacus: Nice Desk!
???: *FAP* *FAP* *FAP*
WIQ: Seriously, who is faping all there?
???: Hehe, do you want to see me
Kakamacus: *Crashes*
xetroV: Here I am!
Meanwhile in Layer 1
Bender: I knew it, he is gay crow!
Vortex: Who?
Bender: xetroV!
Vortex: Thats not revelant, but seriously, why do you jumped and say that right now?
Bender: I heard that from xetroV, with the help of Wisdom
Vortex: Wisdom Gem?
Bender: Yeah!
Vortex: Where did you get it?
Bender: Hehehe...
At AK's room
AK: Someone steal my Wisdom Gem! And replaced it with a black forest cake...
...well at least I have something yummy to eat here now!
Back to Bender
Vortex: ...Black Forest cake, where did you get it?
Bender: Rednoob
maked it!
Vurn: I'm always there to appreciate some fine, erroneous verb forms
Vortex: Rednoob!!!??? Poor AK.
Back to Action
Sublevel: I'm alone, but I must continue.
After 2 days walking in the meadows, Sublevel reachs a mountain and hides in a cave to sleep
Sublevel: Cave, sweet cave!
???: Stop there in the name of Skutul!
Sublevel: Skutul!
???: Yeah! My overlord seriously wants to meet you!
Sublevel: Who are you?
Borys: I'm Borys! *Dun Dun Dunnn.....*
Sublevel: You betrayer!
Borys shots a paralizing dart to Sublevel and grabs him to depper the cave
Sublevel awakes
Sublevel: Where I am?
retraC: Sublevel! Its a surprise to see you again!
Sublevel: Wait! You're not Skutul
retraC: I know, but he can talk and see you trough this orb
Sublevel looks at the orb
Skutul: Hello Sublevel, I want to play a game!
Sublevel: SRLY?
Skutul: Yeah! you have to choose between saving Marbles, TDDP, JackO, redneB and Seaflower; or save WIQ and Kakamacus.
xetroV: Make your election!
Sublevel: I don't understand, why you trapped redneB?
retraC: I seriosly hate that coward demond, didn't you see why I want him dead?
Sublevel: OK, but I come for saving Marbles!
Marbles: Yay, I will be saved!
WIQ: You will left me like that?
Skutul: The election was done!
Borys: Stop!
retraC: What?
Borys: You where going to kill WIQ, he was nice guy, we where friends, and Abacus and Kakama too, please don't kill them
Skutul: The question was point to Sublevel, now we have to proced
Kakamacus: Wait!, Sublevel you have to explode, that way you will save us all!
WIQ: Finally an idea!
Sublevel: Good one!
*Sublevel Explodes*
3 days later
Sublevel: And thats how I rescued Marbles!
Bender: I don't care about that, just listen to xetroV's last scream, he is pure gay!
Rednoob: Velcum te Rednoob's supre stuf tore, beri god qaliti. Vat du yo lant thu boi?
AK: I wan't one of your Black Forest Cakes Please!