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Re: Meditations

Posted: 30 Oct 2013 02:40
by Redafro
It seems to me that it is evil by definition, not by some act of will. Doesn't matter if it "innocently" came to its conclusions based on the data it had to work with (junk in, junk out), it is still an evil conclusion. Hmm... so junk in, evil out in this case.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 30 Oct 2013 03:41
by WorldisQuiet5256
When your laptop deletes your files on your computer without you even making it happen.
Does that make your laptop evil?

Re: Meditations

Posted: 30 Oct 2013 04:01
by Boingo

Re: Meditations

Posted: 02 Nov 2013 18:07
by Redafro
It makes the event evil, not the laptop... unless it happens repeatedly and cannot be fixed.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 04 Nov 2013 04:14
by Boingo
Or a boggart has inhabited it. :ugeek:

Re: Meditations

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 03:39
by Redafro
Any thoughts on the yen & yang style of good and evil? I never could get it. I always thought that the Good was something like life without flaw, or complete life, and so all evil was merely life incomplete and the misunderstandings and false conclusions that incompletion would bring.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 04:54
by WorldisQuiet5256
Good and Evil
When combine
Give you Choice

Not just any Choice
But Free Will.

Free Will is when you have all the cards lie out on the table in front of you
Both the Good ones and the Bad ones.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 05:33
by WorldisQuiet5256
Remember, remember! The fifth of November,
The Gunpowder treason and plot;
I know of no reason Why the Gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!

Re: Meditations

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 06:10
by Isobel The Sorceress
Redafro wrote:Any thoughts on the yen & yang style of good and evil? I never could get it. I always thought that the Good was something like life without flaw, or complete life, and so all evil was merely life incomplete and the misunderstandings and false conclusions that incompletion would bring.
I think Yin and Yang represent contrast and opposites. You can't have one without the other. How do you know something is "good", if you have never seen what is "bad"? If everything is the same, there's no need to even have words to describe these things, since you have nothing to compare them to.

So, if you lived a "life without flaw", how would you know it was a perfect life? You would have no experience of imperfection, nothing to compare it to.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 05 Nov 2013 07:12
by The Kakama
Redafro wrote:It seems to me that it is evil by definition, not by some act of will. Doesn't matter if it "innocently" came to its conclusions based on the data it had to work with (junk in, junk out), it is still an evil conclusion. Hmm... so junk in, evil out in this case.
About this, it does seem that Skynet is evil, because by trying to eliminate the human race because humans are a threat to themselves, Skynet becomes an even bigger threat to the human race, unless the Skynet thinks it will ultimately fail its mission. And if Skynet was smart enough to come up with the first conclusion, then it probably also knows the latter.
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:When your laptop deletes your files on your computer without you even making it happen.
Does that make your laptop evil?
Redafro wrote:It makes the event evil, not the laptop... unless it happens repeatedly and cannot be fixed.
If 'evil' were a personality trait, or a way of thinking, then the laptop wouldn't be evil because it can't think. The event can't be evil either because events aren't sentient.
But on the other hand, if 'evil' means the event will have bad affects, then yes, the event is evil.
(But this can also depend on perspective, what is bad to someone might be good to someone else, though not in this case)

Depends on what you mean.