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Re: Forum's Website Development & Bugs & Problems Reporting

Posted: 31 Aug 2016 17:16
by Anonymous1
In other hand, poll (if it is made, of course) will not be anonymous. Everyone will say why he trusts this guy and want to see him admin. In this case, everyone can add his word. :)
I like that, weeds out those who might have an alternate account *coughvortexsadmin2accountcough* and use it to vote more than once. Which is a major no no.

We don't base an admin position solely on vet status, its also contributions to the forum, the overall behavior of the user (which makes me look a little shady, but whatever) and the overall opinion of the community towards specific user.

Maybe we should just write up resumes and submit them lol. :P
Vortex or Bender guys,
Btw if Bender is promoted to admin, you can kiss your account goodbye considering the things you've said about him in the past. I bet he's just waiting... to push that DELETE button. :P

Re: Forum's Website Development & Bugs & Problems Reporting

Posted: 31 Aug 2016 19:40
by Vortex
Anyways before talking about all this we should know who are the nominees :P

Re: Forum's Website Development & Bugs & Problems Reporting

Posted: 31 Aug 2016 19:44
by Anonymous1
we should know who are the nominees
So far its me and you. Could throw Jatsko in too... he's made wonderful contributions and has shown he is deserving of his admin position on the wiki.

Re: Forum's Website Development & Bugs & Problems Reporting

Posted: 31 Aug 2016 19:50
by Vortex
I agree, and people seemed to think the same when we made the unoficcial poll.

Sublevel would make a very good admin too, though he doesn't want to admit it :P

Re: Forum's Website Development & Bugs & Problems Reporting

Posted: 31 Aug 2016 19:58
by Anonymous1
Sublevel would make a very good admin too
Disagree. No real reason comes to mind, just don't feel he would.

I'm pretty good when it comes to scouting out power positions like mod and admin. I don't think I ever told you this, but I recommended you as mod to Mateusz on the bbpress forum. This was back when I was moderator and was about to hang it up, I gave Mateusz two names. You and Smartguy5000.

And then we have the wiki where I suggested to Marbles to have you placed as admin and you did that position well, and then we also have Jatsko too.

See? I'm pretty good at scouting talent :)

Re: Forum's Website Development & Bugs & Problems Reporting

Posted: 31 Aug 2016 20:00
by Sublevel 114
I see in nominees only Jatsko, Vortex and Enihcambus obviously.
They helped to keep alive this forum and our community in last years. And continue to do it. (Especially Jatsko).

how I see:

Sublevel is not responsible. sorry.
Anonymous had very bad experinces, even when he was in mod status not so long time ago. Kore, you know that. sorry.
I think Kakama is not ripe. sorry
Anteroinen, Vurn, Gil and others... not enough activity. sorry.

I don't think I ever told you this, but I recommended you as mod to Mateusz on the bbpress forum
who? Vortex?
he wasn't so much active and huge at that time... wat

Re: Forum's Website Development & Bugs & Problems Reporting

Posted: 31 Aug 2016 20:14
by Vortex
Gemini523 wrote:
Sublevel would make a very good admin too
Disagree. No real reason comes to mind, just don't feel he would.
Well, my reasoning is it's a fact that Sublevel is more active than me, and it's pretty likely that he knows much more about computers/databases/administration than me. I don't know a whole lot about these things tbh, though it's true that I can learn relatively fast. I consider that a weak point against me being administrator, if you tell me "install such and such mod" right now I wouldn't know where to start.

But I understand if Sublevel doesn't want such responsibility over his shoulders. Then I consider I have a slight advantage over Jatsko, just because I'm a little more active than him and he said he doesn't know a lot about computers either. Ehnic would also be a good choice for admin, perhaps above me. I mostly agree with Sublevel in regards to the other people.

Re: Forum's Website Development & Bugs & Problems Reporting

Posted: 31 Aug 2016 20:28
by Anonymous1
he wasn't so much active and huge at that time... wat
He was actually pretty active, a lot more than others. My opinion on him was his leadership skills, taking charge. Much like he took charge of the spambot problem recently.
Anonymous had very bad experinces, even when he was in mod status not so long time ago. Kore, you know that. sorry.
You need to learn to grow a sense of humor dude. That ban was a joke. And those bad experiences are years ago, five at most. A lot has changed since then. If there is one thing I dislike is making assumptions based on the past.

That's like those little trolls I get from time to time who go scouting for internet posts I made when I was 12 or 13 and try to paint me as some super troll because I had an ignorant view of subjects in those early years. I'm 29 now, I'm not the same person I was when I was 12.

Re: Forum's Website Development & Bugs & Problems Reporting

Posted: 31 Aug 2016 21:41
by Sublevel 114
heh and we again discuss without master of forum lol

Ak is here. Let's see what he says

Re: Forum's Website Development & Bugs & Problems Reporting

Posted: 31 Aug 2016 21:44
by Anonymous1
Just got a PM from him, he agrees to the forum vote, he will make a topic about it