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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions
Posted: 01 Sep 2015 03:32
So it will be released right before "Where is 2016?". Great...
Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions
Posted: 01 Sep 2015 04:56
by Sublevel 114
yay! ^-^
Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions
Posted: 01 Sep 2015 05:15
by Jatsko
Right before WI2016 is in the winter, not the fall. So there will be some time between the two
Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions
Posted: 01 Sep 2015 05:29
by Anonymous2
Whoa hold on here, before we get all crazy, it was a misspeaking on my part and a fail on the forums part. I checked the wayback machine after making that post, and noticed in June when Mateusz launched that paetron, that it said Fall of 2015. So therefore its always been there, but I swear it said September 2015. I edited my post to remove that bit, and the forum showed the confirmation screen, but it obviously didn't edit it, since its still there..
There are 30 days in September and Mateusz... he's been working on Sub10 since April. The man ain't god, but he is the SUB GOD and he's proven to us time and time again he can create a game within thirty days and make it one of the best games he's ever made.
Submachine 1 comes to mind
Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions
Posted: 01 Sep 2015 05:46
by Jatsko
Chyeah but he's not gonna make Sub10 in 30 days, this is THE GAME of Pastel Games.
Though it would help appease our cravings immensely, I know when he showed the pictures of the Patreon reward drawings I went bonkers. Related to the Submachine series or not, even if they're just Submachine-inspired pictures, it got the blood flowing. That's the thing, anything he creates like that is instantly received by his fans because they're so hungry for the next material to come out.
Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions
Posted: 01 Sep 2015 06:00
by Anonymous2
I plan on getting on the Pateron system, but I'm waiting to see what he does with the rewards system, since he's changing it, and that's the thing, is he going to change it now, or after the release of Sub10 and if I were to get on lets say tomorrow, and he changes it later this month after the release of Sub10, do I still get my reward (putting down $30) next month, or is that changed?
Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions
Posted: 01 Sep 2015 09:37
by Vortex
I think you're a day too late
someone made a post on Patreon and Mateusz answered that he sent the last rewards by mail yesterday. You can still talk to him, I think he probably won't mind to make a last Submachine watercolor for you.
Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions
Posted: 01 Sep 2015 16:09
by RuloCore
so when is sub 10 coming
Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions
Posted: 01 Sep 2015 16:21
by Sublevel 114
this guy knows
Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions
Posted: 01 Sep 2015 16:22
by Vortex
If not in September, probably in October.