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Re: Guardians of the Pastel Universe

Posted: 04 Mar 2018 23:28

ENIHCAMBUS: ...Where his last words, before he destroyed MAT location and left us, at least partially, since we can still find ways to contact him.
Sublevel: Yeah... he must be really busy creating new world and combating N-Tark.
AK: Things feel again like when the torch was paced to me.
Anteroinen: Yeah, though the torch is in Vortex hands now.
Vortex: Hey guys, how I light this on?
Sublevel: You should know, soul of the forum!
AK: Just insert an Euro coin, it will lit.
ENIHCAMBUS: But they are no more Euro coins here...
Sublevel: In the Subnet! Remember, we can go outside to other worlds now.
Vortex: But which of these world got Euro coins in them?
Anteroinen: Good question!
Vortex: BTW, even if I had an Euro coin, there's no place where I can insert it here.
AK: We know, in reality we wanted to trick you.
Sublevel: Yeah, very good and bizarre stuff happens when you make contact with Euros.
Vortex: Oh, that... But then how I got to light this?
ENIHCAMBUS: Light what?
AK: Remember, the torch is metaphorical.
Vortex: But, I have a torch on my hand!
Anteroinen: It's just an ordinary torch.
Vortex: What's up with all this mind fuck?
Sublevel: Boredom.
Vortex: And how's that I got this torch in first place?
Sublevel: You picked it up, you were going to carry the evidence!
Vortex: The evidence for what?
Anteroinen: As you can see here, the MAT locations and all its documents...
Vortex: Oh... And how's that I don't remember anything of this?
ENIHCAMBUS: Mateusz caught you when you were looking for the evidence, and then he told you Something...
Sublevel: ...those were his last words.
Vortex: Okay, this is getting somber...
AK: Then "Something" is doing their job right.
Vortex: Guys, what are you talking about...
Vortex: Guys?
Vortex: I'm suddenly alone? Where are you guys?
ENIHCAMBUS: I am here Vortex, not in another Layer, not in another SubLayer...
AK: We are onto something...
Anteroinen: The End...
Sublevel: I'll miss you guys!
Vortex: I will miss you too!
AK: Farewell!
Something: Goodbye!

*Vortex wakes up in burnt up MAT Location*

Vortex: Ugh...
Sublevel: Vortex, are you okay.
Vortex: I really have no idea what happened, is this the end?
Sublevel: No? Did you got the torch?
Vortex: hmm... Yeah, I have it here in my hand.
Sublevel: Well then!
Vortex: Sublevel, do you have idea of why I suddenly went unconscious here?
Sublevel: Mateusz caught you and told you something...
Vortex: Alright, but, even if we can still contact him through some ways, do you think it would be a good idea after what he did to me.
Sublevel: The thing is, we won't. We don't want to contact him. I know, imagine once greater cleric of Skutnicism accepting that our lord has abandoned us, not quite the situation though. Sometimes divine entities only want to be listened, not spoken for.
Vortex: Sublevel, why do you talk like that, you never talk like that!
Sublevel: Vortex, I have to tell you a secret. A little secret!
Vortex: What?
*Vortex comes closer to Sublevel, who promptly farts*
Sublevel: Little Secret...
Vortex: ...
Sublevel: ...
Vortex: ...
Sublevel: ...
Vortex: WTF...
Sublevel: LOL! ENIHC's plan worked!
Vortex: ehnic planned all this?
Sublevel: No, just me telling a bunch of nonsense to then tell you a much special little secret!
ENIHCAMBUS: Yeah Vortex, you should have seen your face, hahaha!
Vortex: Dammit! But about what about the MAT Location, did he really burn it all?
Sublevel: Yes!
Vortex: And why did he left me unconscious?
ENIHCAMBUS: The room was closed all the time and when you entered there was a lot of carbon dioxide produced from the flames, nothing weird.
Vortex: Okay, I think everything is solved now!
*Sudden AK*
AK: Not quite, we still need to figure what this "Something" Mateusz referred was!
ENIHCAMBUS: I remember it, you know, MAT location was supposedly a quiet place, then resident sentient Karma Seal Sundex came and shout "This place is so quiet!", then I told him to not speak loud and that this place only handles loud conversations when Mateusz says "Something".
Vortex: And what happened then?
ENIHCAMBUS: Mateusz came and said "Something", then he picked up a torch and destroyed everything.
AK: Ah, so he destroyed his stuff with fire again.
Sublevel: Yeah, like when he destroyed an entire Revolution's neighborhood when a massive cat pissed the entire site.
Vortex: I still remember Borys reaction! XD
ENIHCAMBUS: Yeah, like if was yesterday...
AK: Well, that's all I wanted to hear, things are not going to be much different from the last time he stopped speaking to us, when he left me in charge.
Sublevel: All hail Big Brother! And all hail Soul of Pastel Lands!
Vortex and AK: :p

Re: Guardians of the Pastel Universe

Posted: 22 Nov 2020 03:48
The Allmighty Scoreboard

Meanwhile in Two Thousand and Someteen

Mateusz Skutnik: Finally, I finished my new minigame, now I'll just have to betatest it!

5 hours later

Code: Select all


1. Subgod :)			5932
Mateusz Skutnik: Fantastic! Now I'll just have to anounce it with the public.

1 hour later

Mateusz Skutnik: Okay citizens of Pastel Town, I have released a new minigame, you play as a chicken who has to get across some platforms while juggling some eggs. Have fun and don't forget to share your scores, the game may be a little too difficult ;)

15 minutes later

Mateusz Skutnik: 133 people finished it already, I'm impressed! Let's check the scoreboard.

Code: Select all


1. SubmergedMachine		323232
2. 1337HCKR			99999
3. ProGamerGuy6315		21348
4. AK+Soullock			15943
5. Desmodus			13857
6. RuloCore			12335
7. SmartGuy5000			12001
8. Bloodhit			11934
9. Postillionen			11789
10. Karol Konwersky		11453
133. Rednoob			6013
134. Subgod :)			5932
Mateusz Skutnik: Goddammit...

Re: Guardians of the Pastel Universe

Posted: 22 Nov 2020 09:43
by Sublevel 114
wow, Eric, you did it!!! After 2 years of silence - new story!
And it''s first time when code tags were used like this here, if I am correct.

Poor Subgod... Even Karol and Pastel Noobs team are better than him...

Re: Guardians of the Pastel Universe

Posted: 10 Dec 2020 00:20
Nothing Like A Good Slice Of Sea For Breakfast, Part 1

Meanwhile in Lab Area 38C Cafeteria (L1), Sublevel throws a loaf of bread into a garbage can.

Sublevel: Goodbye Loaf of Bread, you were good breakfast meal.
Vortex: Today beggings a new era!
Sundex: The era of the Slice of Sea! Breakfasts will never be the same.
Sundayfever: I always prefered salty over carb!
Redafro: Hurray, can't wait to try it with my Wisdom Gems!
Mateusz Skutnik: Indeed my fellow guardians, I made these with some help from Thumpmonk and Cat Yankee, they mean a lot for us, hope you enjoy them!
ENIHCAMBUS: You're boss Mateusz! *Eats lots of slices of sea" 😋
Sublevel: Glory to Subgod, and special thanks to Monk and Cat! : D
*Everybody applauses*

Bread Mining and Processing Plant (L4)

BMPP Employee #1423: Boss, it's an emergency!
The Engineer: What could that be!
BMPP Employee #731: The Loaf of Bread sales rate dropped to near zero.
The Engineer: Impossible, everything was fine yesterday.
BMPP Employee #731: We have no idea how something like this could have happened.
The Engineer: Indeed, a drop of rates on a brim is statistically imposible, what I'm going to do? We need to figure out what's going on.
BMPP Employee #2110: Boss, apparently, Subgod has created a new revolutionary type of breakfast called "Slice of Sea", once he announced it, everyone in the Pastel Universe started to ditch our Loafs of Bread for seemingly no reason.
The Engineer: That's really weird, why people would do that? Couldn't they just have both things, this doesn't makes any sense at all. Why would Subgod convince anybody to ditch our stuff just for that.
BMPP Employee #1423: Yeah, Subgod would never do anything like that.
The Engineer: I'll figure this out, hopefully I know some fellows who can help me sort this. In the meantime, I'll put Greennoob in charge in the meantime.
Greennoob: Yay! *burp*
BMPP Employee #2110: Why that?
The Engineer: Hey, out of all the people working here, it's the only who show up on my birthday.
BMPP Employees: Okay...
The Engineer: It's not like he could mess up with the plant as it is now, he's also one of the tamer noobs, everything will be alright, remember, I'm "The Engineer", I always make good decisions!

A'lek's House, Oolith (L4)

A'lek: The Engineer, what's up this time?
The Engineer: I have a situation, lets make this quick, contact your friends Elouf, Quall and Ener, I'll give you more coffee beans than you could ever dream about!
A'lek: DEAL!!! Give me anything you got!

The Dust Bowl, Outskirts of Daymare Town (L2), 7 hours later

Quall: We have arrived at our destination.
Ener: This place is so desolated.
Quall: Back in the day, there was a large body of saltwater, but one day, the mare stood, and nobody remembers what happened next, only that the water was gone.
Elouf: So says the legend, enough with fairy tales, lets get into action! *pulls shotgun*
A'lek: Nobody said anything about combat man.
Elouf: We cannot we sure, I heard this place is inhabitated by strange creates, some of which are hostile, like the terrible branchwings.
Ener: I heard of those, they're scary. 0_0
Quall: Keep calm guys, remember to use reason for anything.
A'lek: Let's begin our journey.
Ener: Horray! New adventures! ^__^
Elouf: 🤘🏽
Quall: *thumbs up*


Re: Guardians of the Pastel Universe

Posted: 10 Dec 2020 10:05
by Sublevel 114
Yay, a new story!!! ^^ Thanks, Enihc!

Though I was taught to not throw away bread to trash bin since birth... Goodbye, Load of Bread! >:D

So happy to see A'lek and ALLUKIN characters are having a new adventure! Wonder why Engineer did not say to call Maddox. Maybe because he was to cool for this stupid pointless job.

One day I WILL reread all previous stories and finish first era / evil twins saga.

Re: Guardians of the Pastel Universe

Posted: 29 Jan 2021 21:41
by Lurker
they are coming