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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Posted: 09 Dec 2013 02:17
Joker Joked

Meanwhile in the Winter Palace:

Sublevel: Hello everyone!
Vortex: Hello Sublevel!
Bender: Hello Potatolevel!
Sublevel: ¬¬

Later that day, Sublevel was working in something and Bender appeared

Bender: Sublevel Explodes!
Sublevel: *Explodes*


Sublevel: Could you stop joking on me please.
Bender: No...

Then Sublevel goes with Vortex

Sublevel: Is there a way to get rid of Bender, he was joking at me for lot of time.
Vortex: You can make he stay away forever, but if you want to get rid of him for a while I can give you the instructions.
Sublevel: Yes please!

The final encounter!

Sublevel: Bender, do you like bending people so much?
Bender: Incredible deduction skills Sublevel!
Sublevel: Ok, do you want to bend me now?
Bender: I can't resist
Sublevel: Bend me if you want, but you may realize something.
Bender: What?
Sublevel: You can't bend me
Bender: Why?
Sublevel: There is no Sublevel

Sublevel uses his Karma Powers to teleport to other layer and use a translayer speaker

Bender: What? How? Where? When?
Sublevel: Now you realize that you are bending yourself

After all

Sublevel: Vortex, your plan worked!
Abacus: What happened?
Vortex: I told him a way to bend bender, and he did so :mrgreen:
Abacus: Wow, they must be an achievement for that! So, achievement unlocked for Sublevel!
Sublevel: Yay! :D

Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Posted: 09 Dec 2013 11:08
by The Kakama
Bender should see this. :P

Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Posted: 09 Dec 2013 13:42
by bender
Ha! I can't bend myself but I can bend the entire forum.

Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Posted: 09 Dec 2013 13:50
by Sublevel 114
bender wrote:Ha! I can't bend myself but I can bend the entire forum.
*lies detected!*
Only Subgod can do this!

Or Spam King.

Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Posted: 10 Dec 2013 03:37
by The Kakama
Is the spam king Mateusz Skutul?

Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Posted: 24 Dec 2013 20:52
Back to the old routine of being every member I want and create my very own epic sequences. :P

Pure Sarcasm

Vurn: I created some shit for you.
Bloodhit: But is awesome!
Sublevel: Yeah!
Vurn: Yes, its shitty.

Sneaky Snacks

Rainbowpoptartunicorn: I'm hungry
Boingo (Looking at Nyanicorn): me too
Boingo attampts to eat Rainbowpoptart unicorn,
but suddenly Mateusz sneaks and come in front of them

Mateusz Skutnik: Stop! I have some snacks for you.
Boingo: Whoa! Sneaky!
Rainwobpoptartunicorn: Sneaky Snacks!

Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Posted: 24 Dec 2013 21:33
by bender
Bender's S(hi)tory Episode 1: The Bending Menace

*5 years later*
Bender: Hi
ENIHCAMBUS: Bender why do you say me hi now?
Bender: Sublevel explodes
Sublevel: Why do I always explode?
Bender: Because you are a bunny!
Sublevel: That doesn't make any sense...
ENIHCAMBUS: Bender are you alright?
Vortex: I am an Onion!
ENIHCAMBUS: What the hell?
Bender: I am Vurning on acid right now!!
Vurn: Its not funny. All of your good jokes argon.
Chemistry Cat: High five!
ENIHCAMBUS: Can somebody tell me whats going on?
Kakama: I will tell you... But get your kakamatar first!!!!
Sublevel: No get a Sublevelatar!
Kakama: Kakamatar!
Sublevel: Sublevelatar!
Vortex: What about onionatar?
WIQ: I am so quiet right now...
Babylon: Sublevel are you gay?
Sublevel: No but I only love gay crows!
xetroV: Good bunny!
ENIHCAMBUS: What the hell is happening!
Boingo: What did I miss?
Gil: I changed my name to gilbert!! awww yeah!
Boingo: Good for you!

Mateusz: Bender what the hell!
Bender: What do you mean?
Mateusz: Did you bend the forum again?
Bender: Maybe...
Mateusz: Goddammit Bender! I am not going to get you that blender for Christmas!
Bender: I am going to kill your bunnies then!
Mateusz: How?
Bender: When is Submachine 9 is out?
Mateusz: Bender stop
Bender: When is Submachine 9 is out?
Mateusz: NOO
Bender: When is Submachine 9 is out?
Mateusz: I loved that bunny!
Bender: When is Submachine 9 is out?
Mateusz: No not Frank!
Bender: When is Submachine 9 is out?
Mateusz: NOOOO!
Bender: When is Submachine 9 is out?
Mateusz: Okay you win this round! But I am going to win the round 2! *grabs banhammer*
Bender: NOOOO!
*Bender is now offline*
Mateusz: Mwhahahaha!

Sublevel: Is this part where I explode?
Narrator: Yes

*Sublevel explodes*

Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Posted: 24 Dec 2013 22:31
by Vortex

Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Posted: 25 Dec 2013 02:17
by The Kakama
Best Christmas present. XD

Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Posted: 25 Dec 2013 05:46
by WorldisQuiet5256
Shit Happens.
Plain and Simple.

I swear Sublevel has become our Combustible Lemon.