Sublevel 102 wrote:BTW, I think Sub1 is awesome because it has "individual" sounds. Valve sound, Four tiles sounds, etc... (It is too why Submachine took souls so many people?..)
Why do other games have single sound?
The sound of the 3 presure levers reapears in Sub8.
Also, the sound of the valve keeps reapearing during Sub4 and Sub5.
The most "rare" sounds of the Subnet actually are the one you said (The URD activation), The air pressure heavy lever (Sub3 level 4), almost all the sounds of Sub3 level 8 (the one with the egg machines), Sub5 charger sound, the seventh lightning (Sub7 intro)...
...But the most rare of all is the sound that only is heard when you reach the top of the lighthouse (Sub2) for the first time.