Type on the computer "drain lower pipe room"
Maddox already mentioned before that there's NO NEEDS to drain the lower pipe room if there's no apparent dangers!
Maddox is clearly getting frustrated.
and pass ener the welder/lighter. If you dont like the dark, stand near the white void.
Maddox went into the dark EASTERN CORRIDOR ROOM and called for Ener
Hey, Ener! Can you hear me?!
We are going around in circles and I cannot think about what to do now. Do you want the WELDER back?
Sure I do!
But aren't you afraid of the darkness?
Oh you shut up! I am not afraid of dark! I just cannot see as well as you do... Speaking of which, can I have the CORD back?
No way! I want it for the COMPUTER, just in case!
Have you found or searched for any of SPARE CORD?
I haven't found anything like that on my side. What about your?
Uuhh... I am not sure.
Weld together connections on circuit board.
Ener rushes back down to the LOWER FLOOR and started repairing the CIRCUIT BOARD!
and easily finished his simple task! Soon, Ener thought he heard a soft *click* coming from the above...