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Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 00:05
by Ancient Crystal
Pretty much, yes. Please stick to the parts that have been decided though, we had a lot of trouble gitting all that in place. Less signicant alterations are still doable, however.

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 12:24
by The Abacus
The main chunk of the back-story has been decided (or at least that's what I remember), but we still need to sort out the details and the best method of implementing the back-story into the game.

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 13:03
by Ancient Crystal
Well, personally, I'd say we throw the main chunks in the player's face, but that really only extends to the facillity being secret and what it is dedicated to researching.

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 21:18
by Babylon
Hmm, I agree with you on that front. If we throw the player a few cryptic messages that state the facility is top-secret and it's dedicated to researching 'X' (Whatever it's supposed to be researching.)

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 22:43
by Ancient Crystal
We can do better than that. How about a partially corrupted chat log from a newly hired scientist and a veteran lab assistant?

As for what it's researching, I believe we can still use the technobabble from my backstory. As I mentioned on the loose ideas wiki page, it opens for a lot of possibilities for puzzles. Not to mention it allows us to hand-wave what's happened to the corpses. Vortex said he was good at technobabble though, so he should probably have a look at mine and see if it needs polishing.

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 20:25
by ThunderDasher
But... It's so fun when you're forced to join bits from here and there to understand what's going on D:

I agree that this ain't Submachine and players are supposed to understand the story at some point of the series (*rather sarcastical, but not really depreciative cough*), but waking up on some half-destroyed underground military base for mind power testing really gives you no clues of what gives at all.

Also, does the character has any memories or not? I'd say he could have an "amnesia" of sorts, as a result of the area being destroyed, mental energy waves all around, messing with his mind, blah blah blah.

And since that's a lot of stuff about MIND POWARZ, we should get to see mental weaponry or, at least, some sort of telekinesis, at some points. Bonus point for Cover Front-like machine for creating stuff out of plain nowhere.

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 20:41
by Ancient Crystal
It is indeed fun, but we need to offer up some basic coherence for free.

As for the memories, I believe this has been covered already, and implemented into the final in-game plot summary. Besides, the player is genderless, not a he.

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 20:44
by Babylon
Well, I guess that depends on the level of science fiction were going on, or the hardness so to speak.

I believe the original purpose of the facility in the backstory is the development of mental weapons or the research of some phsycic phenomenon which could be weaponized. Similarly, I believe that the backstory or in game plot establishes the player's amnesia as the result as some kind of accident based around these experiments.

EDIT: Sorry, didn't realise you had already replied.

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 20:52
by Ancient Crystal
Again, I'm fairly sure we've decided this already. Most of it is covered in the agreed-on plot summary.

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 20:58
by Babylon
Yes, we have agreed it. I suggest we don't try to change it anymore.