The fact is that when one post, one replies. Then a chain is started. And most of the chains are made in off topic or Randomness, when I first enter the forum, I didn't knew what difference have these. off tops are random, and random is off top. It doesn't have sence, I just replied becuase someone posted, but what its the meaning of having lot of posts if most of them are pretty useless 2 words posts? Same goes for topics, its a great problem when a single topic have more than 100 posts, becuase its hard to find usefull info them. If you want to find drawings, for example, you just go to drawings thread, but there still stuff lost in off top or random. For example, pretty fun stuff that yould be in funny stuff thread, but is lost in some other thread. I'm the one guy who scearch for those funny sequences, and put them in funny thread.
Achievements, joke list and other stuff have their own thread because I don't wanted them lost somewhere. Its good to mantain usefull (Well, not that usefull) info. And having threads for their respective kind of info is usefull too.
I always wanted to ask:
Why we have rant and happy threads if every one is ranting or being happy in off top or random?
Why I'm following the current and doing the same? Its because one post, and other replies, so why doesn't the poster put his fellings in a more emotional thread?
Other thing that bugs me:
What the Fuck is necesity of having both "Goodnight" and "Goodbye" threads at the same time.
I check "Goodnight" and there is some guy saying "Goodbye".
Then I check "Goodbye" and there is some guy saying "Goodnight".
I never liked those anyway.
Also: The last discussion posted in off topic, must be in languajes thread.
One of the most "mature" creations of those "inmature" (Said Theta) members is the "Weather thread", handfull if someone want to discuss about that.
I think Off topic and RANDOMNESS where totaly different before in old forum (In Alamos' times), but now they are part of the Outer Rim. I think I agree with you, I prefer to have pure threads instead of having those mutations. We can't lost the plan.
OnyxIonVortex wrote:I agree with both of your points. The forum's conversations have degenerated too much to dull short posts without substance. I sometimes see old members appear and bring up interesting discussions but they're quickly buried and I understand how they aren't so interested in the forum anymore. I think it's kinda my fault too, because I pretty much limit to accomodate to the current discussion and rarely bring out new things to discuss (the few times I did so the reactions were awkward anyways, or so it seemed to me). I do want more serious discussion, and I don't want it to die off so quickly.
I think we can make that effort, and reduce the spam threads to one, at least to see how it works out.
Vortex, when I first saw your theory in SNEE I thinked you where a good dude.
There is actually no problem with you.
You have only messed up due a negative influence (>BNDR<), and thats what my scanners says.
Same goes for sublevel.
I think you're right, old members have been buried up. There is no space where they can post now. Not that they always talk about interesting stuff (At least because, for example, I don't have Minecraft XD), but the rules must prevail (Post and reply).