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Re: mr. Stick adventure. chapter 2

Posted: 23 Sep 2013 20:39
by terein
command:try tying the handel to the door, or pilling stuff on top of it

Re: mr. Stick adventure. chapter 2

Posted: 27 Sep 2013 19:09
by Sublevel 114
command:try tying the handel to the door
With what door? How?

With mirror door?.. Handle doesn't reach to mirror door, so he can't do anything with it.

With north locked door?.. He can move the handle on the rope to metal locked door, but he can't place it somehow as well. He even can't tie rope around this door's handle...

With north opened door?.. It hasn't handle that can help to tie rope with itself... Well, anyway, Steve goes to door with handle on rope in his arms...


On the way he notices hook, welded to the wall. He wonders why noone thinks about tying rope with handle to this hook...
Oh, nevermind, he continues walking.


Ok. He can't do anything here as well. There is no handle to tie the rope around it. And he can't close the door to fix the rope between, because rope is too fat.
But he notices something in Pedestal Room. On the ceiling.


Yep. 4-shaped key definitely fell from ceiling. Now Steve knows why.

Mr. Stick has:
- big blank sheet of paper
- flashlight (without batteries)
- long thin rubber tube
- two small batteries (theirs energy is almost empty)
- thin metal rod (it is still placed in cache's hole right now)
- long metal stick with hook at the end
- strange tool
- small paper with strange symbols on it
- small red ball
- another small paper with strange symbols on it
- knife
- small strange thingy
- crumpled offencive note with secret code (AND WHY DOES STEVE STILL CARRIES SUCH JUNK?)
- portable stairs
- small wooden stake

Re: mr. Stick adventure. chapter 2

Posted: 28 Sep 2013 19:17
by Sublevel 114
< 26 hours without new posts?... -_-

Well... >

Re: mr. Stick adventure. chapter 2

Posted: 28 Sep 2013 19:30
Now that you have the extensible ladder open.
Can Mr. Stick see if there is something behind the clock, or take the clock?

Re: mr. Stick adventure. chapter 2

Posted: 28 Sep 2013 19:57
by Sublevel 114
Mr. Stick lets out handle from his hand. Ceiling hole closes again, and handle returns to original position.
Now that you have the extensible ladder open.
Can Mr. Stick see if there is something behind the clock, or take the clock?
Mr. Stick uses stairs to reach CLOCK, and tries to take it.


No. Clock is somehow attached to the wall. He can't take it.
And he DOES NOT want to break it. Because he thinks it is very important thing in this room. Not without reason this room now is called CLOCK ROOM! :P

Re: mr. Stick adventure. chapter 2

Posted: 28 Sep 2013 23:14
by Boingo
Must have something to do with coordinates or direction or when to do it...right?

Re: mr. Stick adventure. chapter 2

Posted: 28 Sep 2013 23:59
by terein
this probably wont work, but
command: use the knife to carve a square hole into the wooden stake and the use that to unscrew and square bolts

Re: mr. Stick adventure. chapter 2

Posted: 29 Sep 2013 01:04
Room names ideas:

Pedestal Room
Clock Room
Cache Room
Box Room

Commands: Place the red marble in the pedestal and try to use the small wooden stacke in hole in the ladder between the Cache Room and the Box Room.

Re: mr. Stick adventure. chapter 2

Posted: 29 Sep 2013 10:52
by The Kakama
See if the clock actually works.

Re: mr. Stick adventure. chapter 2

Posted: 29 Sep 2013 19:00
by Sublevel 114
< And the winner is...


*prepares pictures * >