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Re: ENIHCAMBUS Theories.

Posted: 05 Oct 2014 16:46
by Jatsko
ENIHCAMBUS wrote:perhaps a Karma Portal leading to a room full with clothes, Submachine clothes, because its something related to those sewing machines. :)
Lab coats from Sub4, maybe? :D

May I ask why your diagram shows 5 different positions? I would think 8 just because of how the rods are structured at 45 degree angles...I'm interested, where are you picking 5 from? :)

Re: ENIHCAMBUS Theories.

Posted: 18 May 2015 19:31
So my idea about Layers is that each one revolves around a theme:

Layer 1: Layer Of Knowledge
Layer 2: Layer Of Balance
Layer 3: Layer Of Life
Layer 4: Layer Of Tech
Layer 5: Layer Of Spirit
Layer 6: Layer Of Conflict
Layer 7: Layer Of Diversity
Layer 8: Layer Of Light

Re: ENIHCAMBUS Theories.

Posted: 18 May 2015 20:59
by Sublevel 114

Re: ENIHCAMBUS Theories.

Posted: 19 May 2015 03:47
by Jatsko
Hindu Worlds wrote:Hinduism defines fourteen worlds (not to be confused with planets) – seven higher worlds (heavens) and seven lower ones (underworlds). (The earth is considered the lowest of the seven higher worlds.) The higher worlds are the seven vyahrtis, viz. bhu, bhuvas, svar, mahas, janas, tapas, and satya (the world that is ruled by Brahma); and the lower ones (the "seven underworlds" or paatalas) are atala, vitala, sutala, rasaataala, talatala, mahaatala, paatala.
Hindu Worlds wrote:seven lower ones (underworlds).
Maybe something to do with the seven main layers of Submachine? Food for thought as you structure your theories...

Re: ENIHCAMBUS Theories.

Posted: 19 May 2015 03:59
Even if its a good and nice find, there's a secret in Sub7 that already explains the reason of Seven Layers.

Re: ENIHCAMBUS Theories.

Posted: 19 May 2015 11:05
by Jatsko
Enihc, could you help me find the secret that talks about the layers in Sub7? cannot find, very tired...

Re: ENIHCAMBUS Theories.

Posted: 19 May 2015 11:13
by Vortex
it's the second secret in the Wiki.

Re: ENIHCAMBUS Theories.

Posted: 19 May 2015 11:25
by Jatsko
I might have to read that book...

Re: ENIHCAMBUS Theories.

Posted: 19 May 2015 14:20
by Sublevel 114
I think layers from Night Watch (I know this book pretty well :3) book and from religions are just inspirations. nothing more

Re: ENIHCAMBUS Theories.

Posted: 19 May 2015 14:29
by Vortex
That is what i think too.