

Re: Relationships

Post by borys610 »

Let's change word to "partner".
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Re: Relationships

Post by Oleander »

Partner has a bit of a strange connotation though. I generally avoid it when talking about other people.
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Re: Relationships

Post by borys610 »

So let's just drop this subject. Nobody has been posting for a while anyway.
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Re: Relationships

Post by The Kakama »

I think "partner" would be more suited to friends or acquaintances, so no.
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Re: Relationships

Post by zombyrus »

"significant other" is the general term, at least in America.

I have never had a girlfriend and this is troubling to me. I am aware that any relationship I make will more likely than not end at the end of this year when I go to college, but that is less concerning to me. I guess the first reason why I want a girlfriend is because I'm awkward and introverted, and I don't want to end up behind everyone else in social development. A couple more years and I'd be a weirdo for never having a girlfriend. I still want a relationship that's worthwhile, though, so I'm not going to ask out anything that moves just to unlock the achievement (so to speak; sorry if that's glaringly misogynistic). I had a crush on the girl I asked out last month for a very, very long time and it all came to naught. I'm not so much worked up about her not dating me, I'm worked up about all that time I've essentially wasted now, because I know myself well enough to know that I could pretty much turn off my crush on her if I didn't think it was going anywhere.

Everyone I know is super dodgy, though, including her. I thought we were going to stay friends pretty easily, but I really think she's been avoiding me now, and she seems to be ignoring any way I try to contact her. She's always done that for any texts or whatever that she didn't want to answer, but I never realized (for sure) her doing that to me... I honestly think it is an absolutely trashy way to go about one's business.

Worth noting: if I knew any of you in person I would think all of this is none of your business and I wouldn't even tell you if you asked. #anonymity

(I'm using the hashtag ironically; I know it doesn't do anything and I wouldn't do it sincerely)
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Re: Relationships

Post by Raxas »

Having a girlfriend does not necessarily result in social development and not having one does not make you a weirdo.
Honestly I'd advise you to separate yourself from a need to find a romantic relationship and focus your thoughts energies on whatever you think is important in life (friends, family, education, career, etc.). By and large I've noticed that the people with the most success in the romance department are the ones who are happy either way. If you do find a partner it should be born out of compatibility, and not an imagined need for social normality.
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Re: Relationships

Post by Isobel The Sorceress »


As I've said before, being in a relationship just for the sake of being in a relationship is a wrong reason to be in a relationship.

Also, zomby, teenage girls generally suck at being decent human beings. Wait until college, there you'll find plenty of mature and smart young women who'll treat you with respect.
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Re: Relationships

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

That is the reason I don't date until College. I know women here near my age who respect me for my intelligent. But I in return respect them for the intelligent they decided to pursue. It the fact they actually decide to look up a subject and not be cheerleader dumb thinking they know everything, even when you say "Founded" and they think they know that word doesn't exist and that you are looking for the lost and found place.
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Re: Relationships

Post by - ak - »

Their advices are actually good. It makes sense that you want to have romantic relationship if you really want to invest in one.

Heck, out of four relationship that I endured from high school to now, half of them was very decent and worthwhile. It wasn't meant to be, but still :P

I'm not looking for relationship now as I'm in point of my life where I been keeping myself busy with more-than-i-really-needed crossroad.
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Re: Relationships

Post by Rooster5man »

Also, zomby, teenage girls generally suck at being decent human beings. Wait until college, there you'll find plenty of mature and smart young women who'll treat you with respect.
I wouldn't stereotype, I've found a lot of great girls in High School, albeit I didn't want to date any of them :P

At least start a friendship with them if you're comfortable enough, then you might work your way to a relationship, and you know if the relationship doesn't work out, sometimes that girl still remains your friend and you'll get the experience of dating.
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