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Re: Guardians of the Pastel Universe: Random Adventures

Posted: 31 Dec 2015 02:16
by Vortex
Every end is a new beginning :)

Re: Guardians of the Pastel Universe: Random Adventures

Posted: 31 Dec 2015 02:24
I actualy realized that this had very few to do with Submachine at all, as they were even stories that happened in Vast Reach and Sublevelia as well, but still, a title change was necesary...

Re: Guardians of the Pastel Universe: Random Adventures

Posted: 31 Dec 2015 02:26
by Vortex
Yeah, I was thinking about that, the content will not actually change much, if at all.
I like how the new title sounds :)

Re: Guardians of the Pastel Universe: Random Adventures

Posted: 31 Dec 2015 02:38
Thanks Vortex!

But now imagine, noobs and evil twins are now capable of reaching new territories, imagine that avihS escapes from its prison and together with Skutul create a world for them and the Evil Twins, The Overmachine! That's happening right now! (Now EVERYTHING takes place in the same Universe, think about it!) :O

Re: Guardians of the Pastel Universe: Random Adventures

Posted: 31 Dec 2015 02:46
by Vortex
Oh... oh no... what have we done D:

Re: Guardians of the Pastel Universe: Random Adventures

Posted: 31 Dec 2015 11:41
by Sublevel 114
I think we should do something with evil twins to complete Season 1: Submachine.

Re: Guardians of the Pastel Universe: Random Adventures

Posted: 31 Dec 2015 11:43
by Vortex
We still can do that.

Re: Guardians of the Pastel Universe: Random Adventures

Posted: 04 Jan 2016 20:42

60: Snarr, where are we?
Snarr: Snarr, Snarr...
60: Oh no, you got Snarr Flu!
Snarr: Snarr...
*Bender appears*
Bender: Don't worry! Try some medicinal Leche, it will fix him! *Gives Leche*
60: Snarr, drink this!
*Snarr drinks Leche*
Snarr: Rans, Rans...
60: Now he's talking backwards...
Bender: hmmm... I think my flu inverter Leche is not working as I espected, I need more research...

Diamonds: Hey buddy, sticking a hole?
Stick Steve: Yeah, I want to grow some crops!
Diamonds: Wow, what do you want to grow?
Stick Steve: You know, the usual, Watermelons, Oranges, Onions...
Diamonds: Sounds great! Anyway, do you notice you're constantly obserbed by cameras?
Stick Steve: No, I don't know what do you mean.
Diamonds: Anywhere you are, a crevice opens were there's always a camera looking at you.
*Stick Steve looks around to find a camera as Diamonds told him, Stick Steve doesn't sees any camera, Do You?*
Stick Steve: Sorry, I don't see anything...
Diamonds: Ok, I'm going, good luck with your crops!
*Meanwhile in Observation Center*
Evil Otter: Silly Steve, you don't know you're part of my evil plan to conquer the Universe, MWAHAHAHAHAHA!

Ener: That was a wonderfull movie! Cats, Squirrels and Bunnies lefting their differences to join and defeat the Brassica! Is good to date out with you Ian! ^^
Ian: You're a good dog... or whatever you are!
Ener: Ooth!
Ian: Thanks!
*Suddenly Maddox*
Maddox: Ener, what are you doing with another person?
Ener: I'm sorry Maddox, but when I see someone with an awesome hair, I don't doubt of making friends with.
Ian: Hey, so you're the Mister Master Maddox Alaworth Ener Talks about?
Maddox: Ener, how many times I told you to not call me like that? ¬¬
Ener: Sorry Maddox...
Ian: Oh Ener, almost forgot, here your sunglasses!
*Maddox looks really annoyed at this point*
Maddox: You know what Ener, I think you can pass the night with your new friend today, I'll fine alone.
Ener: What about Quall and Elouf?
Maddox: They went vacations to the Empires of the Countryside Alliance in Layer 6 Europe, they send me a postals from Sagitta, Taured, and Libre, the home of the Iron Will Empire, here's a selfie with Lord Alamos!
Ener: Cool!
Ian: Thats great, so lets go to my home Ener, seing Maddox don't wants you here this night...
Ener: Yay!
*As Ener and Ian go away, Maddox Whispers*
Maddox: Ener, when you will change...

God Samuel: Hey Death Road, don't you think I have a great girlfriend? *Shows photo*
Death Road: Hey I have a great girlfriend too and... wait *inspects the photo closer* Man, your girlfriend is like a younger version of mine, WTF...
SubPrupp: I saw these, you're talking about similar looking girlfriends? *Raises Hands*
ENIHCAMBUS: I can't say that I didn't had I feeling of familiarity when saw the faces of your gf... °-°

Abacus: So we reach the end of our spectacular aircraft racing! In first place Boingo and his Topball Aircraft, second, Raxas War Zepeline!
Boingo: In your face, now who's the noob, Har Har!
Raxas: You're a goddamn cheater!
Abacus: Third, Karl Von Toten and his Spark Created Aircraft!
Karl Von Toten: My vehicle was the fastest, but I couldn't pass through these behemoth sized vehicles, totally unfair!
Abacus: Fourth, Benn Nërg and his flying machine something!
Benn Nërg: You Toten, always a step in front of me!
Abacus: Fifth, "2013" and his flying dish!
"2013": This is how fast it goes withouth FTL...
Abacus: Sixth, RapidRaccoon and his Flying Steampunk contraption.
RapidRaccoon: How they can overpass the majesty of Steampunk technology? I'm dissapointed...
Abacus: Seventh, Lorski and... no vehicle?
Lorski: I fly with my wings, but I see thats not fast enough, damn...
Abacus: Eighth and last, Rafael and his hot air ballon. Actualy he didn't make it to the finish and appears to move farther from it...
Rafael: When he said "Race with wind", he didn't explained me that it was AGAINST the wind... *Sigh*

Re: Guardians of the Pastel Universe: Random Adventures

Posted: 04 Jan 2016 21:03
by Vortex

Re: Guardians of the Pastel Universe: Random Adventures

Posted: 04 Jan 2016 21:26
by Sublevel 114

Randomness 2 (continuation)
God Samuel: Hey Death Road, don't you think I have a great girlfriend? *Shows photo*
Death Road: Hey I have a great girlfriend too and... wait *inspects the photo closer* Man, your girlfriend is like a younger version of mine, WTF...
SubPrupp: I saw these, you're talking about similar looking girlfriends? *Raises Hands*
ENIHCAMBUS: I can't say that I didn't had I feeling of familiarity when saw the faces of your gf... °-°
Sublevel: me too. O_O
Mateusz_the_troll: me as well Oo
Jay: And me...
Markplier: I clearly remember this face among my thousands girls and one-hour dates with.
Death Road: still, I love her more rusty color of her bricks than these young reds...

bluenooB: mechanisms, science stuff, secret traps, bunch of notes... aaaaaa! No trace of any poop around!!! What are we doing there?
BrownnooB-poopnooB: Cheer up! That otter said we will easily get fresh poop there, on this abandoned station.
bluenooB: and you trusted him? C'mon, there's no even any toilets around! Agh, why did I even come with you? I should go with LightnooB to 355...
PoopnooB: Hey, look! I found something! There, on the floor!
bluenooB: hmm, I don't think that's poop. It's stinky, but not with poop. It's sticky, and more dark red than your color, brother noob.
PoopnooB: yeah, you're right, brother. And strange, it looks like this liquid is dropping from above...
*nooBs look up the ceiling and see...*
Delta: ghaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaash!
PoopnooB: ...poop
bluenooB: oh, I see now. :D

*Mateusz wakes up, pats cats, visits 355, cleans teeth, goes to the kitchen for breakfast, opens freezer...*
Bender: Hi pal! Nice products here! *mixes them with blender*
Mateusz: What the...
Sublevel: Please, my Lord, look at window as quickly as you can! Can't wait to see your happy face when you see your Giant Monument!