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Re: Dreams

Posted: 25 Jan 2014 10:16
by Sublevel 114
Maybe exam month made some bad effects so I didn't see/remember dreams some time, but tonight I again watched super-long dreams! First one - since 4:00 to 10:00, and second one - since 10:15 to 11:30. And second dream was definitely longer... And I think it took at least 3 or 4 hours of dream-time, however it took only 1,5 hour of real-time...

Re: Dreams

Posted: 25 Jan 2014 18:21
by Vortex
Sublevel 102 wrote:Maybe exam month made some bad effects so I didn't see/remember dreams some time, but tonight I again watched super-long dreams! First one - since 4:00 to 10:00, and second one - since 10:15 to 11:30. And second dream was definitely longer... And I think it took at least 3 or 4 hours of dream-time, however it took only 1,5 hour of real-time...
how do you measure time in your dream?

Re: Dreams

Posted: 25 Jan 2014 18:51
by Babylon
Wow, that sounds intense. I've not had any dreams lately that I can remember save one.

I dreamt that the movie 'The rock' had a sequal. as expected, it was terrible. ;-;

Re: Dreams

Posted: 25 Jan 2014 19:52
by Sublevel 114
OnyxIonVortex wrote:
Sublevel 102 wrote:Maybe exam month made some bad effects so I didn't see/remember dreams some time, but tonight I again watched super-long dreams! First one - since 4:00 to 10:00, and second one - since 10:15 to 11:30. And second dream was definitely longer... And I think it took at least 3 or 4 hours of dream-time, however it took only 1,5 hour of real-time...
how do you measure time in your dream?
Like in simple life. :)
Besides, second dream was movie-like, so I can compare dream with 1,5-hour movie.
It is kind of... inner feelings. :)

Who does know we 1/4 of our life we live in dreams? But dreams are unique world without material limits, so dream time is infinite endless...

Re: Dreams

Posted: 26 Jan 2014 00:19
by The Abacus
I had an odd dream yesterday I was in some sort of cavern complex. I only saw the part of the complex that was above the ground, but I knew it extended very deep, there were mines inside as well. The above ground visible exterior looked like a block building of a Gothic style, but made out of brown rock (a bit grotesque to say the least). Inside I remember one chamber inside in which there were a lot of "people" who were Egyptians worshiping or something. I say "people" in quotations because they all had ibis heads. There was something about their boats as well (although there was no place to use them nearby). Last thing I remember was going to the corner and finding 4 giant (standing) turtle statues near the entrance/exit of the cavern guarding a rectangle at the base of their feet.
Sublevel 102 wrote: But dreams are unique world without material limits, so dream time is infinite endless...
Sounds like the Loop :P

Re: Dreams

Posted: 26 Jan 2014 02:53
Your dream sounds much like Submachine.

It sounds like the Tunnels, but in another Layer :P

Re: Dreams

Posted: 02 Feb 2014 20:19
by Sublevel 114
I want to say to my dream:
Dream. What the f*ck???


When I saw dead cat of my neighbors, I understood it is dream, and I am master, so I can control you. First time for all my life you didn't send me amnesia, so I could sanely say what I want to see and what I want to change in you. but WHY THE HELL YOU DIDN'T REACT ON MY ORDERS THIS TIME?????????

Re: Dreams

Posted: 05 Feb 2014 03:13
A bad lucid dream is called "lurid" dream instead. :P

Re: Dreams

Posted: 05 Feb 2014 04:32
by WorldisQuiet5256
This Morning, almost was late for class.
The Dream responsible.

Here what was interesting, despite the story in it, when at one point I was at one place, then the next minute I was somewhere far away in another location. Like a transaction scene in a movie.

I notice the transaction and I was trying to tell my Dad about what just happen. But my Subconscious would keep diverting the subject.
But I KNEW! 8-)

Re: Dreams

Posted: 05 Feb 2014 15:47
by - ak -
I had one of the strangest dreams last week, the most vividly realistic projection in my head since being inside a bus that was combusted in flames while going through a tunnel.

I was riding in a car/van with my family around a lake when slowly, one by one, alien spaceships starting to appear right above our city and begin their invasion. Its kinda like a scene right out of a movie, but we made it out of burning city, the glows painting the landscape in eerie corona. We were driving at night and being shared shit out our minds while trying to get away and find a place to stop.

And that was it. Weird.