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Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Posted: 17 Nov 2015 16:51
by Sublevel 114
Lost Chronicle (Epilogue)

Layer 6, Old Bunker

Thoth: Phew, that was fun time. I liked their company... *sigh* Ok, it's time to return beyond the curtain.

Baboon moves through fourth wall, and appears in...

mysterios public: FINALLY! YOU'RE BACK!!!

...the middle of big PARTY

???: Spin the bottle! Spin the bottle!

???: Yeeeeees!

???: Oh baby! Make this again!

??? Woohooooooooooo!

??? I bet with my 32 golden valves I can ride this funny barrel for 32 seconds!

???: Kaboooooooooooooom! Shooot!

??? Drunk (talking to Thoth): Hey duuuude. Why it took so luooong time? Hic!

Thoth: Holy Cow, five subseconds of eternal time are looked too long for you? Just shut up and drink your...

??? Drunk: Hic! Why soooooo... aagh woooorrreee...

??? who has just exited the toilet: So, Thoth. everything is OK?

Thoth: *nods*

??? who has just exited the toilet: Well, thanks for performing my application and giving us new movie for our theatre! "Bender's diabolical plan", with such stars as bending Bender, crazy Sublevel, jumping Boingo and Enihced Eric, will become a hit! I can see how it takes his gold place on shelf alongside with best films of "Guardians of Submachine" series...

Thoth: *sigh* I guess you're welcome...

??? Girl: But hey, timeboy. Wasn't it too risky to allow Bender open the hatch and get close to our place?

Thoth: Don't worry. Everything was under control.

???: Yeah? Tell that to poor Liz who can't even freely swim alone in lake since that incident!

Thoth: I...

Suddenly, Thoth was almost knocked down by two running persons

???: Hey, little boy! Get out from here ! SSMPCWSSCUVEABCDEBLAHBLAHBLAH is only for 18+ persons!

Borys: Hah! Take a cockie and calm down, bigboy! I never miss your parties!

two continue their chase

??? Girl: Gee this boy... And THAT is...

Thoth: Hey, THIS wasn't my fault, lady. Escher location isn't under control of linear subtime structure and Thread of Memories. I had to...

??? Girl: Ok, Ok, forget it. Will you join us?

Thoth: hmm...

at the same time

???: Spin the bottle! Spin the bottle!

bottle makes its choice

???: Wooohooo! Mur and Liz again!

public: Yeaaaaaaaaaah!

Thoth: Well, if only for one subsecond...


Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Posted: 17 Nov 2015 17:06
Wow, this is so crazy, WTF...

I like how pissed off Thoth looks it this! XD

Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Posted: 17 Nov 2015 19:03
by bender
Nice twist...

Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Posted: 25 Nov 2015 20:15
Sublevel Goes To Bed

Sublevel: *Yawn* What a day in the Subnet, I think I wanna...
Bender: Explode!
*Sublevel Explodes*
Sublevel: Bender, what are you doing here in my bed!
Bender: I was waiting for you, today we will doing it together!
Sublevel: NO!
Bender: But I think you will like it, because Gil told me he wasn't, so I though you were going to like it, because Gil...
Sublevel: Okay! Just go out of here!
Bender: I will be out once we do it together, just one time!
Sublevel: Get out or I'll explode you!
Bender: Oh C'mon Subby, I know you want to do it!
Sublevel: The What?
Bender: You know what I'm talking about.
Sublevel: NEVER!
Bender: Is not what you think...
Sublevel: I don't care, you eard me!
Bender: I just wanted to pass time with you Subby!
Sublevel: What happened to the other Skutnik, the wrikled one? I thought you and him were married now!
Bender: Yeah, and he got more wrinkles, more love for me, but I'm cheating him for you, because I'll never forget the good times we had together, and Gil as well...
Sublevel: What good times?
Bender: Like when we fought the evil twins, for example.
Sublevel: What are you saying, you used me as weapon!
Bender: Yeah, the Sublevel Gun, I think is my best invention, after the Leche that is.
Sublevel: I just want to sleep!
Bender: Sleep? But the night has just started!
Sublevel: What do you mean?
*Vortex enters Sublevel's room*
Vortex: Hi Sublevel! Bender told me about your pijama party and that you invited me!
Sublevel: Pijama party?
Bender: Yes Sublevel, thats what I wanted to tell to you.
Sublevel: But did you tell me it now when I want to go to sleep?
Vortex: Wait, it was this Bender's idea?
Sublevel: Yes...
Bender: What's the matter, we are going to have a pijama party, in Sublevel's bedroom!
Vortex: YAY!
Sublevel: But I want to sleep!
*Anonymous appears from under Sublevel's bed*
Anonymous: C'mon Sublevel, didn't you ever had a pijama party before? :P
Sublevel: What the...?
*ENIHCAMBUS appears from besider Sublevel's bed*
ENIHCAMBUS: I brought a cam, so we can record this moment!
Sublevel: WAIT!
*Kakama enters from Sublevel's bedroom window*
Kakama: Here I come, ready for the party, I am welcome here right?
Bender: Yes, everyone is welcome here!
Kakama: Great!
*WorldisQuiet appears from behind Sublevel's computer*
WorldisQuiet: This party will be a success!
Sublevel: OMS, how many more?
*Lots of members came inside Sublevel's bedroom*
Gil: I'm going to party hard!
Vurn: I'm going to hard party!
Anteroinen: I brought some popcorn!
Babylon: I brought some movies, you all like!
Azareus: I brought the watermelons!
Sundayfever: And I the oranges!
Boingo: I also came to share my gumballs with you!
Alex TC99: I brought some fruits from my homelands, don't worry, these are good ones!
YamiX: I brought my state of the art multimedia equipment, this pijama party will be great!
Les Paul: I just say we are going to rock this party hard!
Julius Galla: And we will we playing for all you dudes who came here to enjoy this party!
RuloCore: I coming after you!
Lucas Gelati: I'm playing next!
Guacamole Man: Those popcorns need some hot butter, hopefully I have!
Raxas: I brought some sanwiches!
Asia Sliwiak: I think there's enough food already!
Raxas: There's never enough food!
Weary With Toil: I brough some beverages from my bar, to shake this pijama party out!
Julia Tusz: YAY!
DiscoMcDisco: I'm carrying the disco ball! though I only have one wisdom gem and it needs a pair to work, someone?
Redafro: Here, take this one *Redafro takes a wisdom gem from his afro*, there you are!
DiscoMcDisco: Thanks! We are going to dance all night and thanks to you!
Redafro: Oh, Thank you!
NavyOfficer: Do you always carry your gems there?
Redafro: Yes!
12Vegeta12: Do you happen to get the greater wisdom gem in there?
Redafro: Sorry, not, I'm also looking for that one too.
Submachine AL: It has been lost your centuries, I wish we could find it once for all...
Borys: Yeah me too!
12Vegeta12: Why would you want that wisdom gem?
Borys: Not me, Babylon told me to find it so can create a great machine, he would latter test on me!
Vurn: Borys, since when you have became Babylon's guinea pig?
Borys: Since he save me life!
Vurn: He saved your life?
Babylon: Oh yeah, it was a great story...
Vurn: Okay, thats enough...
Sublevel: Seriously, what kind a pijama party is this?
Marbles: Most pijama parties are about standing all the night awake, whatever people do on them is up to them!
Sublevel: But I want to sleep.
*Weaver appears from above Sublevel's bed*
Weaver: I think nobody is going to sleep today!
Sublevel: OMS, damn you Bender!
Bohl: Hey chill out!
PyroDude: You have to enlight yourself to the party's spirit!
Vortex: Sublevel, you got any issue from this?
Sublevel: That Bender, I just wanted one night for me after busy Subnet work, and he appears and sabotages it!
Vortex: Well, sorry for that, but just mind this isn't work, and you will have time to party with us.
Alamos: Yes Sublevel, party with us!
Robobrain: You won't regret this!
Abacus: I think giving him a glowing mushroom will change his mind!
Green: Pineapple!
Detroit Tigers/Paranormal: Yes Sublevel, go and shake butts with me and Culorore!
Smartguy: I have approval for this!
Sublevel: Smartguy, how you can approve this?
Smartguy: according to the scripts of the Winter Palace, Bender's house, along with your house, and Gil's house, belong in part to Bender, so he has right to make party here.
Sublevel: And Bender, why didn't you choose your bedroom?
Bender: That's were Wriclkes Skutnik sleeps, I don't want to disturb him!
Sublevel: And Gil's?
Bender: I already told you, he didn't wanted to do it!
Gil: Yup, Bender out of my room!
Bender: So that's why I came up here!
Sublevel: There's was chance you could convince Vortex to do it?
Bender: Vortexo tan feo como su cuarto, es por eso yo venir aquí, do vos understando sublévelo?
Vortex: ¬¬
Bender: Gusta a mi ver como expresa el emociones suyas, LOLE!
Sublevel: OMS, I hope this doesn't even turns worse!
*Evil twins come to Sublevel's bedroom*
redneB: Hello buddies, here we come!
xetroV: I was waiting for this moment, we will enjoy this party!
syroB: I hope there's space for me in this party!
nenioretnA/Ragnarok: Finally, some time for Ragnarok to Rock!
Sublevel: Bender, you invited evil twins too! O_o
*Noobs come to Sublevel's bedroom*
Violetnoob: So, where's is the party?
Orangenoob: *Slaps Violetnoob's face* Is right in front of your eyes idiot!
Violetnoob: Oh... You touched me, how sweet!
Indigonoob: Ohhhh.... So gaaaayyyyyyy....
Greennoob: *burp*
Sublevel: And noobs! o_O
Bender: I invited everyone!
Raxas, Theta, ENIHCAMBUS and Death Road: EVERYONE!!! O_O *The four hide under Sublevel's bed*
Gil: Jerks!
Sublevel: Really, everyone?! O_O Even...
Bender: No, I'm not that stupid... You meant Mateusz right?
Sublevel: No, I meant D...
Bender: Ah, that one, well ehmmm...
AK: Hey, who invited this guy?
Bender: Don't look at my, I just wanted everyone to have fun!
Chaos: Okay Doopliss, you're on, but I will be overlocking you for the rest of the night in case you went out of control.
Smartguy: Seems fair, I hope you take care well from him Chaos.
Chaos: I'm not precisely a babysitter, I hope everyone helps in control this one for Subgod's sake
Anonymous: I think it should be Bender the one who have to take care of, he brought him here.
Bender: Okay, I'll do my part, ...oh wait, I had an idea, why not let the noobs care out of him!
Error 3113/Jatsko: Alright!
Brownnoob: Listen noobs, we have a new assignment, we must not fail!
Rednoob: Okgay zyr!
Bluenoob: I am Bluenoob!
Smartguy: What if noobs screw it up?
Bender: I'll put evil twins in charge of the noobs!
redneB: Sounds fair!
AK: All fine then!
Chaos: Anyway, all the responsability goes to both you and Sublevel, as you both made the party.
Sublevel: But I didn't... Oh Subgod... *Pauses* Other thing I want to know Bender, how makes everyone to fit in my bedroom?
SubPrupp: I brought a divice that makes spatial distortions to make places 100 times larger! Isn't that super!
Sublevel: Okay, that's it, I'm going to sleep in location 000!
Bender: But this isn't Pijama Party in Sublevel's Bedroom if Sublevel doesn't here!
Sublevel: I don't care, I'm out!

20 minutes later, in location 000

Sublevel: Finally, sweet nightmares!
*Sudden Mateusz*
Mateusz Skutnik: Hey Sublevel, why are you sleeping here?
Sublevel: Bender made a pijama party in my bedroom! >:(
Mateusz Skutnik: WHAT!?
Sublevel: And...
Mateusz Skutnik: And he didn't invited me! I'll teach him!
*Mateusz Skutnik flees*
Sublevel: Well, back to my dream where Me and Bobby cut Bender's limbs. *While asleep* Sweet Blood for us...


Mateusz Skutnik: *Knock Knock*
Bender: Who is there?
Mateusz Skutnik: It's me Mateusz, open the door!
Bender: Kangaroo?
Mateusz Skutnik: Just open the door man!
Bender: No Mateusz, I'm not leeting you to come here to the party!
Mateusz Skutnik: I know about your stupid reasons to keep me from the party, so I just brought up a Blender specialy for you!
Bender: Really, you brought Blendy?
*Bender opens the door and Mateusz gives "Blendy" to him*
Bender: Christmas came early this year!
Mateusz Skutnik: So you will let me into the party?
Bender: Well, they are still other reasons to keep me from leeting me to the party, but...
Mateusz Skutnik: But?
Bender: What about making a threesome! You, me and my husband, the Wrinkle Skutnik! No wait, a "FOURSOME", and bring Frank as well!
Mateusz Skutnik: GODDAMNIT Bender! I'LL DO IT! Just let me into the party already!
Bender: You're welcome sir!


Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Posted: 25 Nov 2015 20:27
by Sublevel 114
poor tired Sublevel didn't notice lurking levelbuS under the bed...

Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Posted: 26 Nov 2015 12:17
by bender
Best party ever!

Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Posted: 01 Dec 2015 07:02
The Fate Of The Third, Transcript
After the second enlightenment Murtaugh dedicated his life to restoring the chaos. While the main layers flourished under his word, the third dimension remained broken.

Murtaugh was originally from the third layer, therefore there was nothing he could do to bring it back to the unbroken state. He often spoke about it as being a thorn in his heart. This was consuming him until the day Shiva gave him comfort of knowledge of the future.

Murtaugh was already dying, and just before he drew his last breath - the light came to him and showed him what was to come. We believe he stayed in that moment forever.
Shiva: Look Murtaugh, Layer 3 will be restored to its full glory, with its incredible diversity of lifeforms and full of dense forests and jungles you were reased into!
Murtaugh: Glad to hear that, I wish I could be there, but the fact I know how things will became makes me happy to the end, I think is time to go.
Shiva: Wait! I didn't told you eveything yet!
Murtaugh: I'm listening!
Shiva: Your people will build a huge scuplture of you right in core of Layer 3 Subnet for your efforts in restoring the chaos you created!
Murtaugh: Wow, what an honor! :D
Shiva: The Farm will be relocated to its original locational in The Great Plains!
Murtaugh: Good!
Shiva: Your Layer will be home of something called "Yellownoob"!
Murtaugh: What?
Shiva: I might present it to you now. *Makes Yellownoob appear*
Yellownoob: hmmm... uhmm... Hello! I guess hm...
Murtaugh: Hi?
Shiva: Subgod will create a project called the Guardians of the Submachine!
Murtaugh: That sounds good, how will the guardians be?
Shiva: Well, some of them will be a little nasty, one named Bender will use the bendages of your corpse as toilet paper, and other named Rulocore will dream of naked Elizabeth.
Murtaugh: What the fuck are you telling me? Really? What? I hope they at least don't mess with my home...
Shiva: One named YamiX will build a resort near to your home in Layer 3.
Murtaugh: Well, I guess that could be an honour!
Shiva: and another noob, Rednoob, will make accidental homicide in there *Makes Rednoob appear*
Rednoob: Ill ge dong god tins, dot vory martuag!
Murtaugh: Oh my God, do we really need noobs?
*Brownnoob appears*
Brownnoob: We have been here for much longer than you were, after the great poop you did with your Karma butt we keep ourselves in safe place!
Murtaugh: Okay...
Shiva: That guy YamiX will also transform part of the mountain side area in Pastel Town!
Murtaugh: That sounds cute.
Shiva: And they will name the highest mountain of the area as "Mount Mur"!
Murtaugh: Excellent!
Shiva: The entire Subnet of Layer 3 will be explit in 2!
Murtaugh: Wasn't like that already? I remember in the west the synapsids were the dominant form of life while in the east they were the sauropsids.
Shiva: Yeah, but after the GotS project, that implications will became reason for belical conflict when the Submachines of Leyer 3 Subnet.
Murtaugh: My God!
Shiva: Also, due to Layer 3 richness in Unobtanium, other factions in Layers 4, 6 and 7 will also sum to the conflicts to create massive for resources!
Murtaugh: Okay, I think that's enough knowledge vfor future, I wish I could stay in this momento forever to think all about that stuff.
Shiva: Well, the time is over.
Murtuagh: Well... Here I go...

Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Posted: 01 Dec 2015 14:08
by Sublevel 114

Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Posted: 01 Dec 2015 14:53
by Vortex
nice one :P

Re: Guardians of the Submachine: Cutscenes

Posted: 01 Dec 2015 18:40
I was replaying Submachine series, and when I read part that says that Murtaugh was seying what was to come, I though "The events of Guardians of the Submachine" of course! :mrgreen: