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Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 29 Dec 2012 02:47
by WorldisQuiet5256
Yet I see more people on this post agree with You then with Me. Last I check, People feelings is a factor in who they Vote for. George W. Bush was able to get voted twice, and hurt the U.S. with him behind the wheel, yet he still got away with it. Same thing with all the White Racists Men who decide to Vote for a Guy who couldn't remember what he said in last week speech on what he said he would do when he is Elected.

Still don't believe me. Then get in the line with This Guy:

Human social circles are a pain in the ass to me.
I try it and so far on this circle, and all its got me to is the BAD GUY on this Forum.

By the way the name is WorldisQuiet5256. There is a reason that number is there.
(even though I'm 100% certain they all follow that same mantra)
Not surprise the Popular Guy would thinks he knows it all.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 29 Dec 2012 03:18
by Anteroinen
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:Yet I see more people on this post agree with You then with Me. Last I check, People feelings is a factor in who they Vote for. George W. Bush was able to get voted twice, and hurt the U.S. with him behind the wheel, yet he still got away with it. Same thing with all the White Racists Men who decide to Vote for a Guy who couldn't remember what he said in last week speech on what he said he would do when he is Elected.

Still don't believe me. Then get in the line with This Guy:

Human social circles are a pain in the ass to me.
I try it and so far on this circle, and all its got me to is the BAD GUY on this Forum.

By the way the name is WorldisQuiet5256. There is a reason that number is there.
(even though I'm 100% certain they all follow that same mantra)
Not surprise the Popular Guy would thinks he knows it all.
First of all, I try to be as objective as possible, although absolute objectivity is nigh impossible, but a larger sample size would lessen the likelihood of of bias affecting the results (wink wink, nudge nudge). Second of all, I wouldn't call Rooster the popular choice in anything really. It's not that he is not a good guy, but the forum has no other leader than Mateusz. Third of all, if you have problems or concerns about the voting system, please voice them, it is very important for our reputation to be as objective as possible. I say this because there have been problems like this before (new-old generation schismata of the old forum).

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 29 Dec 2012 03:22
by WorldisQuiet5256
Then can you change the Human Being Mind to make Voting Theories Fair? Take out the part of what they Feel about Someone so it not a factor in this Equation.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 29 Dec 2012 03:45
by Anteroinen
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:Then can you change the Human Being Mind to make Voting Theories Fair? Take out the part of what they Feel about Someone so it not a factor in this Equation.
Any suggestions on how to achieve that? The format we've chosen is very limiting when it comes to giving reasons for your decisions. We can but hope people have good enough reasons to justify their position. The forum has a good platform to do that, but offers a poor ground for voting on theories.

To defend our current system: most of the time we - or I at least - don't even remember whose theories we are voting on. I mean, we see the name, sure, but there is no recollection of the person who wrote it. Ergo, bias towards any direction is minimal. Very few and far between are familiar names, and even fewer are those of which we have uniformly good or bad memories.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 29 Dec 2012 03:57
by Rooster5man
The point is, and I'm trying hard not to be blunt: If you don't like the system, what do you propose? Not have it?

What is the point to Theories if they're just going to sit there and not be molded by new views from the Community? Or we'd just wait around until Sub10 and make Theories without knowing whether or not they're considered Likely. It's always good to have a fresh viewpoint, that's my perspective on voting.
Second of all, I wouldn't call Rooster the popular choice in anything really. It's not that he is not a good guy, but the forum has no other leader than Mateusz.
I take no offense to it because it's the truth - WorldIsQuiet5256, I don't understand where you found me to be the voice of anything. I'm just a regular person in the Community. We're a Community, no one has more power than anyone else, except Mateusz which is obvious.

I really don't want you to be offended over nothing, this Forum is supposed to be calm discussion over games we enjoy.

Edit: I consider myself to take people's feelings into account, but, as Ant was saying, that's not always possible with Theory Voting. You propose an idea and it takes off from there.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 29 Dec 2012 04:01
by WorldisQuiet5256
Then why is it my View Point are being strike down on site, while you have smooth sailing over work that has little actual evident but more circumstance evident?

What Materusz said could actually be misleading while the Games is all we have to work with.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 29 Dec 2012 04:06
by Rooster5man
What purpose does Mateusz have in misleading us 24/7? It could be said maybe a post or two were harmless jokes to get us thinking more, but other than that, he wouldn't mislead us on a daily basis. The games aren't all we have to work with, Mateusz's posts shape quite a number of Theories and their statuses.

And your viewpoint was only being "struck down" because, for one thing, as Ant pointed out on that thread, we don't know if all those discussions are from Mur. If you want to believe your Theory is right, that's absolutely fine, but when you see that not all the evidence is there to support it, you can't force us to believe it's right. That's the point.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 29 Dec 2012 04:38
by WorldisQuiet5256
Humans, Humans, Humans.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 29 Dec 2012 04:49
by Anteroinen
To be fair, I did quite bluntly attack Rooster's work regarding the karma arm, precisely since it has little evidence support it.
What Mateusz said could actually be misleading while the Games is all we have to work with.
He could, but since he has no reason to do so most of the time it is not reasonable to assume that.

Re: Submachine Wiki

Posted: 29 Dec 2012 04:54
by WorldisQuiet5256
What Mateusz said could actually be misleading while the Games is all we have to work with.
He could, but since he has no reason to do so most of the time it is not reasonable to assume that.
Yet we can't confirm or denied it can we.
I say there is an Eight Layer, Materusz said there only Seven. Christopher Columbus said the World is Round, Spain said it was Flat.

May not be a Game involved but the same thinking prevented New Discoveries for awhile.