Okay, I know some of you guys, Including Mateusz? (
Again, I know I can be a bit puzzling in my post, but it still has logic in it.)
First of All, this is a fraction of the Note I sent to Matuesz, the rest you guys have to wait until the room Possible comes out. It works with the combination of this Drawing: (
Which is outdated compared to the one I sent to Mateusz)
And this is the Note:
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:All right I have to say it otherwise I'll go mad by the fact only I know this.
Is the Submachine really nothing at all.
That it was created by everyone on Earth trying to Define and create an understanding of the Universe.
All the notes in the Subnet, even though 3/4 are not even Murs, but they still are in that same existences within the non-existing world.
Are all those Ideas, Thoughts, Theories, Scribbles are the Actual Submachine itself.
That it just first started out with its location shape by people here on Earth trying to create an understanding or at least define a faction of the Universe.
But then it because this actual physical structure that even right this second is really nothing in the face of existence in the Universe, not a single Atom is actually here.
Then the Loop was the result of people stepping into this Mystery and then trying to Define what it is.
Start at the Beginning, finish at the End. Start at the Beginning, finish at the End.
Looping and Looping and LOOPING within its construct to which I shouldn't even be standing on!
How is it that this place can exist and not exist at the same time?
I use to know how, it was so simple.
But now my feeble mind broke under the intensity of this answer and FORGOT EVERYTHING THAT MADE SENSES!
All those Ideas...
All those Thoughts...
All those Theories...
All those Scribbles...
Is it the Submachine itself?
Then how can it be gone?
It could exist and erase itself at the same time.
The ultimate balances, the only one at that, left in this mutation that has destroy even itself to the point its so unrecognizable.
Did it really kill itself?
Has it got nothing better to do?
It still drive me mad on what these none existing factors contribute to the Ultimate question, "What is the Submachine?"
Maybe its the question that can never be answer because the Submachine really doesn't exist at all.
Wait...why am I here?
First of all, Its not that the Submachine is nothing, but a single something floating within a vast nothingness.
Second of all, in the note I said....
But then it because this actual physical structure that even right this second is really nothing in the face of existence in the Universe, not a single Atom is actually here.
I can't say without lying I'm an expert on the Atomic structure, but I did take a class about it in high school. But I do know one thing about the center of the Atom, it does
not contain an atom inside of it. To say that there are "
atoms within atoms" is simply madness. Beside, when I
(As in the guy who is me who wrote the note that may appear in SNEE) was inside the Submachine. Meaning I was inside the first Atom before the Big Bang occurred.
Since I think that since the Submachine might be this first/only Atom before the Big Bang, I also like to point something else out. Any Atom on the Periodic Table of Elements, if we took each one and drew a Proton, Neutron, and Electron, we have to draw it around the center Proton. Like how the Earth revolves around the Sun.
So there are
7layers of Reality, and the location mention in Submachine 7, The Core, I think the Core is the Center Proton. We can actually see it from here:

But also understand, the 8 Layers don't revolved around the Core, like how a Electron revolves around the Proton. Cause the Submachine is the first and only Atom, so I would take it to be actually really difficult to imagine. But...someone thought of how simple it was:
The lines that extend outside the edge of the page, they connect to a corresponding line on the opposite edge. I find that to be the orbit path of each layer.