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Re: mr. Stick adventure. chapter 2

Posted: 22 Sep 2013 14:52
by Sublevel 114
Look closer at the key.
Afterwards, try to find a way of opening the locked door using this newly-found key
What door? Closed metal door in south room? It hasn't keyholes on its side. Mr. Stick saw some hole above the door, but he can't reach it - it is too high.

Re: mr. Stick adventure. chapter 2

Posted: 23 Sep 2013 02:10
by terein
Methinks pulling the lever maybe opened that square thing in the roof of the pedestal room. and then when you let go it closed. oh well, probably not super relevant right now.

command: examine the newly appeared spot in the pedestal room.

edit: wait thats the light switch. *faceplam*

maybe the key is like a screwdriver or some sort
command: try using the newfound object on the plate in room with two doors, the pole and the ladder

Re: mr. Stick adventure. chapter 2

Posted: 23 Sep 2013 09:43
by Sublevel 114
Hmm, Mr. Stick thinks he should name somehow all rooms he visited. If they will be called with its unique names, like
terein wrote:PEDESTAL ROOM
, he can without any confusion talk in which room he is going to walk and to do something there.

So, how he should call every room? Any good ideas?

wait thats the light switch
Yeah, it is. :D
maybe the key is like a screwdriver or some sort
command: try using the newfound object on the plate in room with two doors, the pole and the ladder
No, of corse he can't use this key on big 4-shaped bolts that hold plate and long pole. But portable stairs... That's a good idea!
Mr. Stick uses 4-shaped key on 4-shaped keyhole of stairs (key is predictably stuck in the keyhole, as all previous keys) and opens it!!!


Now he can use stairs!

Re: mr. Stick adventure. chapter 2

Posted: 23 Sep 2013 10:20
by The Abacus
Oh, I forgot that we had a portable ladder :oops:

Use the ladder to take a closer look at the square on the ceiling of the Pedestal Room and the mechanism of that locked door in the other room.

Re: mr. Stick adventure. chapter 2

Posted: 23 Sep 2013 11:36
by Sublevel 114
Use the ladder to take a closer look at the square on the ceiling of the Pedestal Room and the mechanism of that locked door in the other room.
Mr. Stick uses stairs to examine ceiling square.


Hmmm. Mr.Stick can't open or do something with it. But he absolutely sure stairs key fell from this square, when it was opened some time.

Now Mr. Stick goes to... err... you didn't create name for rooms?
Oh, nevermind. He goes to CLOCK ROOM and examines door mechanism above locked door.


There is 4-shaped hole, like in stairs lock, but a bit bigger. And yes, it is part of big mechanism that locks the door. the box with the hole connected with box with rods that block the door.

Re: mr. Stick adventure. chapter 2

Posted: 23 Sep 2013 11:56
by The Abacus
Try to pull that handle again and find a place to hook it so that it doesn't return to it's original position.

Re: mr. Stick adventure. chapter 2

Posted: 23 Sep 2013 12:14
by Sublevel 114
Try to pull that handle again and find a place to hook it so that it doesn't return to it's original position.
< Do not be lazy! YOU should write WHERE Steve should place the handle and HOW he should hook it! :P >

Re: mr. Stick adventure. chapter 2

Posted: 23 Sep 2013 12:52
by The Abacus
I can't remember... :?

(I'll check, just not right now, I don't have the time)

Re: mr. Stick adventure. chapter 2

Posted: 23 Sep 2013 17:00

Command: Use the "4-shaped" tool on it.

Re: mr. Stick adventure. chapter 2

Posted: 23 Sep 2013 17:04
by Sublevel 114
Command: Use the "4-shaped" tool on it.
Again: key is stuck in the keyhole of stairs lock. And door mechanism's hole is bigger than hole of stairs lock, so small 4-shaped key wouldn't fit if Steve had it now.