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Re: The Abacus' Theories

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 05:08
by The Abacus
Most of that theory was copied and pasted from the discussion in the Submachine Wiki thread. I guess I can be unclear sometimes... XD

The word "architect" can be used as a metaphor for the creator because of this:

architect :arrow: designer :arrow: creator

I'm sure Mateusz can tell you that...

Re: The Abacus' Theories

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 23:10
by Rooster5man
So then what's the point of your Theory...? That's exactly what the note told us.

Re: The Abacus' Theories

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 00:11
by The Abacus
The theory is saying that the word "architects" is a metaphor for whoever/whatever (if it is an A.I.) created the subnet and that he/she/them/it also created the plan.

Re: The Abacus' Theories

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 00:14
by Rooster5man
So then let's drop the word "metaphor"...XD It's throwing me off.

I think a better word would be "analogy," or we could simply say "Architect = Creator."

The path I thought you were going was there is no actual "creator," the SubNet and the Plan were spontaneously created, which is why I kept referencing Big Bang/Creationism.

Re: The Abacus' Theories

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 00:23
by The Abacus
Okay I'll edited and add a primary goal like I did with my portal mechanics theory

Re: The Abacus' Theories

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 00:51
by Rooster5man
Sounds good.

Re: The Abacus' Theories

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 02:32
by WorldisQuiet5256
Well, maybe architect may have another thing.

I know I am using something from the Matrix. But the Guy who created it was called the architecture. Now in his talk with neo, The world of the Subnet is called The SubMachine, thus showing it was a creation of man. Now when someone created something like the Submachine as vast as it is, who to say they did not want to create a perfect world. But since this perfect world was even created, it was still flawed due to the fact it was created by a Human, and we are not perfect.

Again, say he doesn't give up and base the world creation on history, in attempt to make it perfect, such as the Lighthouse of Kent, the Winter Palaces, and the Temple. But again, failed due to it wasn't perfect, because it was created by him in the first place.

Now lets take the in the variable of Mur, Liz, and the Other. We have not met them yet in person, so we do not know if they are actually human. If they are not, such as the Oracle in the Matrix, for we know, they where created by the Submachine like a program in the computer. Now, I not saying that what they actually are but something similar to that, in relation to whatever the Submachine is. They probably created choice for the people of earth, or what universe of Earth to accept the world the Submachine is, if they had a choice. Since choice itself is almost what creates and destroy what make a Human perfect yet not.

The people who accepted it are the Teams of scientist the that Mur hired.

Now choice, again is what make us either less perfect or close to it. Choice itself is an anomaly. Maybe that what the Mutation of the Outer Rim is.
Once the great scheme of things was clearly visible through the layers of seven main dimensions.
Right now due to corossion, collapse and spontaneous growth of the outer rim the plan is almost unrecognizable.
We humans deserted the outer rim, and the outer rim responded with deserting us.

Nothing but decay ensues.
The plan is lost.
In the Bold section shows the present of Choice, thus the Outer Rim is an anomaly created out of choosing not to be a part of the Submachine. A anomaly grown into a mutation bases on choice, who to say that anomaly it was base on made a choice as well. Like the Bold area shows.

Now lets go back to the Matrix, define what Neo function was. The Matrix decided to destroy Zion because the Rejection of it was growing to much. But Neo as a part of the Anomaly was to go to the source and choose 23 people hook to the Matrix to set free. Because the Matrix itself would self destruct if it did not have reject as a result of choice. Which its program was made entirely base on. It could not existence, nor live without Choice of it Captive.

I think there may be something similar going on. Not sure on what is Mur, Liz, the Player function is similar to the plot of the Matrix, nor will I confirm or denied because we have yet to see how it ends. But all in all, what happen in the Matrix, something similar is happening in the Submachine.

Re: The Abacus' Theories

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 02:45
by Rooster5man
Mateusz may have gained influence from The Matrix, but I don't believe that much...

Also, I just remembered: Liz's Note in Sub7, the SubNet based after the Garden plans. She mentioned a "They," so there must be actual Architects.

Re: The Abacus' Theories

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 05:28
by WorldisQuiet5256
How could they have possibly known?
How could they mimic the structure of the subnet so accurately within simple garden plans?...
This is completely baffling.
Also, I just remembered: Liz's Note in Sub7, the SubNet based after the Garden plans. She mentioned a "They," so there must be actual Architects
They probably do stuff like this, except it do in the Submachine:

Re: The Abacus' Theories

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 08:19
by The Kakama
The world of the Subnet is called The SubMachine, thus showing it was a creation of man.
Not quite, because:
1.Mateusz said himself that the Submachine is called that because of the popular belief that all machines were underground (or something similar to that).
2.The meaning of machine is something meant to make a certain work easier, but it doesn't tell whether this machine is man made.