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Re: rant board
Posted: 13 Dec 2012 19:35
by dVanDaHorns
As it turns out, my calculus professor, after purposefully engineering the exam in such a way that it was impossible to finish, and nearly impossible to pass, sent out an email this morning, complaining majorly that the exam's average was 45%, with the highest mark being an 87%. (There are seriously people in my class who will consider committing suicide over this. Thanks to that a-hole...) Seriously, if you are going to design an exam so that it's impossible to finish, and extremely difficult to pass, WHY ARE YOU COMPLAINING WHEN NO ONE FINISHED AND WHEN MOST PEOPLE FAILED? (And seriously, how on earth did you expect to input data into a 3x3 matrix, take it's determinant without telling us what it is (as if we remember from when we last used it, over a year ago), and solve in a minute flat? That is perpostrous...not to mention 3 minutes to solve a rather difficult double integral...)
This guy better have his teaching position revoked. I don't care how good his research is, if you cannot design an exam off of the content we learned in class and set it to a reasonable length, then you shouldn't be trying to teach.
It is where the tendons in your wrists are inflamed, causing extreme pain whenever I lift anything over 1 kg or use my hands for anything really. The cure is not using my hands for about two weeks D:
Ouch, man! D: Hope that gets better fast for ya!
Re: rant board
Posted: 13 Dec 2012 20:02
by RuloCore
dVanDaHorns wrote:As it turns out, my calculus professor, after purposefully engineering the exam in such a way that it was impossible to finish, and nearly impossible to pass, sent out an email this morning, complaining majorly that the exam's average was 45%, with the highest mark being an 87%. (There are seriously people in my class who will consider committing suicide over this. Thanks to that a-hole...) Seriously, if you are going to design an exam so that it's impossible to finish, and extremely difficult to pass, WHY ARE YOU COMPLAINING WHEN NO ONE FINISHED AND WHEN MOST PEOPLE FAILED? (And seriously, how on earth did you expect to input data into a 3x3 matrix, take it's determinant without telling us what it is (as if we remember from when we last used it, over a year ago), and solve in a minute flat? That is perpostrous...not to mention 3 minutes to solve a rather difficult double integral...)
This guy better have his teaching position revoked. I don't care how good his research is, if you cannot design an exam off of the content we learned in class and set it to a reasonable length, then you shouldn't be trying to teach.
It is where the tendons in your wrists are inflamed, causing extreme pain whenever I lift anything over 1 kg or use my hands for anything really. The cure is not using my hands for about two weeks D:
Ouch, man! D: Hope that gets better fast for ya!
This is critical while I spend almost 15 minutes to discuss a single system with determinants.
Re: rant board
Posted: 13 Dec 2012 20:31
by dVanDaHorns
This is critical while I spend almost 15 minutes to discuss a single system with determinants.
Thus is why my professor doesn't know what he's doing. I could have probably solved the 3x3 had I been given 15 minutes, but yeah, no way am I going to do it elsewise. It pretty much requires us to be super-human.
Not to mention that the prof mentioned in the email that 'clearly you guys don't know how to solve determinants'. NO! We just knew how to use our time wisely!
I seriously feel like ripping the man's beating heart out, and forcing him to eat it before he dies. And that is saying a lot, since I am nowhere near a violent person, and his in-class teaching style was amazing.
Re: rant board
Posted: 13 Dec 2012 20:45
by Anteroinen
dVanDaHorns wrote:This is critical while I spend almost 15 minutes to discuss a single system with determinants.
Thus is why my professor doesn't know what he's doing. I could have probably solved the 3x3 had I been given 15 minutes, but yeah, no way am I going to do it elsewise. It pretty much requires us to be super-human.
Not to mention that the prof mentioned in the email that 'clearly you guys don't know how to solve determinants'. NO! We just knew how to use our time wisely!
I seriously feel like ripping the man's beating heart out, and forcing him to eat it before he dies. And that is saying a lot, since I am nowhere near a violent person, and his in-class teaching style was amazing.
Seriously? He actually contacts people and generally berates them for their failure he himself brought upon them? I could kind of understand giving loads of hard problems to get worse results (OK I don't) but then acting like you are all stupid? Not saying something like "well this obviously was a bit harder. You should've tried a bit harder though. I know you can." which already would be kind of rude, but to do THAT? I'm feeling a bit outraged.
Re: rant board
Posted: 13 Dec 2012 20:56
by dVanDaHorns
Anteroinen wrote:dVanDaHorns wrote:This is critical while I spend almost 15 minutes to discuss a single system with determinants.
Thus is why my professor doesn't know what he's doing. I could have probably solved the 3x3 had I been given 15 minutes, but yeah, no way am I going to do it elsewise. It pretty much requires us to be super-human.
Not to mention that the prof mentioned in the email that 'clearly you guys don't know how to solve determinants'. NO! We just knew how to use our time wisely!
I seriously feel like ripping the man's beating heart out, and forcing him to eat it before he dies. And that is saying a lot, since I am nowhere near a violent person, and his in-class teaching style was amazing.
Seriously? He actually contacts people and generally berates them for their failure he himself brought upon them? I could kind of understand giving loads of hard problems to get worse results (OK I don't) but then acting like you are all stupid? Not saying something like "well this obviously was a bit harder. You should've tried a bit harder though. I know you can." which already would be kind of rude, but to do THAT? I'm feeling a bit outraged.
Indeed. The class reps right now are undergoing the formal university policies to challenge the exam, for the whole class. And we may or may not get him fired, depending on how relieved or enraged we feel afterwards.
Re: rant board
Posted: 13 Dec 2012 21:59
by Vurn
I find it annoying how everybody knows "the world ends according to the Mayan calendar" even though they don't know the story behind it. In Mayan mythology, long story short, every fuckload of years the world is being destroyed in some kinda awesome way, like floods (which supposedly killed the giants that roamed the earth and turned them into fish). Then a few people survive (usually a woman and a man) and they repopulate the new world - because there's a new world being created. Like an endless cycle of creating and destroying worlds. Also according to that religion, if people stop making human sacrifices every day, the sun would just stop there in the sky. So yeah, that's totaaaaally true. There.
Re: rant board
Posted: 14 Dec 2012 08:52
by The Kakama
Hey,let's make dec 21 We (people with common sense) Told You So Day,if doomsayers aren't feeling derpy already.
Re: rant board
Posted: 14 Dec 2012 10:35
by Anteroinen
Vurn wrote:I find it annoying how everybody knows "the world ends according to the Mayan calendar" even though they don't know the story behind it. In Mayan mythology, long story short, every fuckload of years the world is being destroyed in some kinda awesome way, like floods (which supposedly killed the giants that roamed the earth and turned them into fish). Then a few people survive (usually a woman and a man) and they repopulate the new world - because there's a new world being created. Like an endless cycle of creating and destroying worlds. Also according to that religion, if people stop making human sacrifices every day, the sun would just stop there in the sky. So yeah, that's totaaaaally true. There.
Yeah there would be another world after that anyway.
Re: rant board
Posted: 14 Dec 2012 18:18
by oilage
The Kakama wrote:Hey,let's make dec 21 We (people with common sense) Told You So Day,if doomsayers aren't feeling derpy already.
lol, that would be awesome!
Re: rant board
Posted: 14 Dec 2012 18:34
by gil2455526
Mouse is acting up. Damn. annoying