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Re: Drawings

Posted: 22 Mar 2013 21:32
by Boingo
I attempted to draw a two layer pic, ink, scan and colour.
White patches, and I got tired on the background.
Otherwise, I'm reasonably happy with it.
Prize for who guesses he is!

Re: Drawings

Posted: 22 Mar 2013 21:35
by borys610
Robin hood?
Mateusz "Awesome" Skutnik?

Re: Drawings

Posted: 22 Mar 2013 21:54
by Sublevel 114

Re: Drawings

Posted: 22 Mar 2013 22:28
by borys610
Player from Morbid?

Re: Drawings

Posted: 22 Mar 2013 23:29
by Rooster5man
They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard!

I'd say Frodo or something :P

Anyway, Abacus: Who was Sketch 1 of? (the man?) And where did you find that "existence/seed" quote?

Critique of Kakama: I'll make the stupid critique of saying you didn't fully erase the lines on tops of some of the buildings, unless that was intentional (to show there are buildings behind them.) Otherwise, that motorcycle is amazing!

Re: Drawings

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 00:36
by Boingo
And the prize goes'm not sure actually.:)

Re: Drawings

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 00:59
by WorldisQuiet5256
It feel to me some stranger walking up to me and is asking me to accept him as an apprentice. Him kneeling give me that feeling. But I don't think its the hobbit, there no indication other than the common mid evil clothing and back round.

Re: Drawings

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 01:02
by The Abacus
Prize for who guesses he is!
One of the characters from terminal :razz:
Who was Sketch 1 of? (the man?)
No one in particular that started off as something complete different. I didn't turn out well, but then I was like "Look, it's a head!" and went from there.
And where did you find that "existence/seed" quote?
I made it up (I had trouble coming up with one that fit that picture, so that was the best I could do)

Re: Drawings

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 01:12
by Rooster5man
Boingo wrote:And the prize goes'm not sure actually.:)
Critique: Base it after someone in Pop Culture so I can get my prize of an Internet Cookie >.>

Real Critique: It seems a little blurry and you can tell the lines don't exactly blend in with the scenery :P (they're too dark) But as a rough sketch, it's great.
But I don't think its the hobbit, there no indication other than the common mid evil clothing and back round.
You never know :P
No one in particular that started off as something complete different. I didn't turn out well, but then I was like "Look, it's a head!" and went from there.
LOL nice! I thought it was a reference to something, I had no idea :P
I made it up (I had trouble coming up with one that fit that picture, so that was the best I could do)
It's great though! Reminded me a little of Watchmen, but I wasn't sure, lol.

Re: Drawings

Posted: 23 Mar 2013 01:16
by WorldisQuiet5256
What picture are you guys talking about, can't find it.