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Re: A story on paper:60

Posted: 10 May 2013 15:06
by The Kakama
(Processing commands (Sorry if I'm taking longer than usual, but I'm a bit busy with exams and I have to get used to drawing something other than nice square rooms again.))

Re: A story on paper:60

Posted: 10 May 2013 22:38
by Boingo

Re: A story on paper:60

Posted: 11 May 2013 05:33
by The Kakama
Do we have to crawl out or something? Unless I'm mistaken, it only looks like there's room for someone the size of Snarr.
No, that was just a wide angle view.
I presume that this is as high as the elevator goes, so I guess we should advance.
You all walk out of the elevator:
Snarr: Where do we go now?
Slytz: The hangar is in the opening on the other side, so we should start moving.
The four of you enter the hangar:

Re: A story on paper:60

Posted: 12 May 2013 23:05
by Rooster5man
Inspect the machinery in front of us.

Re: A story on paper:60

Posted: 13 May 2013 05:10
by Boingo
In fact, split up-snarr and slytz in one group, they go left and the others go right.

Re: A story on paper:60

Posted: 14 May 2013 12:27
by The Abacus
I don't know why, but the images aren't loading, nor are any other images from this forum story for that matter. I'm able to see your drawings perfectly on the drawings thread, but I can't see any of them here.

Re: A story on paper:60

Posted: 14 May 2013 13:02
by The Kakama
I don't know why, but the images aren't loading, nor are any other images from this forum story for that matter. I'm able to see your drawings perfectly on the drawings thread, but I can't see any of them here.
That's strange, they seem fine to me.
Anyone else getting this problem, and any way to fix it?

Re: A story on paper:60

Posted: 14 May 2013 13:20
by The Abacus
Odd, now I can see the first and second image, but not the third. I've checking back to see if it was working over the past few days, but not a single fully loaded image till now.

Re: A story on paper:60

Posted: 14 May 2013 13:22
by The Kakama
Then I guess you should just wait and see.

Re: A story on paper:60

Posted: 14 May 2013 13:44
by The Abacus
And now they're gone again... why?