And again I had awesome super long dream today! And at the same time it was very... well, I don't know...
In one of part of this dream I knew that I am in dream (I understood it when I looked from my room window at outside, and saw that world was bordered in half, and I can see my street in first part, but in second part I saw Moscow Kremlin!), and I didn't want to awake from this dream. Fact: EVERY TIME, when I don't want to awake... I awake. I don't know why, but dream doesn't want to listen me!!! But this time, I didn't awake! I was standing at window for a lot of minutes, looking at outside and thinking about only one thought: Will I awake in next second?.. But I didn't!
Besides, in this dream I felt normal human feelings VERY highly, as if I am in real life. For example: I looked from the same window, and when I pointed my eyes at the sun, I felt the same reaction, when I do the same in real life. Also, during my dream, in some moments, I felt PAIN, and many others things...
wow, that was awesome and a bit of creepy at the same time.
Had a dream that I played Daymare Town 4 somehow, it was really good.
It starts in a little road between fields and a river. After a few houses, things go really weird for a while, and I can't remember much except I got really frustrated because you had to run a load of errands like delivering letters or cleaning gutters.
Somehow, you get up in a airplane, and we about to escape Daymare Town. Suddenly, the player falls out, and really sad piano music plays as the player is shown falling from the plane.
We land in a swimming pool of some sort, next to a big empty warehouse. This is the end off the game, and as we see the character climbing out of the pool, a really cool song plays.
It was a lot like 'Extreme ways - Moby' like at the end of the Bourne films, but was singing about Day-Maker or something. It was an awesome song XD
I usually don't remember my dreams but when I do, they are always bizarre!
The ones that I do remember are nightmares, or at least what most people would consider nightmares. I actually like having nightmares; It's like a horror movie in your head! XD (the only nightmares i don't like are the ones that involve family members dying or being attacked.)
Most of my nightmares usually consist of dismembered bodies or tornadoes. (kinda funny considering I've never seen a dead body or a tornado in my life. lol)
I usually don't remember my dreams but when I do, they are always bizarre!
And it totally happened today. Post-apocalyptic world, a poor city, some kind of hidden school in a seemingly abandoned building and black market. That's what I dreamt about yesterday. I don't want to forget, it was just too awesome.
Well... Today I was sleeping for 14 hours. (Because I wasn't sleeping for 48 hours before). And I had some kind of Dream Marathon, lol. :D
The most important thing: I remember every second of that biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig dream! And I am writing it in my Dream Book right now.
And, of course, my favourite thing was part about Submachine. XD Where Mateusz released final version of Submachine Network Exploration Experience.