This was my secret plan Vortex!
The Way To 10000
Vortex's Bedroom
Vortex: zzz...
*Suddenly Sublevel appears with a horn and uses it to wake up Vortex*
Vortex: What the Hell?
Sublevel: Vortex, you have passed the 9000 pastel points, now you're heading to 10000, and you're not yet prepare to be a 10000 guy like me, so I decided to teach you, I'm going to give you a lesson!
Vortex: A lesson? Like some quiz or what?
Sublevel: A series of challengening tests, and puzzles, and pain, and blood...
Vortex: What the hell? No...
Sublevel: Okay, but then you won't be able to pass over the 9999 pastel points...
Vortex: I'm not even close to that...
Sublevel: What do you mean, you're almost there, and you still don't behave as such...
Vortex: Exactly what kind of test are these?
45 Minutes Later
Sublevel: This is test #1. I'm going to create 32 clones of myself asing machine created by RoentgenDevice, then Redafro will erase the part of their memories about changes to the Subnet, then I'm going to remember them, and you will be among them when this happens, are you ready?
Vortex: WHAT!?
Sublevel: Lets start! *Sublevel creates 32 copies of himself and throws them around Vortex* Now Redafro, erase the part of their memories about Subnet changes!
Redafro: I'm right on that! *Redafro erases bunnies memories*
Sublevel: Listen Bunnies, Subnet changed, Lighthouse Dungeons are no longer red!
Vortex: I don't like how this is going...
*All Sublevel clones explode and Vortex is engulfed by the explosions*
Vortex: Aw man... DX
Sublevel: Test #1 complete, lest go to test #2
1 hour, 25 seconds later
Sublevel: In test #2 you will have to defeat your fears!
Vortex: Do you know exactly my fears?
Sublevel: Of course! Submachine!
Vortex: Submachine? But Submachine doesn't causes me fear...
Sublevel: It should, in this test you will learn to be afraid of it, and by that, you must make blood sacrifice to it!
Vortex: Sublevel, you seem like you're teaching how to be like you, I'm not like you...
Sublevel: Not like me! Like someone with over 10000 Pastel Points.
Vortex: Before the scoreboard was reseted, there used to be AK, Theta, Death Road, Chaos and Raxas, I don't believe they had to pass all over this.
Sublevel: Different scoreboard, different rules, I am the first who achieved the Murtaugh's Hunter in this scoreboard, and now I decide whatever reaches this point does, now do blood sacrifice!
Vortex: Why do you espect me to hurt myself, you're a bad friend!
Sublevel: For now on, I'm your master, not your friend!
Sublevel: Yes, cry for the Submachine, tear are sweet for it! Submachine is pleased by your tears that it no longer wants your blood, you passed this test, now to test #3.
In Observation Room of the chamber
Death Road: I'm a bit confused, does Submachine take sacrifices?
Chaos: Oh man I have no idea if it really does.
Raxas: So why do you took us here AK?
AK: Sublevel told me, I see he armed a screwed up thing there.
Theta: I don't like how bad looks Vortex...
AK: Of course, we have to stop for good, we can't leet that crazy bunny dirt the name of people who in their story got over 10000 Pastel Points...
Raxas: I seen Sublevel eating some glowing mushroom, maybe thats why he is so crazy and that...
Theta: Seems likely to me.
Death Road: It looks rather confermed.
Chaos: Confirmed Indeed!
AK: Confirmed it is. :3 Now lets save Vortex...
2 hours later
Sublevel: This is test #3, you have to scream "SUBMACHINE" all loud, until you get diarrhea!
Vortex: I don't think my vocal chords can support that as yours...
Sublevel: DO IT! NOW! NOW!! NOW!!!
Vortex: *Takes breath in*
AK: Vortex NO!
Vortex: *Takes breath out* Ow... Thanks... What?
Chaos: You don't have to do this, there's no special training for reaching the 10000 points...
Vortex: Seriously? So all this was a fake?
Theta: Sublevel thinks someone with your behaviour can't have 10000 points, so Sublevel wanted to convert you in a exact copy of him.
Raxas: I got a copy of his archieves, following test including stuff like "wishing to become Subgod", to "Turning into a bunny"...
Vortex: Sublevel, why did you did this?
Sublevel: I think Pastel Lands deserves a better leading figure. Some who gives fear rather than too much "XD"s...
Vortex: But its only a scoreboard man, I'm an overseer, you're only at least an elite, and you had been only for 4 months so long, I have been for years...
Death Road: Chaos, send him to prison!
Chaos: Here we go again...
Vortex: What the fuck? it was all a dream?
Sublevel: Congratulations Vortex, you passed the test flawlessly!
Vortex: What the fuck?
Sublevel: AK didn't let me doing them physicaly, so I told Redafro I could give you these test via subconcious!
Redafro: Hi Vortex!
Vortex: Oh good, at least nothing bad happened to me.
Vortex: why do you both look at my with that faces, what happened to... Oh Subgod, MY BED!!!