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Re: Happy board

Posted: 18 Jul 2014 10:26
by The Kakama
Enjoy your holidays. :)

Re: Happy board

Posted: 18 Jul 2014 16:54
Oh, thanks you all guys! :)

Re: Happy board

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 21:45
by Sublevel 114
earned 140$ for one day, yay!!!

Re: Happy board

Posted: 20 Jul 2014 06:43
by The Kakama
Cool. :)

Re: Happy board

Posted: 20 Jul 2014 18:48
by WorldisQuiet5256
So there this old house next door to my mother place, and the person who owns it does not live in it. The only reason they have it cause they think its profitable land ownership. But there always been some plant overgrowth that my mother can get an allergic reaction from. We even know for a fact there are Raccoons living in that house.

But recently...someone came and clean out the over growth in not just the front yard, but the back yard as well.
That is another impossible task done in a flash. It may not seem like it to you guys, but none of you had to live with it next door to your house for most of your life.

Front Yard.

Front yard, where you can see our front yard. That is a rarity in itself.

The only path in the whole property that leads to the back yard.

So there is a door to the inside of the house. First time for everything I guess.

The back yard does actually look beautiful. I thought that the patio was a small pond from the view from my kitchen back door.

The right hand corner of the Back yard. You can see the corner of the patio as well.

And there a back door as well. First time for everything....again.

Here the view from my kitchen back door. You can see why I thought the Patio in that back yard was a small pond.

Zoom in for blurry details.

Re: Happy board

Posted: 21 Jul 2014 12:00
by Anteroinen
I have prepared rhubarb jam, from rhubarb. Today I will make pancakes and try it out. :lol:

Re: Happy board

Posted: 22 Jul 2014 06:44
by Boingo
Well, after years of asking I have finally started learning the flute.
And I appear to have grasped the embouchure to an extent :D
And my piano is improving a lot.

Science Fair tomorrow. Think little green men XD

Re: Happy board

Posted: 22 Jul 2014 14:08
by The Kakama
Eid Ul Fitr holidays on Monday so I get a four day weekend. ;)

Re: Happy board

Posted: 23 Jul 2014 02:38
I'm back from the coast.

Hi again everyone! :)

Re: Happy board

Posted: 23 Jul 2014 05:31
by Boingo
How was your trip?