RoentgenDevice wrote:Guys, I just tried to visit the ThumpMonks Website and it has expired... let's hope they just forgot to pay server costs or something... :?
So, the "hype" about new Submachines is pretty much their only chance to sell something? And after that, they just act as if there were no ThumpMonks... Whoa. Weird.
My "mindblowing Plot-twist radar" is exploding right now. I bet every site on the internet is powered by SubEnergy. They can only exist as long as there are Submachine games. This means, before the rise of Sub1, Internet was just a big simulation!! What a twist!
OnyxIonVortex wrote:okay then... I don't understand Thunder either XD
It's because it was a seagull
A *seagull*
But cats meow, not seagulls
And yet it was there
My mind is still blown
"...But I shall forgive you. There are some things in life that cannot be achieved." ~Wise man NOT CHANGING THIS SIG UNTIL SUBMACHINE: THE FARMCOMES OUT, which is never :/