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Re: Dreams
Posted: 17 May 2013 20:04
by Rooster5man
I had some dream I saw behind the scenes of some Iron Man movie, I was working with Robert Downey Jr...I think he may have finally gotten to me because he's invaded the internet XD
Re: Dreams
Posted: 17 May 2013 22:46
by Boingo
Re: Dreams
Posted: 18 May 2013 06:35
by WorldisQuiet5256
I had a nightmare during the morning sleep.
It was at the end, I was at my Father's place in South Bend, but the location was different because it was right next's to the St. Joseph River.
I was relaxing on some patio on the second floor near my bedroom, when some students from Ross Beatty were on a boat, and their field trip just ended.
They needed to get off the boat and onto the bus, and the driver of the boat decided without my consent to park the boat at my private peer, and unload the kids off there.
They had to go through my house to get to the bus in the street. They left the house in a mess.
I had it and grab my coat to go to give the driver of the boat a piece of my mind for doing that without my permission.
Now when I get outside the river is gone and there is a highway built in front of where the side of my father house where the river should be.
I knew that Ross Beatty was trying to make a cheap buck and let the city commission build a highway next to my house, and they didn't even own my property.
The reason why this was a nightmare in particular is that because of my autism, I got a room in the school that was given to me so I had a quiet place in the building.
Sometimes teachers would send their students down into my room, where they don't belong, without my acceptances. It would drive me nuts when they were invading my Sanctuary in that hellhole.
I had just had my last day at Ross Beatty this weeks Monday. I even flip off the building when my Mother Drove the van away.
It was like the school would not leave me.
Even when I was gone from it.
Re: Dreams
Posted: 18 May 2013 14:32
by Vurn
So today I had a dream that started with my parents and me parking just outside of
The Presidential Palace in Warsaw. It was long after sunset. In one of the windows of the palace (which looked significantly different than in real life) a bishop was standing, in all the fucnky purple and black robes. And you just knew it was a bishop. So I was like, okay, cool, a bishop, whoopity doo. But when I lifted my hand to scratch my face, the bishop thought I was waving to him so he waved back and then retreated deeper into the palace. Or did I actually want to wave to him? Weird.
So then my mum and me entered the palace, which now was a hospital. There was a female receptionist which made it harder for us to enter because of like paperwork and stuff (stuff included this weird giant machine with buttons). Then, the reception gradually shifted to my grandma's kitchen, and the receptionist into a dying patient we were suddenly trying to rescue. I fed her bananas, which she ate voraciously, spitting out these, like, skin parts of the fruit. We also used these syringes with (apparently) liquid iron in them, which supposedly worked as an aesthetic. Then some doctor dude told us he needed these syringes for other patients, so he took them. I only had some of that dark red iron hanging on my left index finger. So then my mum was all like, 'this is like a Dr. House episode'. I agreed, and added that 'it's not that bad though' [meaning working as a doctor isn't all that bad, somehow]. And then my mum said something along the lines of 'yeah, but when you trip, you fall without return'. Even though it's pretty much nonsense, in the dream I understood it as that when you are a doctor and your patient dies, it's all over, you're fired and your career's done for and shit. Lol.
Re: Dreams
Posted: 18 May 2013 22:50
by Rooster5man
It's never Lupus though
Dr. House meets...The Pope? XD
Re: Dreams
Posted: 19 May 2013 17:47
by Sublevel 114
And again: do you believe in prophetic dreams?..
Today I was walking on unfamiliar district, where I was first time. And when I saw simple city's yard, I SUDDENLY remembered that I saw this yard recently. IN DREAM. O_O
I can't believe in that...
Re: Dreams
Posted: 19 May 2013 17:51
by Vortex
It happened to me two days ago. When I entered a new library in my city for the first time, I realized I had seen it before in my dream (it was a dream of my school, it was identical to the real school in the outside but in the inside it looked like the library o_o ).
Re: Dreams
Posted: 19 May 2013 20:54
by Boingo
Deja vu!
Re: Dreams
Posted: 20 May 2013 01:30
by The Abacus
I had a dream last night – part of it was in Layer 5
Speaking of deja vu I never could elude a sense of familiarity of the place...
Re: Dreams
Posted: 20 May 2013 08:20
by The Kakama
I had a dream where I was preparing to go to school for a Bahasa Malaysia test (even though I've already sat for it 2 weeks ago). I was about to go to school when I wanted to look for some composition to bring to the exam. When I told my 'bro in the dream, and he asked me why, I said it was because the test is an open book exam. Then I saw it was missing, and searched for it in 4 different places, then found it in another place. Then, I brought it downstairs to read it, and all I saw on the paper was some badly photocopied words, so I quickly went back up and found it under a black pair of headphones with a telephone cord attached to it. As I walked out of the house, I noticed a black mp3 player stuck to the door, even though I don't own one. I was walking down the street to the main road when I realized I'm supposed to have Biology test, and the absurdity of the whole series of events hit me. So, knowing I was dreaming, I walked back to the house and used the headphones on my laptop to make a earworm from a song. Then I went to collect the black mp3 player, telling myself that this is just a dream. Alas, I somehow slipped up, and I don't remember the rest of the dream after it stopped being lucid.