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Re: Do you belive in 21.12.2012?
Posted: 16 Dec 2012 20:48
by Anteroinen
The Kakama wrote:Really?Which verses said those events happened/will happen on a friday?
It is a whole field of theology to calculate when these things happen. From various timescales given you CAN determine the date of the year when Creation supposedly happened. You can keep doing that throughout the Bible, because Israelites sure loved their begats

Re: Do you belive in 21.12.2012?
Posted: 16 Dec 2012 21:38
by Berty
And we don't even understand what the purpose was of the Mayan calendar "ending" on that day anyway
I like to think of it as one of the first attempts at trolling.
Those guys must have thought about what people would think when it was getting near the end of the calendar, so they intentionally kept the dates going until some arbitrary date (21/12/2012) just to trick the people of that time into worrying. =P
That or it was a case of the guy writing out the dates just got bored, went to the leader and said "Look, let's be honest here, I've written out the dates up to XYZ and I really don't think we, as a community of people, are going to last that long. If you look at our history we've just been going around clubbing each other over the head or strapping each other to stones and inserting sharp metal things in them... We're not going to make it this long. Can I stop writing these out now?"
Leader: "I suppose you're right. Yeh, why not."
Those are my best guesses.
Re: Do you belive in 21.12.2012?
Posted: 17 Dec 2012 05:02
by The Kakama
Kind of like how Nostradamus wrote in his book,"my predictions are valid until XYZ"and some think that meant the world would end on that date,when it's just an expiry date of his predictions.
Re: Do you belive in 21.12.2012?
Posted: 17 Dec 2012 06:10
by Isobel The Sorceress
Those guys must have thought about what people would think when it was getting near the end of the calendar, so they intentionally kept the dates going until some arbitrary date (21/12/2012) just to trick the people of that time into worrying. =P
But 21/12/2012 is a date in a Christian calendar system. Mayans didn't know who the heck Christ was, or that he even existed, or that they'd start counting time after he was born. They didn't choose that date to mess with people, it's just a pure coincidence.
Re: Do you belive in 21.12.2012?
Posted: 17 Dec 2012 06:19
by The Kakama
Someone superimposed both calendars and '12 was what they came up with
Re: Do you belive in 21.12.2012?
Posted: 17 Dec 2012 06:48
by Anteroinen
Berty wrote:And we don't even understand what the purpose was of the Mayan calendar "ending" on that day anyway
I like to think of it as one of the first attempts at trolling.
Those guys must have thought about what people would think when it was getting near the end of the calendar, so they intentionally kept the dates going until some arbitrary date (21/12/2012) just to trick the people of that time into worrying. =P
That or it was a case of the guy writing out the dates just got bored, went to the leader and said "Look, let's be honest here, I've written out the dates up to XYZ and I really don't think we, as a community of people, are going to last that long. If you look at our history we've just been going around clubbing each other over the head or strapping each other to stones and inserting sharp metal things in them... We're not going to make it this long. Can I stop writing these out now?"
Leader: "I suppose you're right. Yeh, why not."
Those are my best guesses.
It isn't like there is some huge calendar written out there that arbitrarily ends, it is unavoidable in their cyclical counting system. This is just the end of a really long ~5000 year baktun cycle that will be completed again around 7100. It is my understanding that the Maya themselves never predicted an apocalypse in 21.12.2012, just a party because it is, like, super new year's eve.
Re: Do you belive in 21.12.2012?
Posted: 17 Dec 2012 06:55
by The Kakama
I'ts obvious if you think about it.Don't ask me how the media blew it up into something bigger.
Re: Do you belive in 21.12.2012?
Posted: 17 Dec 2012 14:14
by RuloCore
Actually it's the end of an era.
Re: Do you belive in 21.12.2012?
Posted: 17 Dec 2012 15:27
by borys610
I don't know if I'm right. But I think that I was reading this legend somewhere, and it was said there, that in the and of this "era" everything will be completely destroyed, and started over again. But nobody will survive this anyway.
Re: Do you belive in 21.12.2012?
Posted: 17 Dec 2012 15:46
by Vurn
Isobel The Sorceress wrote:And we don't even understand what the purpose was of the Mayan calendar "ending" on that day anyway, it could've meant anything, and we automatically assume "apocalypse?" Why?
Because most (modern) western cultures perceive time as a linear phenomenon: it has a beginning and an end. I blame christianity for the doomsday/apocalypse talk.
For some other cultures time is cyclic, never-ending. Everything just starts over again.
Well, actually Mayans perceived the world as a cycle of worlds being destroyed and created all over again. So yes, it was cyclic, but there still was sort of an apocalypse (every 4 thousand + a few years).