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Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2

Posted: 24 Jan 2014 06:35
by - ak -
  • Ener should remember all those colorful wires on the right wall and go over to them

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2

Posted: 24 Jan 2014 06:37
by - ak -
  • Ener should remember all those colorful wires on the right wall and go over to them

Ener remembered the wires that he felt shouldn't been there in first place for some reason yet to be explained. He waded toward the wires and...




Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2

Posted: 24 Jan 2014 06:38
by - ak -
  • COMMAND ENER: twist the blue wire AROUND the red in order to create an inductive shunt, then atatch the green wire to the nearest metal object using your welder as a soldering iron. (this should ground the chamber and SAFLEY reroute the power without tripping any phase detectors)
  • Ener got Gordon Freeman'd.

    COMMAND: ENER: Pick up the pipe off the floor and weld it back into place (fixing the broken pipe with all the spewing blue magic fairy dust)
  • Command: Ignore the pain.

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2

Posted: 24 Jan 2014 06:41
by - ak -
  • Command: Ignore the pain.

Grawr! Ener recoiled back a bit in hot pain searing through his leg. Fortunately, Ener with his BEASTLY VIGOR have pretty high tolerance for pain and recovered easily.


Ener quickly ignores the pain and wades toward the WIRES.

  • COMMAND ENER: twist the blue wire AROUND the red in order to create an inductive shunt, then atatch the green wire to the nearest metal object using your welder as a soldering iron. (this should ground the chamber and SAFLEY reroute the power without tripping any phase detectors)

Do you really think Ener can understands this kind of science shit and fec and whatever you're referring to?
There's no way in heck that...

Wait a minute!





Aww forget it. He's smarter than I thought.

What's next?

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2

Posted: 24 Jan 2014 06:52
by - ak -
  • COMMAND: ENER: Look around.

    • Ener got Gordon Freeman'd.

  • I have no idea whut to do now ._.

He stubbed his toe on the crowbar (I think >_>).

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2

Posted: 24 Jan 2014 06:54
by - ak -
  • COMMAND: ENER: Look around.

After wading through the water for quite a while, exploring every nooks and crannies as LIGHTER could allows, he begin to piece together from his experiences and memories of what this LOWER FLOOR looks like.


  • He stubbed his toe on the crowbar (I think >_>).

From his memories, Ener seems to think so.

Good thing Maddox didn't see him kick his toes and igniting the OUCH PARTY! That tail-less being would never let him live this down if he does ._.

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2

Posted: 25 Jan 2014 01:28
by - ak -
  • COMMAND: ENER: Take the crowbar.
  • Does ENER have the screwdriver?

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2

Posted: 25 Jan 2014 01:29
by - ak -
  • COMMAND: ENER: Take the crowbar.

Ener wades to the spot where he stubbed his poor toes before and reached into the water.



Ener acquired... a CROWBAR! One can feels like an ultimate bad-ass of all bad-asses with this baby :3

  • Does ENER have the screwdriver?


Maddox has the SCREWDRIVER as Ener took a look at the INVENTORY.


Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2

Posted: 25 Jan 2014 01:32
by - ak -
  • Wait.. if ener hasn't got a screwdriver, what's that yellow thing with metal thing?

    (second from the right, upper part of inventory)
( ak + soulllock )
  • Wait.. if ener hasn't got a screwdriver, what's that yellow thing with metal thing?
(second from the right, upper part of inventory)

That's a SCREWDRIVER. If you look carefully enough, it in MADDOX's possession, which is clearly labeled under the color-coded boxes :P
  • COMMAND: ENER: Use CROWBAR to open the PANELS. In other words, WRECK HAVOC!
  • @Ant: If I am not mistaken, your sig says: "Cats have lovely art of Release".
Command: Get the screwdriver from Madox, then do what Anteroinen said.
  • "Cats have lovely art of Release".

Google translator says(find language to Polish):

    "い の cute technika ucieczki kota"

    which is.. "い の cute technique of escape of a cat"

Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 2

Posted: 25 Jan 2014 01:36
by - ak -
  • COMMAND: ENER: Use CROWBAR to open the PANELS. In other words, WRECK HAVOC!

On paper, the idea sounds good.
However, Ener is holding a functional LIGHTER in his paw. Using the CROWBAR with one hand would be futile at best as he's limited to holding larger object with two paws, thanks to his species' line of evolution. Even if Ener can hold the LIGHTER in his maw, it still kinda difficult to see in the dark without good control over the LIGHTER and CROWBAR at the same time. Worst, he could drop the LIGHTER in water and cause it to sort out, making it totally useless.

Ener realized the fact that he couldn't handle TWO ITEMS at the same time very well...


Command: Get the screwdriver from Madox, then do what Anteroinen said.

Doing what previous command said would contradict what the current command say since Ener would have a hard time seeing in this darkness. At best, Ener can only get the SCREWDRIVER and start from there.


Maddox! Can I have a SCREWDRIVER?


Can I have my LIGHTER + WELDER back? I been standing on this LADDER for gosh darn too long. I can't see well in this darkness to do anything.
