WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:Truth be told, there got to be something on the other side. We humans are too complexs, too beaityful, too great to just die out like a ordinarry object,
What is complex to you? How do you define it? Is it quantitative? Is there a limit on how complex something must be in order to merit an afterlife?
Because to me, complexity is a relative human construct. A concept we created so we could compare the relative difficulty that comes with comprehending certain things- on an individual basis. For instance, some of my friends here at my college campus thing derivatives were kinda easy. I do not think derivatives are easy and I feel a little bit worse about myself every time they say that. There is no set quantity on how complex derivatives are in calculus, because it's relative. Heck, the same applies to beauty. Just switch the words out and read the last bit again.
As far as we know, the Universe doesn't conform to human concepts. It operates on principles that don't usually make sense or come to us with anything resembling relative ease, and is quite counter-intuitive (see: wave-particle duality). The only way the Universe could operate in accordance to human constructs such as complexity or beauty is to imply that the Universe thinks, and therefore, invoking God.
Anteroinen wrote:Basically what should be done, although I don't really think non-hunting civilians have legitimate reasons to have guns.
I think one of my biggest problems with the legislation being passed about the American legal system right now is that- not only does it not at all relate to the slowly deteriorating educational and mental health care in America, but also because they never seem to consider (at least not from what I've heard), that whether or not you think the average citizen should be allowed to own a gun, the guns are already out there and circulating. Even if legislation passed, completely repealing the second amendment and the recall of weapons started, there would still be guns out there. Worst of all, a recall would have the least effect on outlaws, removing the arms from law-abiding citizens and leaving criminals untouched.
That's not even considering the fact that some elected (arguably so if you want to get into some real deep-shit political debate here) officials
simply do not understand what a gun even is. I suppose, however, that I digress. This is more related to the legislation regarding gun control, and not the actual concept itself.
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:But I would still want the Creator rather than the Creation any day.
As someone who is just entering adulthood and tasting it's freedoms and responsibilities for the first time, I can attest that the Universe does not give a rat's anus what you want. You have to take whatever it is you can, and discipline yourself not to be frustrated when you are denied.